WebNovelHis Siren89.43%

Chapter One hundred and Twelve

Dole Pov

I quickly went home and got some personal stuff. I knew I won't be going home because it would be too risky. It was safer for me at Mar's place. The only problem I had was my mother. Logan could come at any time.

I didn't want to offend Logan and at the same time, I didn't want Logan to hurt Mar. he had shown me how kind and good he was and I didn't take his help for granted.

When I got to the mansion, I rang the doorbell but there was no response. I tried calling him and yet no response and so I tried going in through the kitchen.

That was the only accessible path to the main house that was open.

Mar was lost in a couple of papers on his table. I guessed he was trying to figure out his next move.

He was shocked to see me.

"How did you...?"

"The kitchen door..it was open and I tried the doorbell severally and there was no response"

"Sorry about that I was lost here"

"Trying to find Arya?"

"Not really. I know where she is..."