Lost Example of Humanity

come their way. That could not be allowed, or so Ian thought. If the feet would not get them, they would be crushed under the spiked tail that was lightly brushing the grass, ready to support some of that saurian weight.

Kortock jumped down and tried to put some weight on his ankle.

"I would only slow you down, Diana."

"Please, pretty please, saurian, don't come this way…" Diana begged.

"We gotta run, though," Ian said.

Aiden and Kortock agreed.

Tom was sweating too profusely to react in any way.

"We should run sideways, so that instead of just moving ourselves further down the path, we will remove ourselves from its way completely," Ian said.

Kortock gave him an approving look.

The saurian dragged its tail more heavily now. It seemed like it was shifting its weight so that it could hunt the bigger creatures that were flying higher.

Ian, too, found himself sweating as they sprinted towards relative safety.