WebNovelHis Siren73.17%

Chapter Ninety Two

The morning rays shone on my face and I woke up and the first thing I wanted to be sure of was my environment. I wanted to try all I could to forget about Mar. He made it clear that he did not want anything to do with me. I blocked off my thoughts concerning him and stood up from the bed.

As usual, I had to do some cleaning around the house. Jean had already made breakfast and so all I had to do was heat it a bit so it could get hot. I loved hot food. I put some of my dirty clothes into the washing machine and all of a sudden the power went off.

That was weird and so I left to go and check what the problem was. I realized it was put off

"How possible is that?" I thought.

So I walked to the part of the house and the backyard and the backyard but there was no one there. I went back to the switch, turned it on, and then went back into the house to continue using the washing machine. The power went off again, this time I was hundred percent sure someone was doing that.