


"I thought you were smart enough to know you can't run away from me". He said now standing right in front of me.

"Why? why are you doing this?". I asked wiping the stupid tears off my face as I forced myself to sit up.

"I don't want to hurt you Sara at least not now, but if you keep doing this, you might end up dying before daybreak".

"Let me guess, steal my soul with your eyes?". I asked avoiding his gaze on me.

"Worse, I'll pluck your teeth out of your gums, gouge your eyes out, skin you alive, hang you by your intestines to a street light, and leave your dead body out in the street, It'd be an ugly sight if you asked me". I shudder as I listened to his crazy ideas.

"I see you've got lots of ideas".

"Trust me everything I mentioned is nothing compared to what I'm capable of".

"Are you just going to threaten me or what?".