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Chapter Fifty Three

It was a penthouse. Mar's penthouse.

Again the gates closed immediately. Mera stopped the car and came over to help me out of the car.

I was still in uncertain.

"You are protected now, Arya"

Jade and Mar drive into the compound and then he rushed over to my side instantly.

"Did they hurt you?"

"No, they didn't. They chased after us. I was so frightened"

"Logan is getting on my nerves"

"Who is that?" I asked

"Don't bother your head about him, I'll explain it to you later let's go inside"

We all went into the house. It was a lot different from the other house. Mar took me up to the room and laid me in bed.

He left for some minutes and came back with a cold glass of water. Like he was in my mind, my throat was dry from shouting.

"Can you recall there faces a baby"

"Yes.. but the hood they were putting on will make it a little difficult"

"It's okay my love. I want you to know that I'll do anything just to keep you safe"