


"THE GOD OF DEVILS!!!". His voice thundered, I don't know why or what caused it but I couldn't stop myself from roaring out in laughter.

"Go...god...g...g...god of...ffff...d.devil?". I asked laughing loudly while he just stared at me with confusion written all over his face.

"You are a god and a devil? no, no, a god of devils? like a devil leader or a god to devils?". I asked then burst into another fit of laughter while he just stood there looking like he saw a mad dog.

I fell silent after a while and we both kept staring at eachother, he spoke up after a minute of an intense staring contest.

"You see me as a joke don't you?".

"You crack good jokes, you're like Joker in the batman movie, only without the clown features and you are a little less insane than him, you should feature in the movie rather than doing all this, you'll make quadrillions of billions of dollars, you can make me your manager trust me...".