Gambling Men

"I have the funds. I can deal with you…cryptocurrency? Right?"

The bird alien screeched again. Apparently it intended to express its approval.

"Great, not dirty money, not dirty at all. Can you come with us?"

Again, the creature screamed, this time with even more enthusiasm.

"So, it's towards the gambling dens, then! I have always wanted to visit that one….yes, and that one, too, Ian, what is your problem?"

"My constitution has dropped," Ian said, wiping sweat off his brow. "I feel weak. I need to eat."

"You can manage for a while," Kortock said. "Is it under 5?"

"No, it's exactly 5 but it will drop lower unless I eat within 10 hours."

"Then you can manage. I will try to find you something that will not kill you."

Kortock placed a hand on Ian's shoulder. For some reason it felt comforting to know that on some level, the mentor did actually care for him.