WebNovelHis Siren75.61%

Chapter Ninety Five

I stood still waiting for Mar to come closer to me, my body was excited at his first touch and his first kiss.

I feel him brush the hair at the nape of my neck to one side, and place his lips just below my hairline. Mar lay a trail of soft kisses up the side of my neck to below my ear.

Quietly, he again whispers my name in my ear, as he slowly draws my tongue along the shell of my ear. I want him so badly that my legs begin to get weak.

I feel the moisture between my legs begin to build.

"Arya," he whispered again, as his hands come up around me from behind to softly caress my jawline as he tilted my head for a kiss.

I open my mouth, willingly taking hai tongue into mine. I feel his tongue press into my mouth, seeking the spot where he will get the most reaction and the deepest need from me.