
"Diana, Kortock, can you spare some growth hormone for me?" Ian begged. "It's really hard to fly without damn wings of my own."

"She needs that stuff to keep her healthy," the mentor said. "You would not take the last meds from an asthmatic patient, would you?"

"I understand." Ian just had to push himself. He would gain more strength and it would become easier. He had to survive this ordeal on his own. Perhaps it would even make him a better person.

Still, he felt a panic attack coming on with every notification.


"This is bad," Diana suddenly blurted out. "Can't you see how we are all suffering, Kortock? Give him some. There will be plenty more when we reach the other shard."

After some serious grumbling, Kortock agreed to share the rest of the growth hormone with the group.

While Ian did feel rejuvenated, his health points merely stagnated. They did not go back up. This made him all the more eager to get to the other side.