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Chapter Thirteen

I was excited that I could make that much for him. He was so happy and I was happy too.

I can't remember the last time someone told me I was special. Mother Pamela, I had missed her so much. I needed to go and see her and know how she was fairing.

When I got home, Laurie and Jean were not home and I was thankful for that.

Laurie would have been offended that I didn't listen to her and took my rest and I didn't want her to be angry. But I was going to see mother Pamela today. I'd explain to her why I had to go.

I quickly had the remaining food I had prepared in the morning. After that, I left the house and took the subway to the bus station. I boarded a bus that took me to cattagana.

I got to the orphanage and went straight to look for mama. This was the first time I was visiting since I left the orphanage, everything still looked the same.

The moment mama saw me, she was so happy and excited. She was with ma'am Gina but she left the moment she saw me.