Despise To Love You-
"Love conquers all...or does it?"
Enter the enigmatic world of Xavier Cavanaugh, a renowned film director haunted by a troubled past and fueled by a relentless quest for revenge. Love and romance are distant notions, buried deep within his hardened heart. However, everything changes when Midnight Hazelwood, an enchanting model and actress, catches his eye. At first, he feigns disdain for her, determined to keep his emotions at bay. Yet, a flicker of intense attraction ignites within him when he witnesses her watching him with adoration. Despite his best effort to resist, fate intervenes, orchestrating a series of events that draw them closer together. As their undeniable connection intensifies, Xavier and Midnight find themselves entangled in a passionate affair they can no longer deny. But between them stands, a number of secrets, buried past stories, especially when both the both of them are hiding something.
This story has a lot of potential once you give this book a chance. 😊❤️
Omg srsly this was so unexpected I've never expected plot and characters sketch to be this way... I'm just blown out by sophistication and how gorgeous this was.. can't wait to read next part 🤪🤝💋💅😆🥰