WebNovelHis Siren88.62%

Chapter One hundred and Eleven

Mar's Pov

I was feeling so defeated and confused. Mera who was there now had a mental breakdown. Leaving just me and Dole. Keith had walked away a long time now and I never trusted him. I had asked Dole to stay around for this period but he was not around and I wondered if he went to.

I got into the house and I just went to the bar to get a drink. I wanted to forget this problem that was hanging above my neck.

Arya was still with Logan and I still had to save her. I took a couple of drinks.

I walked into the pool area and sat by it as I drank. Then I saw her. The old blind woman.

I looked around to see if she was in the company of another person. But she was by herself.

"How did she get here?" I thought

"Don't bother your thoughts young man" she said

"What are you doing here and how did you get here?"

"Too many questions.. too many questions"

"That still doesn't answer me. How did you get here?"