Chapter Twelve

I was trying to get myself to the surface of the water but something kept pulling me deeper into water. I was seeing mermaids and mermen moving past me. I tried to ask for help from them but they all passed without looking my way. I was also without legs but with tails. I was alarmed. I was also a mermaid.

"How did I become one?" I asked myself

It was getting scarier when I heard a voice call my name.

"Kiani! Kiani!!!"

It was a bit distant but as the force dragged me deeper into the water I could hear the voice.

And the more I got closer the voice got louder and scarier.

But yet I was curious to know who had the voice. I finally got to a beautiful place and the force was gone. I didn't hear the voice anymore. Instead, I saw how beautiful the environment was, it was filled with petals and wild roses.

It had light fishes moving around and as they moved in unison they emanated a beautiful reading light.