Big Words

The krobinnuti were not builders, they were commanders, and this was apparent from the way they had built their towns and cities. The effects of letting some other species do most of the work regarding architecture were visible in the strange choices of shapes and decorations. In fact, Ian had never seen anything quite as diverse – a sharp angle followed by a mellow curve, a decadent balcony followed by a building that looked like a prison, and they all still had the same colors painted on them – white and something that was almost purple, but was still even more purple than purple.

"You should act more like annoyed and desperate prisoners," Diana said. "Pull my tail."

Ian pulled the strong, venomous tail and received a threatening hiss from her friend.

The krobinnuti did not need handcuffs. At least they thought they didn't, as they were not likely to be aware of Ian having the kind of a superpower that allowed him to utterly destroy the beasts.