

"Hello Ralph, good to see you again, " the man who fell in my shop a month ago said with a smirk and removed his hat,

"I was passing by and decided to say hello, " he said laughing and I continued looking at him wide eyed

Oh shit!

* * * * * * * * * * * *


I stood there and looked at the man who I didn't even invite in my shop what is he doing here,

"What the hell are you doing here? " I yelled at him and he smirked,

"What_____You were paid were you? ______so why are you acting like this or the money was not enough, " he said and took a seat and looked at me signaling to his shoes I guess he wanted them to be cleaned,

I moved and got my brush and rag and sat in front of him, I wiped his shoes with the rag and there was some silence,

"So Ralph how would you like to leave this shithole _______onto a better life than____this! " he said looking around like he was examining the place,

I looked up at him and wondered what he was talking about,

"What are you talking about? " I said and started brushing his shoes really not wanting to look up,

"The name's Alessandro Vettorio, son of Giorgio Vettorio leader of the Vettorio mafia, " he said smirking and I looked at him wide eyed, my life is slowly becoming a movie I cannot believe it,

"Why____Why are you telling me this? " I said looking at him and he laughed,

"Because I know you are not going to tell anyone about this, and I hope I am right ______aye right Ralph, " he said after laughing hard then had a hard look on his face,

Well he is right about one thing, I am way too scared to tell anyone about this, Danny is the only one I told about them,

"Well let me stop the bullshit right here Ralph, " he sighed like he was thinking hard about it, "____my father wants to meet you and trust me you will meet him so don't even bother hiding, " he said as he got up and turned to the door,

"Why would he want to meet me? " I asked very confused,

"Look I don't know but he wants to meet you even I was surprised but well he does, "he replied clearly bored,

"So do me a favor and come with me because I am not in the mood to chase someone today, " he said and touched his head like being here was giving him a headache,

"Well I don't want to go ___tell him that, " I said and stood up moving away from him,

He got out his gun and looked at me smirking, "You are coming with me Ralph it's either that or I kill you right here, " he said pointing the gun at me, I was scared, he continued glaring at me and I tried to be bold but I was scared,

He used the gun to show direction to the door and I knew he could kill me, he looks like a gang member well he is one, I walked out the door and there was a blue Rolls Royce, well a car like that has never made an appearance in this neighborhood before

I got in the car with him in the back and whoever was driving drove off

* * * * * * * * * * * *

We were driving for maybe thirty minutes, I looked out the window and well since I got in I was looking outside just thinking how my life was simple, I know I have always complained about my life but I didn't want this, I would give anything to go back in time to that day when this man fell through my door I should have given him to whoever was after him

"Why are so quiet? " he asked looking out the window,

Is he kidding right now!?

"Maybe because you have taken me hostage, " I said very pissed and why is this ride taking so long,

"I did not___come on Ralph my father just wants to meet you that's all, " he said chuckling a little, I don't know what is funny,

"Are you kidding me right now? You have literally taken me from my friends, my family and you want me to celebrate, " I said glaring at him and he looked back at me smirking,

"I know you don't have a family you are alone in this damn world____you have one friend named Danny, your neighbor is not really your friend he is what I would call a ____work friend right Ralph? " he asked looking smug,

I didn't have anything to say how the hell did he know that much about me

From then on it was silent until the driver said we were approaching the airport

We got out of the car and I saw a jet right in front of me, how rich are these people I really wonder

"Let's go we don't have time to admire the plane now do we," he said and walked before me, I copied his movements and followed him

"Where are we going? " I asked because I was confused,

"Italy," he said as he turned and looked at me with a smug look he continued walking up the steps of the plane and I followed

When we sat down he sat in the other seat on the other side and told the pilot to go

I have never been on a plane before I was really scared out of my mind, when it started going up I could not breathe I felt like I was sinking and I saw Alessandro coming toward me with a glass, all I remember is he forced me to drink from the glass and I just slept

* * * * * * * * * * *

"Get up! Get the fuck up idiota! " I heard someone shaking me and slowly opened my eyes and saw Alessandro,

"We have to go ___Now!! " he said and moved away from me and walked out, wait did we arrive!?

I slowly walked out and saw two SUVs as he got inside and followed and got on the other side, the car started making moving,

"What did you give me? " I asked looking at him,

"You were freaking out man I had to do something _____was that your first time on a plane? " he asked clearly amused,

I just kept quiet and looked out the window,

It really is my first time on a plane,

"Hello Ralph nice to see you again, " someone from the front said and I looked and saw the other guy who was with Alessandro, he smiled at me,

"That's my brother Pietro I think you remember him, " Alessandro told me and I rolled my eyes at him and he laughed,

The rest of the ride was silent as I looked outside the window and Alessandro was on his phone

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

We arrived and I looked at the house wait mansion damn is it massive and also might I add littered with guards like literally everywhere,

I saw his brother getting out and talked to the guards in Italian I think, Alessandro got out and I took that as my queue to get out too,

I got out and I looked out of place for fucksake I am wearing jeans and people here are dressed in expensive suits, even the guards were clad in suits that looked pricey, I looked at myself and I felt bad I saw Pietro looking at me and made a gesture for me to go inside,

Pietro, Alessandro and I got inside and we got in a very large luxurious living room, I couldn't help but look around and damn!!

These people really live the life!

"Alessandro!! " I heard a shout and I turned to look at a girl running towards Alessandro and Pietro was laughing, who could that be,

Alessandro lifted her and she laughed or should I say giggled and put her back down, she turned hugged Pietro too and then turned and looked at me and wow!!

Oh my God she is literally the most beautiful girl I have ever seen and she had this confused face that just makes her even adorable!!

She walked towards me and smiled, she came towards me and looked up at me and smiled some more,

"You must be Ralph, nice to finally meet you, " she shook my hand and looked up at me, I looked at Pietro and he smirked at me,

So I guess saying is no longer something, someone already knows it,

"This is my sister Inez, " Alessandro said and I nodded in understanding, but then she didn't want to leave my hand alone, she kept looking at me and smiling,

"Inez you can leave him alone now, " I heard a deep voice and she gasped and turned towards the voice I looked in the direction too,

There stood an older man who was dressed in a grey suit, he heard a grey beard and he looked just like Alessandro maybe an older version of him, he looked like a stylish old man, Inez finally dropped my hand,

"Ralph! Welcome to Italy, " he said and walked towards me, wow he has a strong accent he made an out gesture to Alessandro and his siblings and they left immediately,

I looked at him skeptically and he had a very tough face whatever that may mean but I know not to fuck with him,

"I am Don Vettorio and I am grateful that you helped my son and that is why you are here today, " he said and gestured for me to follow him,

We got in an office and he sat in a large seat behind a large desk, he told me to sit down,

"Like I said before Ralph I am grateful to you because my son you know Alessandro he has a big head and loves getting in trouble well you know my son could've died and for that I am grateful, " he said looking at me straight in the eye, well isn't he a bold one,

"You are welcome Don Vettorio but I don't understand why I am here, " I said honestly,

He gestured for me to continue,

"You offered me money and trust me it was the best gift I have ever got I am entirely grateful to you I paid off all of my debts thanks to you so trust me I am happy, so I didn't have to come here, " I said in almost one breathe and damn was I scared,

He laughed and got up and looked out the window,

"I know Alessandro has told you about his identity Ralph I know you know we are a mafia family and you know I just can't let that go like I cannot let you go back to America, " he said shrugging his shoulders like it was nothing,

Did they bring me here to kill me? I didn't ask to be told about his identity,

"So you brought me here to silence me I told you I could never tell anyone about you people I just can't like literally people think you are a myth, " I said so scared but still I managed to get it out,

"You are Rafael now, Ralph doesn't exist anymore, " he said turning to me and my eyes widened, what the hell!

"What do you mean!! " I said almost yelling,

"You work for me now, " he said simply like to show I don't have a choice, my eyes widened,

"You work for me now, " he said simply like to show I don't have a choice, my eyes widened,

it kept repeating in my head over and over again,

And that is how I ended up working for the mafia.