WebNovelHis Siren76.42%

Chapter Ninety Six


Arya and Jade's conversation made it very clear to me. Arya was the siren all along. I was going to see Mar to ask for some time off.

I heard loud voices of people shouting and when I got closer to the door, I realized it was coming from him and his woman. I heard their voices but I could not hear the words they were saying clearly and I wanted to know what the situation was without them finding out that I was present.

I gently opened the door and unfortunately for me, they did not notice. I could see them now and hear them as well.

"I was wondering if we could talk," she said but I ignored me completely

"Mar, I was hoping we could talk about the past few days," she said again and I got pissed

"There is absolutely nothing to talk about, you deceived me and that is it"

"No Mar. I didn't"

"You are a liar"

"I lost our baby"

"And that's perfect, I'm glad you didn't give birth to a child for me. Very glad"