With his bags packed, Haoyu made his way to the Main Hall to meet his Father and Mother. As he arrived, he was greet by a few other maids, including Mei Qi.
"Have a safe trip Young Master." Mei Qi said.
Without saying a word, Haoyu responded by smiling at her.
As for his parents, they both looked up as he entered the room, and his mother immediately got up to give him a hug.
"Be careful, Haoyu," she said, holding him tightly.
"I will, Mother," Haoyu replied, hugging her back. "I promise to keep in touch and let you know how I'm doing."
His father chimed in, "Are you all packed and ready to go?"
Haoyu nodded, "Yes, Father. I'm ready to depart."
His father looked at him for a moment, "I heard from your mother that you are planning to return to the sect today. Is that true?"
Haoyu nodded again, "Yes, Father. I believe returning to the sect is the best option."