WebNovelHis Siren77.24%

Chapter Ninety Seven

Dole's Pov

I joined him in the car, the smoke coming from his cigarette almost got me choking.

"You are still a pussy, here take this" Logan handed me the cigarette but I declined. I have never liked smoking for a day. I knew of its dangers and I didn't want to end up in the hospital.

"What do you have for me?" Logan asked

"Mar wants to go on a vacation," I said and that got Logan laughing

"He can't stand me anymore that is why he is running away," he said

"I think so too. I think he is now weak because he has fallen in love"

"Why do you say so?" Logan asked

"The siren" Logan placed his full attention on me

"The siren? Do you know where it is now?"

"Yes I do and I know who it is"

"What do you mean?"

"Arya is the siren and Mar does not want to kill her"

"I told you he was a pussy and is scared of me"

"Go back and monitor his movement and I will tell you what to do next," Logan said and then he gave me some money.