

I heard a knock on my hotel room door and I went and opened, there he was Danny smiling,

He hugged me and I felt surprised at the action but I just let him,

"Wow look at you Ralph you look good it has been so long," he said when he pulled away and I smiled at him,

"Yeah it has been what____five years, didn't know you are working for the mafia now, " I said smirking, and he laughed,

"Well I have to find a way to get paid and also you are in the mafia too but apparently a better position than me huh, " he said chuckling at the end,

"What happened huh how did you end up with the Vettorio mafia? " he asked and looked at me questionably,

I expected that question,

"Well I told you before when Alessandro fell in my shop I opened my shop like any other day but then Alessandro showed up and literally told me I have to meet his father cause he requested for me but I refused to go, he assured me that his father would meet me whether I liked it or not and then we were off to Italy and well there_____his father told me actually ordered to stay and even changed my name, " I said laughing cause it was such a long time,

He smiled and told me how he joined the American mafia and that was after I apparently went missing,

I offered him a drink and he accepted,

"Look Ralph I am tired of working for Albert he is very annoying, also working in crime was never something I wanted but I mean look at you you look like a king you never looked like that before, " he said gesturing to me, that stung a bit but well I don't give a damn,

"I know you cannot just leave like that these people are dangerous Danny and you should know that, " I said and he continued whining about leaving the American mafia, God I almost rolled my eyes,

Then I thought of something,

" Then come work with us maybe I could talk to Alessandro, " I said seriously and he nodded frantically,

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Look Alex he knows a lot about these people we could use him, " I said frustrated,

"Are you serious Ralph the guy could be sent by Albert and this could as well be a trap you honestly think Albert doesn't know about you two being friends? " he questioned,

"You are unbearably naive damn, " he said and he laughed,

"He told me Albert met with the head of the Asian mafia so tell me Alessandro why would Albert do that after your father told him not to, " I said and there was silence it was my time to smirk now,

"Bring him here I want to talk to him," Alessandro said and hung up and I was happy he may actually accept my friend,

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

We walked into an office and Alessandro was already there waiting, he gestured for us to sit down,

"So you are Danny he hasn't shut up about you, " he said pointing at me laughing,

"What!! Seriously! " I said and he continued laughing,

Danny smiled, yeah Alessandro likes joking around,

"You work for the American mafia? So why would you want to join us huh______ you not getting paid? " he asked raising an eyebrow,

"I wanted to leave the whole crime business honestly but when I saw Ralph I knew I wanted to be where he was, I actually thought he died when he went missing all those years ago" Danny said simply, Alessandro looked at him intensely,

"If this is a plot between you and Coral I am going to kill you you know that right? " Alessandro asked simply,

Wait does that mean he accepts____wait

"I am accepting you because you are his friend or else you would be dead I am telling you, " Alessandro said getting up looking at me strictly,

Danny turned to me smiling and he said thank you


I wonder how we got here, he was my best friend and yet I feel like Alessandro is more of my best friend now, ah geez how can I think like that!

Danny looked at me and gave me a little smile, he went back inside,

It has been a few months since Danny joined us,

I was brought out of my thoughts by Alessandro who came on the balcony and looked at me questioning what happened,

I just shook my head,

"Danny just acting weird that's all, " I said sighing and Alex slapped my back,

"What I tell you_____ he ain't your friend, " he said smiling, I wonder how much he drank,

We just looked out at the beautiful city until he broke the long silence,

"I have a plan, " he said still looking at the city and I looked at him I wonder what he is thinking right now

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Ralph I know we have a double agent, " he said simply and lit a cigar,

What!! How!!

"Think about it our merchandise had been taken three times, I don't know about you but Caldwell was being weird and like he expected what we were going to discuss with him like he didn't hesitate to say China and why China of all places, then my father called after the meeting he said the mansion was attacked he was almost killed I think they were there to kill him but they had another thing coming, so why would a person attack this specific time and also we have always been on good terms with other groups, " he said and blew out some smoke,

He has a point and I too think Caldwell was being weird,

"And I think I know who it is, " he said looking sideways at me,

"I know it is Danny and I am going to kill him I don't give a fuck Ralph, " he said seriously and I was scared, why would Danny do that,

"All this shit started three months ago and when did he get here, " he said looking at me and my eyes widened,

"Shit Four months ago, " I said and I ran a hand on my face, shit, shit, shit

"We are going to come up with a plan ___a false plan to catch him and I know he is stupid enough to go through with it, don't worry, " I said and he smiled at me, we knocked elbows and he laughed

If he used my friendship with him and he joined us just so he can betray us I will kill him myself

Like Don Vettorio says, "Paga il tradimento con il sangue," which means pay betrayal with blood

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Alessandro and I went back inside and we found Danny watching TV

"Where is Pietro? " Alessandro asked and Danny shrugged,

"He went out like 10 minutes ago, " he said and went back to watching TV,

"Where the hell could he be right now the idiota?!" Alessandro said looking tired already,

"Alex he is a grown ass man he can take care of himself, " I said and went to leave his room,

"Hey man get the fuck outta here I am going to do shit and I don't want you here, " Alessandro said and threw a pillow at Danny who snickered and got up with his hands up,

Alessandro shut the door in my face with a glare,

Well damn someone is in a bad mood

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The next morning I woke up to banging on my door, shit who could that be!!

I went and opened and Alessandro bust in my room, what the hell!

"Damn Alex I was sleeping, " I said rolling my eyes,

"Pietro didn't come back last night, " Alessandro said and ran a hand down his face, wait what!

"Danny said he went out like it was casual like he was coming back, " I said confused,

"Well Ralph he didn't I already checked the hotel's cameras he did not come back, " Alessandro said clearly pissed off,

"Alex what if he___" I said but I didn't want to finish it,

"He what! " Alessandro asked clearly even more pissed off,

"Kidnapped ____what if he was kidnapped Alessandro, " I said and touched his shoulder,

"If anything happens to Pietro I am going for blood!" he said through gritted teeth looking straight at me,

They know not to mess with the Vettorios

"Where is Danny? " Alessandro asked looking around and right at that time Danny entered my room,

"I just came to say Pietro is back but he is really drunk, " Danny said and left,

"Oh I should kill him, " Alessandro said and laughed, I didn't know he loves his brother so much haha, I smirked at him and he punched me on the arm, what the hell, he was the one being a little girl crying about his brother,

"Well kinda disappointed we ain't going to spill any blood, " I said and he laughed

* * * * * * * * * * * *

At Martin's mansion that night,

"Look Caldwell I just want what is best for business that's all I don't want to start a war, " Alessandro said as Pietro and I sat on either side of him,

"I understand what you are saying but I changed my mind, " Caldwell said and shrugged,

"What kind of bullshit is this?!! " Alessandro said glaring at him,

"You heard me I changed my mind I give you more control in Asia if you give up your control over America, " Caldwell said lighting his cigarette, what the fuck is he on about,

Alessandro bust out laughing and well Pietro and I looked at him because we were surprised,

He got up laughing and he clapped his hands, and Caldwell looked shocked now too,

"You really are a sick motherfucker you know that, do you honestly think we could hand over the American territory, in your dreams motherfucker!! " he said after clearing his throat from laughing hard,

He turned and we too turned but I heard a gun being cocked, we turned and Caldwell had a gun aimed at Alessandro and his guards aimed at Pietro and I,

"I guess you don't have a choice now Alessandro give up the territory!" Caldwell said and removed the safety of the gun,

"Well who knew for once you got my name right," Alessandro smirked and the gun went off,

We got down and Alessandro shot at Caldwell shit he got his arm, Caldwell shouted at his guards to kill us,

Pietro shot one guard and he covered us while we ran out the door and found some more guards,

So this was planned!!

The guards shot and Alessandro was shot in the shoulder but he shot most of the guards, I shot five guards and Pietro yelled out at us,

"Come!! Come!! " we followed while Caldwell was shouting at his guards to kill us,

When Pietro opened the door, it was like it was it only took a second, Pietro was shot multiple times and we were in shock, what the fuck!!!!

Pietro dropped down with blood coming out of his mouth and Alessandro fell down next to his brother and I was still in shock,

Our men bust in the door and started shooting Caldwell's men because Alessandro was in shock now,

The men came back and told us they could not find Caldwell,

Alessandro had blood in his hands and was in shock

I touched Pietro and I didn't feel a pulse, what no he is just a young dude how can life be so unfair!!

Pietro was dead

Alessandro got up and he bent down and picked up his brother even though he was full of blood and walked out without another word

And Caldwell escaped.