
Haoyu's mind snapped back to the present as he awaited his father's response to his request. He hoped that he could convince his parents to let Mei Qi come with him, but he knew it would not be an easy task.

His father raised an eyebrow, considering his son's request carefully. "Haoyu, you must understand that bringing a maid with you to the sect is not a small matter. It could bring unnecessary attention and complications," he said, his tone serious.

Haoyu nodded in agreement, "I understand, Father. However, I believe that Mei Qi has the potential to become a cultivator, and I want to help her unlock that potential."

His mother spoke up, "But Haoyu, Mei Qi is just a maid. Are you sure about this?"

Haoyu looked at his mother, his voice steady, "I understand that, Mother. But I have observed her closely, and I believe that she has the talent and the drive to become a cultivator."