Creating Magic - (Storm's Point of View)

"I can't believe we forgot to ask if you have all the ingredients you need," Makai calls after me.

"It's a basic potion so yeah, I do. I can conjure what we don't have from the pack grounds if necessary," I tell him, watching as he and Dion sit on our 3-seater couch to talk.

"I didn't know he had a brother-- let alone a twin," Callum comments, watching the twins laugh at something Dion said.

"It's a long story," I sigh.

"Guys? We don't have much time. You need to start working on that antidote," Quinn admonishes, bringing our attention back to the issue at hand.

I check Callum subtly, satisfied when I note that he still looks good. I wouldn't suspect anything was amiss if I didn't know about the bite mark hidden under his bandage.