


"I don't give a fuck if you didn't understand I just want you to do what I asked of you you got that, " I told Danny and he laughed, this is the kind of shit I am talking about he doesn't take me seriously because he is my friend,

I turned and looked at Alex and he was glaring at Danny and he glared at me,

"I have known you since we were young and now just because you changed your name you think you are badass, " he said snickering, I looked at Alex and he gave a little nod,

I guess it has come to this

I raised my gun and aimed it at Danny's leg, he was still snickering, I was done with his shit, well I ain't sorry,

I shot his leg and he screamed, Alex smirked at me, I guess he thought I cannot do it,

"What the FUCK!!! " Danny yelled but I was quiet I didn't give a damn,

"How could you shoot me man I was just joking around with ya!! " he yelled crying and Alex came and slapped me on the back snickering,

"Well damn Ralph, " he said and Danny glared at him but he just snickered some more, he squatted next to Danny,

"Go on you know what to do, " he said quietly and Danny looked up at me trying to fight back tears,

"I am sorry I will___I will um __I will do everything you ask of me, "______and I will respect you," he added the last part through gritted teeth after Alex hit him in the head,

"Good enough good boy Danny, " Alex said as he got up laughing at Danny as he glared at him,

"That's how you tame a bitch, " he whispered to me and left the room

I looked at Danny and he glared at me, I just smirked at him, I know he finds it hard that I am on top now because he has always been better than me,

"Clean that up ___and also my name is Rafael I will not repeat that! " I said and tossed him a cloth to clean his wound

* * * * * * * * * *

I met Alex in the garden and he was smoking a cigar looking at the beautiful garden,

"Alessandro you made me shoot my friend, " I said and he handed me a cigar and he held up the lighter,

He shrugged and looked at me smirking,

"I thought you have balls," he said smiling, what a douche,

"I honestly don't understand how that guy is your friend let's get this straight you were living a shitty life polishing people's shoes, repairing and this guy who was having a fairly good life had some money couldn't even help you at all, you may not want to accept it Ralph but I will give it to you straight that guy was not a true friend, " he said glaring at me,

"I have seen you kill people before mercilessly and you are whining about shooting your friend, " he chuckled saying friend in finger quotes,

I just left and got inside the house

I went to the bar to poured myself a scotch I started thinking about what Alex said part of it is true, I know Danny never helped me but I am not like him, I was still thinking and I felt a pair of arms go around my waist, I turned and looked down at Inez,

She smiled up at me and I leaned in and we kissed I know it is just a few hours but I missed her, I kissed her roughly and she bit my lip, she pulled away laughing,

"Come on why did you do that? " I said touching my lip, she just smirked,

"Cause you left bed early I still wanted you to myself, " she said simply and also poured herself a glass of scotch,

"Hey your family cannot know about us you know that right, they will skin me alive, " I said quietly,

"And yet you kissed me here___listen Rafael I love you and I will not let anyone take you from me you hear me amore mio, no one, " she said looking in my eye,

I smirked and she left after she pecked me on the cheek

I sat there at the bar and I was interrupted by Alex,

"Ralph man we have to get to Singapore right now like right now and Pietro is coming too, " he said pointing at Pietro who was looking at me weirdly like he was analyzing me, wait has he been there the whole time,

"Where is Don Vettorio? " I asked and Alex gave me a look, I raised my arms letting it go,

I nodded and followed Alex out but Pietro grabbed my arm and stopped me from leaving,

"What's up man, " I asked him and he got seriously up in my face though,

"I know about you and Inez, " he said being all tough, well we weren't really careful but I don't want to get killed,

I kept quiet and he smirked at me, I honestly had no come back like what should I say,

"Just make sure my father doesn't find out, " he said and left to get on the jet

* * * * * * * * * * * *

I got on the jet and I saw Danny sitting next to Pietro looking down, I went and sat alone by the window just thinking about Inez,

I wonder does she really love me or am I just a toy to her I know we have been fooling around for some weeks now I mean honestly she is a princess to her daddy,

I stared out the window and turned and looked at Danny I caught him looking at me he turned immediately,

"Alright guys we are meeting the leader of the Allieds, alright Piet you and Danny will be on the look out, the man expects to meet with two people and that is just Rafe and I and of course we are going to bring our men but it is on the down low I don't want surprises, " Alex said and we all nodded,

* * * * * * * * * * *

When we got in Singapore we arrived at the hotel and Alex told me we had some serious shit coming our way because the Allieds control the whole of Asia and they are the richest in the whole of Asia,

"Alright we are going to have dinner with the man and talk to him about expanding in his territory, just talking, " he said talking all serious,

"Alright just talking ___remember what happened in Monaco we were almost killed because you just wanted to talk___i hope our men are on stand guard Alex cause this shit could go side ways, " I said also seriously and he smirked

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

We got to our table and waited for some time before two men came to us and said Martin has to talk to us,

I knew Martin is a code name, so I looked at Alex and he got up and I followed him

We reached outside and there was a limo waiting for us, I pressed yes on my phone just to send a code for Pietro,

"No worries, " Alex said and we got in the back,

The ride was silent until we heard the driver speak over the phone,

"We are here, "

We got out and we were in front of a mansion, a big ass mansion,

"You are welcome to Martin's home, " a lady with a very smiley face said to us and we looked at each other,

Why is everything so weird about these people

"She looks like she is being forced to smile, " I said bumping into Alex a little and he gave a look, so uptight damn,

We entered a room well an office and saw a bald headed guy, he looked at Alessandro and smirked, he spread out his arms and Alex scoffed,

"Alexander my man long time no see man! " he said shouting and gestured for Alex to hug him but he just gave him a bitch face,

"How many times do I have to fucking tell you I am not Alexander damn, " he said and the man I assume is Martin laughed and came and hugged Alex,

All that and I just could not fathom how the head of an Asian mafia is a WHITE MAN!! I mean mind blown!! I didn't see that coming,

"And who is this huh? " I looked at him as he asked about me,

"This is my right hand man Rafael, " he gestured to me and we sat down,

"So how did a white man end up working for an Italian mafia huh? " he asked chuckling,

"It is a long story and I don't want to bore you with the details, " I said straight at him and he raised a brow, he must have thought I would take it as a rhetorical question, there is a first time for everything,

Alex laughed at the face Martin made and Martin glared at him, I told you before Alessandro is a douche,

"Anyway you wanted to talk Alexander so lay it on me, " he said as he ignored how Alex laughed at him,

"Look Caldwell I just want to expand business in Asia and since you control this whole goddamn place I wanted insight on how it could work, " Alex said and Martin turned business mode,

"We have been friends for a long time and I appreciate how you helped out in Italy and all that but how would that be business if I let another big mafia family control some of my territory?" he questioned and I looked at Alex with an eyebrow raise,

"I don't want a lot of control okay Caldwell I just want to expand in Asia and we want to start here in Singapore, that's all, " Alex said and sat cross legged,

"How about I give you more control in China how about that? " he said and as I remember China is very strict with drug laws,

"Jesus man China, of all places you know how they are about drugs our merchandise could get caught, " Alessandro said scoffing,

"I control the Chinese government they are in the palm of my hand you have nothing to worry about, " Martin or Caldwell or whatever gestured with his hand palm,

"I would like to trust you but sadly I do not, " Alex said seriously,

"Well you ain't got a choice Alexander, " he said getting up and putting his hand out for a handshake,

Alex looked at me and I looked at him, we seriously have nothing to do,

He got up and shook hands with Martin who smirked

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

We arrived at the hotel, Alex and I went to his hotel room he grabbed a whiskey bottle and drank from it,

"Alex I don't trust that guy, something seems off about him, " I said as I rolled up my sleeves,

"Well I know he is weird but what should we do the man has control all over Asia he is our go to Asian territory we ain't got nothing to do, " he shrugged, and the door opened, in came Danny and Pietro,

"Hey Alessandro what happened we waited for a signal and we didn't get any, " Pietro said as he too grabbed a bottle of whiskey,

"We are going to wait Piet we will wait, " Alex said seriously,

I looked at Danny and he looked at me then he looked like he was scared of me he turned his head up and I gestured for him to follow me,

When we got to the balcony I looked at the city it was truly beautiful,

"I am sorry I shot you Danny, " I said quietly,

I looked at him and he glared at me, well rude,

"Aren't you going to say anything? " I said confused cause he is always talkative,

"I understand Ralp____Rafael you are my boss now and I respect you, " he said looking down,

Wow so we are no longer friends, is that how it is, I remember the time he pestered me about joining the Vettorio mafia,


I got to the meeting with the Americans it had been five years since I joined well was forced to join the Vettorio mafia,

But I can't complain so much because I get paid so well more than I could ever imagine, I got a powerful name all because of Don Giorgio Vettorio, I became a respected name in Italy second to Giorgio and Alessandro,

Back to the point, I was sent to meet with the leader of the American mafia to discuss the ongoing feud between us and them,

I got to the hall with my guards and the leader together with his guards, we sat down and I realized one of his guards was Danny, which I was very surprised it had been years since I last saw him,

He was surprised to see me too but I let it go____for now, I know they were expecting Alessandro,

"I didn't know Alessandro would send his dog to an important meeting like this, " Albert said and his guards laughed,

"Well I ain't a little bitch who attacks those who are better than me, this dog bites, " I said with a smirk,

He kept quiet as he glared at me,

"I came here to resolve whatever little thing you got angry about, " I said and he glared at me,

"Giorgio killed my father!" Albert yelled and his men raised their guns at us,

Yeah five years ago when the Americans joined with the Russians to try and kill Alessandro when he fell into my shop well Don Vettorio revenged by killing Albert's father who was leader of the American mafia at the time,

"That was after you tried to kill his son, " I said already done with him,

"I do not have a problem with Alessandro it was just business Giorgio should know that, " he said seriously with a smirk, his men lowered their guns after he gestured for them to,

"We should clear this here and now Albert you don't have a problem with us we don't have a problem with you from now on_____if this goes on we shall have no choice but to resolve it with blood, " I said seriously and I got up,

"You don't know anything about this business boy you are just a child you have just joined this and now you think you are a badass," he said chuckling,

"I can assure you I know about this business more than you could imagine don't worry about me Albert, I believe we shall continue business without a problem right Al, " I said smirking at him and I left with my guards,

I was about to reach my car when I heard someone calling me,

"Ralph!! "

I turned and I saw Danny, wait how did he leave without Albert knowing,

"oh my God Ralph look at you," he said and he smiled,

"Hey Danny, " I smiled at him, and I told him to meet me at the hotel I was staying at while here in America,

I turned and got in my car