A Good Advice

The day was long. Calus went off from the stool they'd been to another one. He couldn't get off his sight from the way he looked at Herena's clip. Surprisingly enough, Herena didn't remove the clip that Calus had put on her hair the second time around.

The first time he had put a clip in her hair, she glared. Although Calus only laughed it off, he couldn't deny that the baby he was holding was undoubtedly smart. Perhaps, he had the knowledge that she inherited some of her intelligence from her brother.

Calus was soft to her. It was the same look whenever he gazed toward Arianne. However, the only difference was that when he was with the baby, his lips would raise instantly. It didn't take Calus seconds enough to notice how his face differed from his normal expressions.

His hold on the baby tightened once again. Although Herena was looking somewhere, Calus focused his sight on the baby. They were walking. Calus knew what path they would take even if he weren't looking around.

Every detail of Herena's expression was engraved in his mind. He didn't know why he couldn't even take his eyes off the baby. Perhaps, she was his happy pill. After all, he brought her from her household toward the market for a reason. Though that reason had long been gone, he changed his plans.

Currently, he wanted to enjoy the day with the little cub in his arms. He only averted his sight from Herena after how happy the baby was gazing at a stool. She was clapping her hands while her eyes looked amazed at the place.

It made Calus' eyebrows crease. He didn't know that a baby like Herena would eventually act like that. All he knew was the baby hated him, always glaring at him, but at the end of the day, he would always think that the baby was different from the others. She is absolutely smart

Calus followed Herena's gaze. That's when he saw something that made his lips rise again. The place was a stool for the vendors selling snacks, especially sweet apple candy and sweet corn. Calus saw the vendors selling food to the people around. Some of the nobles who came late got to be prioritized over the commoners.

The commoners would always back down their lines and excuse themselves. They would make lines for the nobles. That's what Calus had seen. Nevertheless, he went within the line. Herena's gaze now turned from the place to Calus. Her little lips hang open with her knitted eyebrows.

After descending on their lines, Calus looked at Herena and gently picked the tip of the baby's nose.

"I see you looking at this place with those mesmerizing eyes earlier. Now that we're here, you'd probably eat those. However, as I've said, you're still a baby, so you should be careful. Don't worry. I'll guide you in eating those snacks," Calus said. Then he chuckled. Herena, for the first time, was calm with Calus. After the young man said those, Herena felt as if he couldn't be the cold person that she had known

Somewhat, she felt as if Calus had changed. She doesn't know what triggered those changes. But somehow, she wanted it. She had long wanted to talk to Calus like this before, but just when she had regressed in time did she have the chance. Though she knew she couldn't make the same mistakes. That's why as she grows up, she'll try to hide those emotions.

She's not hindering her happiness. She just wanted to find her happiness with someone else and with the people she cared about. She doesn't want to marry someone who will never love her in the end

No matter what one of them did, the other would only hurt the one who had loved the other. That's why she decided to change that.

Her nose became red. Before everything, she unconsciously giggled. Calus widened his eyes but did the same afterward. Perhaps, just as Herena thought, Calus also believed that the baby just needed some friendly attention.

They lined up towards the commoners' lines. He moved at the back so that the known nobles would come first. The nobles would buy the delicacies while the commoners would be left for the others after the nobles finished buying.

It was what the empire had instructed the people within. They must respect the nobles. That's why respectful actions for them begin with making them their priority.

Although the people may hurt their pride about this, they have nothing to do. In the very end, it was the nobles with the emperor who were making the empire great with abundance and prosperity.

Calus heaved a sigh. After laughing at Herena's actions, he saw how the baby looked toward the nobles. Calus followed her gaze. Although some nobles prefer to line up, others instruct their servants to buy some food for them.

However, some nobles prefer lining up on their original lines. Making some commoners line ahead of them. Their servants were worried about them, but at the same time, they were already accepting their master's wishes.

When Calus focused his sight on those nobles, he looked serious for a moment. He only saw Ismael with Arianne on the other side. They were making sure that they wouldn't be unfair toward the commoners that lined before them.

The other nobles he had to see were some from the lower ranks. Although they weren't part of the officials' sons and daughters, Calus knew them all. Some of them were sons and daughters of Viscounts and Barons.

Calus thinned his eyes. He knew that some nobles were nice not because they had lower ranks but because they just wanted to do what they could for the empire without taking advantage of others

He had taken note of the sons and daughters

'Alexander Fasgus, Eliana Grimier, Valia Veline, and Fravis Thelion,' Calus had immediately recognized the other nobles he rarely saw within gatherings. The noble households that he had in mind were enough to establish a good sense of morality in them

Those Viscounts and Barons didn't teach their children to take advantage of the opportunity as long as they were nobles. Perhaps, they know how it felt to be a commoner once. Calus knew that well. Aside from always following his tutors' teachings, he was also reading something else.

That's why he had that information ahead. He already had his plans even before knowing Ismael and the others. Although he knew in himself that he couldn't deny revising them the moment he had learned the truth about Ismael and Herena.

Herena, on the other hand, went to look at Calus while gently rubbing her nose. She thinned her eyes when Calus was seriously looking at someone. Though Herena never bothered to look where Calus was looking, Herena could only shake her head and went to look at the food instead

That's when her stomach grumbled ahead.

It distracted Calus' attention, and before the baby knew it, Calus was already laughing

"You indeed like, sweet apple candy and sweet corn, little cub?" Calus asked. Herena nodded. It wouldn't hurt her to admit it, would it, right? That made the young boy's smile grow wider

"Then I'll guide you to eating it later," Calus said. Then move toward the line when others move. Herena then snuggled a little closer to Calus. Her ears were already in Calus' chest. At first, it widened the young boy's eyes. But then, it made him realize how warm the baby's hug was.

That's when Herena trusted Calus this time. She knew she couldn't hate the young man forever. It's not because he's innocent at the current time but because he knew the ways of life. Perhaps, deep inside of her, she cared for him even if she hated and loved him at the same time.

She didn't want one of them to be hurt, so Herena realized that she should make her first move to avoid showing anything that would lead Calus to misunderstand. Although she couldn't entirely avoid him because of her family, she knew she would do everything to help Calus find his happiness.

For the first time, Herena felt at ease. Calus was truly warm when she thought about it.

Though unknown to Calus, Herena was already hearing the young boy's heartbeats. They were beating faster. But for Herena, she didn't presume anything

Only Calus assumed that it was because of the baby's moves.

Herena continued to hug the young boy. She was in his arms, so she had no choice. The moment Calus had spoken of the sweet apple candy, she remembered how her brother would always give her one every festival. Since Herena was still growing up at those times, she wasn't allowed to go out unless the Duke and Duchess permitted.

In the end, she ended up secluded from the household. Though, Ismael wouldn't forget how to give her a sweet apple candy. It was an apple covered with sweet syrup stuck within a stick

Herena would always hug her brother and kiss his cheeks whenever he gave her the snacks.

This time, it was Calus who had said and acted to give her the food rather than her brother. However, she wasn't angry about it. She was just surprised, but she knew that she would try to avoid making her feelings known to Calus. Perhaps, as time passed by, she would learn to like Calus as a friend and nothing more than that

A few seconds later, Calus was already facing the vendor. The vendor smiled at him and went to look at the baby. That's when the vendor asked

"Is he your little sister, young man?" The bearded vendor asked. Instead of denying it, Calus continued. He returned the smile to the vendor and admitted it

"Yes, sir. She's cute, isn't she?"

"Well, she's gorgeous. I want a daughter like her too. One day, young man, you better protect your sister from men, noble or not."

At that moment, Calus' eyes widened. Indeed, he was hooded with Herena, but since he knew that Herena might be suffocated, he uncovered her hood. That's why the vendor had said those because he saw how dazzling the baby was.

Since Calus was hooded, no one could see his whole face. The vendor could see his face because Calus was near him. However, the bearded man doesn't put any emphasis on it. It's not that the crown prince doesn't have any doppelganger in the place, right? Perhaps, that was what the vendor thought, so Calus had finally calmed down for a moment.

He was coming to realize what the vendor said. He couldn't deny the vision he had seen that night. It was the night of Lady Arianne's birthday. He had seen a very beautiful lady with those streaks of golden blonde hair and emerald green eyes. She was different than any other. Though her smile wasn't happy, it was sadness. It's like she was letting someone go

The vendor's words alone made him realize how the baby he was holding could affect him. He knew she would become one of the most beautiful ladies in the Empire when she grew up, but why does he only seem to know it now? Only if someone tried to say those words and protect her from the men who would claim her hands would he be able to discover? He didn't know, he wasn't her real brother by any means, but Calus continued his act, shaking his head and giggling as he answered

"They must pass through me first, sir."

"Well, good to hear you, young man. That's why I always like young men who have younger sisters."

Calus' eyes widened again. He doesn't have one, so he doesn't know, but this time he already knows, and it's about Ismael

So that's what Ismael wanted to protect. He would even sacrifice himself for his sister, Calus thought.

"Sure, sir. I am sure I will."

Then the vendor laughed. As he handed Calus his orders, the vendor whispered some words. It made Calus' eyes widen for a second

"Better secure her now, or she'll fly off you in a second, young man."

Calus looked at Herena, who glanced at him with wide eyes. Calus knew Herena was smart, so she would probably understand the situation. Though, he was still in utter shock.

"Your sister is sure to grow up not only to be a gorgeous woman but also an intelligent one. Now you must be prepared for all those flocks of men around her as she grows up, young man."

"Y-yes, of course, sir. I-I will push away the people who wanted to claim my sister's hand for the rest of my life."

"That is the will, young man."

As soon as the vendor gave the sweet apple candy and sweet corn to Calus, he gently patted Calus' covered head. That made the vendor laugh at his own gestures and gave a sweet apple juice to the little baby

"Here's a gift from me, young man, to your sister, okay? It's apple juice. I hope she likes it."

"Thank you, Sir."

"No, problem, young man. I am always honored to serve people, especially those who have younger siblings."


"I guess you're already happy now, little cub," Calus said. They were sitting on a bench in front of many people. However, Calus wasn't bothered by it.

Herena wanted to admit that she was happy at the very end. Though she just pouted and continued looking around. Before Calus gave her the apple juice, the young boy tasted it first. When he finds out that it's safe for the baby, he lets Herena drink. Though at that time, Herena was blushing. Calus laughed it off and didn't pertain any meaning to it. But for Herena, she knew that it would be an indirect kiss.

She wanted to push it away, but then, Calus grabbed it and made it into her mouth. That's when Herena tasted how sweet the apple juice was. Was it because Calus took a sip first, or was it only just natural? Herena doesn't know, but she likes the taste of it

In the end, Herena was enjoying her apple juice and giggling as she looked around. On the other hand, Calus couldn't help but heave a sigh and think about what the vendor had said to him earlier. It's all about the baby in his hands growing into the fine, young, gorgeous, intelligent woman

With that thought in his mind, he couldn't take his eyes off the happily sipping baby in his arms

Then suddenly, Ismael's image went into his thoughts. Calus thought that if that ever happened, Ismael would have to go bald first to shove those men in any way. But this time, she's still a baby and has a lot to learn. So Ismael had a lot of time, being scary to young noblemen.

With that, he could only heave a sigh while chuckling lightly again.

For the first time, Calus had already cared for someone else other than Lady Arianne.