WebNovelHis Siren40.65%

Chapter Fifty Two

We chose the beach for our hangout. It was so much fun having others around. Mar and Jade with some other men played basketball while we the ladies cheered on.

Laurie as usual left us and I was sure she was at some cool spot taking pictures. While i and Mera stayed to cheer then men. They finished playing the game and it was sad that Mar's team lost.

We moved to the karaoke session. And Jade insisted that I go over and sing and then soon Mar was urging me on. And sincerely I had missed all of this.

I had put almost all my life on hold just for my safety and yet I was still not sure about all of it.

"Go Arya! Go Arya!" they cheered and I went up to sing.

The moment I took over the microphone, everywhere was quiet. All eyes where on me.

Everyone was gaping at me like I was some goddess. And then I noticed Jade turning around like he was looking for something, then Mar followed. Then they were out of sight. Leaving Mera behind.