A Young Boy

The highlight of the time came during the festival. It was already night. The people were now within the lake to offer their wishes for their dreams and future hopes. The breeze was cold, though it never mattered to them.

The people within the place would always put on notes within the lanterns. The letters accompanying it would eventually become their messages for the things they wanted to happen.

The night was calm and peaceful. The people were composed of nobles and commoners. However, in the lake where the wishes would be displayed, no one gets priority. Although the commoners would respect the nobles, some of the nobles would also appreciate the commoners. While the others just don't care

Some nobles believe in the wishes of floating a lantern in the air. However, some wouldn't care about it. Society was greatly divided into opinions. The empire's festivals began a long time ago. It was when a thousand years after the empire was born. The people normally would follow the customary celebration for festivities.

They would offer food, they would sacrifice their time with their families than going to work, and some would eventually give each acquaintance they knew some gifts. The festival was a time for everyone to get their bonds stronger than before. For the commoners, it was already proven as time went by

They would have a great deal for being friends with each other. They can enjoy the freedom and prosperity that the empire brings. They were thankful for the endless support of the emperor for making the empire great beyond doubts

However, hidden from every ordinary people's eyes, the emperor was merely a puppet for the shadow ruler. Some may say that the empire was great because the emperor was doing his job at providing people with their necessities and offering employment, as well as lowering the taxes for the commoners, but the reality was even more frightening. With the unknown future ahead, the people didn't know of the realities that crept behind their naked eyes.

One person can say that the outside view can be a good sign since no one can see dangers. However, beyond that view was more than what the eyes could see. However, there were always reasons why the emperor chose to be that way, and the crown prince, Calus, never knew some of those reasons. He may have a hint, but that hint might be wrong.

The people's faces within the lake were full of smiles and laughter. The peaceful night became livelier with the heartfelt gestures coming from the empire's nation. Some were already making their wishes, and the others had already floated their lanterns in the air while the rest were starting to make their own

"It's quite a beautiful view, isn't it, Ismael?" Arianne asked. They were within the side of the lake. They were doing what normal people do. Ismael was holding the lantern while Arianne was helping him assemble it. As Arianne's eyes got a sight of the lanterns floating in the air, the corners of her lips rose, with her eyes glimmering with uncontrollable happiness.

For a moment, Ismael saw a much more beautiful sight than what the surrounding could offer him. It was all about the lady in front of him. She was happily gazing above. The lights from the lanterns would reflect into her eyes. The cold breeze would gently sway her hair, but Arianne was focused around her that she didn't notice how Ismael was looking at her

As the gentle caresses of the wind touched Arianne's hair, she closed her eyes, with her lips still smiling. She wanted to feel the breeze. It's as if after setting her feet in the place, she thought of a new beginning

That's when she noticed that she wanted to start a new friendship with Ismael.

Little did Arianne know that after doing those gestures, the young boy beside her couldn't avert his eyes from her. He felt as if he had seen a goddess that descended. His heartbeats were unsteady. He felt that it was hot around him all of a sudden. It was supposed to be cold, right? Then why did it turn out to be warm? Ismael thought. He doesn't know why. But after looking at the lady, he began to thin his eyes.

What he was feeling wasn't normal at all. He knew that. Although he wanted to start a new beginning of their friendship, Ismael knew he couldn't. It's not that he doesn't like it, he was just bound by the wrong time and wrong situation when he asked Arianne to the festival to him

It was because it was all of the Duke's plans. That's why Ismael felt a sudden pain in his heart

Then another image went to his mind that made him calm. Right, he's doing this all for Herena. That's why he needed to be successful.

"Hmm, I guess it's truly a beautiful sight, Arianne," Ismael said. The way Ismael said those was enough to caress the lady's heart. His tone of voice was soft and sweet. When Arianne turned her head to look at the young boy, Ismael was smiling at her. Although his smiles never reached his ears, still the little lady was glad to be with Ismael at the current time

"One day, our dreams will finally be true, and I hope that if that day comes, I still want to be by your side as your friend, Ismael," Arianne said. That's when it greatly affected Ismael

Is he doing the right thing? If Herena grows up, would she forgive him? If the day that Arianne was talking about comes, will there be another chance for forgiveness? A lot of questions went within Ismael's thoughts that he couldn't answer. He felt as if he couldn't give any words to the lady

Though, Arianne chuckled. Ismael's current expression to her seemed to be funny. That's why she smiled and laughed at Ismael for a second before adding words to her statements earlier

".....and I won't break that promise ever again, Ismael," Arianne said. She was full of smiles. Then it hit Ismael. He was also smiling. He realized that Arianne had a significant influence on his life. When he felt down earlier, she made his emotions feel at ease, like his sister would always do

For a moment, he thought, what would life be if he wasn't born noble? If Herena wasn't also born as noble? Would he still meet Arianne? Would Herena become a great friend to Arianne? Like earlier, Ismael couldn't avoid questioning such possibilities, which he knew would be impossible in their current situation


On the other hand, Calus was still within the market. He thought earlier that he would bring the baby back to her household, back to the Ferrer house. However, he also thought something.

Since it was a festival, he was also one of the people within the lake. He bought a lantern as he was currently assembling it with the little cub in his arms

Herena was glad that Calus brought her to the sides of the lake. It was the first time she would be there. All her life from her previous one, she was secluded within her household. She wasn't allowed to get out unless it was permitted. Even Ismael couldn't do anything to that rule. Herena was destined to be the future empress. That's why she was always tended to her needs.

However, she grew tired of it all. Now that she got reborn, she would break those rules no matter what. The moment she looked at Calus thoughtfully assembling the pieces of the lantern, she couldn't help but smile and giggle

Perhaps, her plans had significantly changed. Instead of avoiding him, she might just as well become one of his friends. It was like what her brother had done.

Calus heard Herena giggle, and at that moment, he could help but pinch her cheeks

"What's funny little cub? Are you laughing because of my job?" Calus said. His job was to work on the lantern, but that was for the time being. Herena massaged her cheeks but then nodded with a smile

"I'm glad you've become friendlier to me, little cub. I thought you'll forever hate me. It turns out that this festival made us bond together," Calus said. That's when Herena widened her eyes. Her emerald eyes shone with the lantern's light, and Calus couldn't help but giggle from it

He leaned closer to Herena's face and, nonetheless, kissed her forehead for the first time

"Since you've made my day and night full of fun and little surprises, this is my gift for you. Don't forget it when you grow up, little cub. I guess Ismael would certainly hit me if he saw me kissing your cute little face," Calus said. But for Herena, her heart was beating out of her chest. That night, Herena felt hot but at the same time happy that she could be together with Calus, no worries.


On the table beside the baby's cradle, a piece of note lies there

~Thank you for lending me the little cub this day. I owe you one in the future, Ismael.



Morning came, and another beginning went to the empire. Still, the people were full of smiles on their faces. The empire became livelier than ever

Within the imperial household, Calus woke up from his bed. When morning came, he would always cover his windows. He didn't want the sun to penetrate his skin. He felt as if they were hurting him. But then, this time, it was different.

He felt as if he needed the sun's rays to realize that everything that happened yesterday and last night was real. Then when he removed the curtains from his window, he thinned his eyes

He puts his other hand in front of his eyes as he covers them from the wildly rays descending toward him. However, for the first time in his life, he never seemed to be bothered by it. Instead, he appeared as if the corners of his lips rose

"It was such a lovely morning," He whispered as he looked at his hands. They were the ones that held the baby in his arms. She was lightweight as ever, Calus thought.

Then, a knock on his door echoed within the room. Calus had no choice but to answer it

"Come in," he said

An old butler came. He was reverently bowing toward the crown prince. Everyone who might see can realize how the crown prince was powerful. However, it wasn't the case. Even if the servants abode the rules within the imperial household, the truth was they were the ears and eyes of the Duke. The Imperial household members' actions would be significantly reported. That's when Calus knew

He had been gone yesterday, and last night, the servants knew. But they were acting like it never happened.

"The Emperor wanted to see you this morning, your highness," the old butler said. He was still bowing. Calus, on the other hand, nodded seriously



As Calus was walking towards his father's workplace, he remembered what had happened that night. The lantern that the two of them created were significantly ruined. Not because of Herena but because of someone bumping into them. It was a young boy. He had that dark hair as the coat from his body uncovered his hood. He was running with something in his hands. That's why he bumped toward Calus.

Calus didn't worry about the lantern. He worried about Herena instead. So he immediately went to the other side, leaving the lantern in ruins

"Don't worry. We'll still have another lantern, little cub," Calus said. Herena didn't cry. She was just obediently nodding while her eyes followed the young boy running away from the place

Calus did the same. He creased his eyebrows and thinned his eyes before realizing something

The young boy was holding herbs in his hands

"Your highness," the old butler said and bowed in front of Calus. Calus was already in front of the door. He only became aware of his senses after hearing the butler's voice. Calus did what he would usually do. He nodded and went into the room

"Greetings, your highness," Calus said respectfully, then bowed

"Calus, my son, you say you want to borrow my paper, right?" The emperor said. That's when Calus's eyes widened. It was their usual exchange that no one should be able to know. When the Emperor said that, Calus knew what it meant

He meant that he had something to say to him


Within the forest, there was a cabin. A young boy had once lived there with his grandfather. The old man was sick, while the grandson was currently taking care of him

"My grandson, you don't have to force yourself. What if the household you're working for would give you punish---" the old man wasn't able to finish his words when the young boy smiled and reassured his grandfather

"Grandfather, it's alright, don't worry about me. The household that took me to work was kind, so please don't worry. I'll be here with you until you recover, alright?" The young boy said. The grandfather smiled and then patted his grandson's head.

"Kael, you're very handsome, caring, warm-hearted, and most of all, you would do everything for the people you love. I hope one day, you'll find your happiness."