

We arrived in Italy after over three days because Alessandro had refused the doctor to work on his brother's body, he said we know what killed him so what's the use of checking and cutting through the body,

He insisted and said his brother would not be checked and anyone who tried would be killed so the doctors let it go

But what scared me the most was he was scary quiet the whole way home only God knows what he could be thinking

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

When the plane landed we got out and we found Inez and some of the guards, Inez's face was red I think she has been crying since they got the news,

Inez ran to me and fell in the chest, I honestly didn't want to do this in front of Alessandro but I had no choice I will explain later I know he had seen,

Inez sobbed and I comforted her, I was hurting too because Pietro was a little brother to me too so we needed each other at this point,

"We have to go home," Inez said wiping her tears, and I looked around and realized Alex had already got in his car,

We got in another one and then we were off to the mansion, the whole ride was Inez sniffling softly and I rubbed her back softly and whispered soothing words in her ears just to calm her down,

We arrived at the mansion and there were double the guards we left when we were leaving for Singapore, they were all wearing black suits, lined up to the front door of the mansion,

We got in and I saw some people I didn't know but I knew some well like the leader of the Egyptian mafia was around with his men and I guess some other leaders too because these men were dressed in black I mean most of them anyway,

I saw Alessandro greeting the leaders and they comforted them but he was just giving a blank face the whole time, I was worried about him,

It suddenly got quiet, I turned and saw Don Vettorio enter with a walking stick and he too was dressed in black, he nodded to everyone in respect for them coming here,

"Thank you my friends for joining me today in sending my son off to a better place I am deeply grateful, I will always remember that you were there for us in this tough time, " he said and one of the guards gave him a glass with whiskey and he put in up and so did his friends,

I saw Alessandro looking at his dad and then they left in an office upstairs, I followed because Alessandro nodded to me too

* * * * * * * * * * * * *


"Sandro che diavolo è successo? Voglio sapere che tutto non tralascia nulla," Don Vettorio said in a very calm voice, anything can happen,

Alessandro sighed and he looked at me,

"Siamo andati a incontrare Caldwell come mi hai chiesto, mi ha detto che non può darci il controllo dell'Asia, ha detto che poteva darci il controllo della Cina, ma, padre, sai com'è la Cina con le sue leggi, quindi perché Caldwell dovrebbe darcene un po ' controllo in Cina quando ha saputo di queste leggi e ha detto che controlla il governo cinese, questo è tutto ciò che ci stava offrendo," Alex said and his father nodded the whole time looking out the window,

"Così siamo tornati in hotel e più tardi sono tornati Piet e Danny ma Pietro è uscito mentre io ero con Rafael al balcone, Pietro mancava tutta la notte è tornato la mattina e così siamo andati a incontrare Caldwell, Rafael, Pietro e io che non sapevamo fosse una trappola Caldwell voleva che cedessi il controllo del territorio americano ha ordinato ai suoi uomini di ucciderci è sceso ma quando Pietro_____quando Pietro ha aperto la porta che dava fuori è stato colpito più volte e ho visto L'intera faccenda Caldwell ci ha sistemati e non credo che stia lavorando da solo," Alessandro continued as he looked at me blankly,

"Where was Danny this whole time?" Don Vettorio asked finally facing us,

"We don't know, he was supposed to be back up outside but he was not there, " I said seriously,

"I think Danny is working for Caldwell, "I concluded and Don Vettorio glared at me,

"Give one reason why I shouldn't kill you right here Rafael, " he said massaging his gun on his hip,

My eyes got wide and I looked at Alessandro who looked at me blankly, wait is he blaming me too?

"Just because Danny is my best friend doesn't mean I know about him being a traitor I owe you a whole lot, " I said but Don Vettorio glared at me, wow after all these years,

"Well you brought him here he was working for Albert and you brought him anyway and you Sandro I raised you better to know not to bring any person here but you allowed how, I don't know," Don Vettorio said glaring at me and Alessandro resting his hands on his table,

"Do you know why I chose you Rafael? Don't you ask yourself why I didn't kill you the moment I knew you saw my son in your shop? " he asked looking directly at me and I was quiet,

He sighed and chuckled slowly,

"I want you to bring me Danny look everywhere, bring him here I am going to kill him myself, " he said and left out the door,

Not if I kill him first!

I looked at Alessandro but he continued to stare at me blankly,

"Alex Vorrei poter riprendere quello che è successo anche Pietro era mio fratello ma in questo momento dobbiamo cercare Caldwell non sono sicuro che Danny lavori davvero per lui," I said looking at him, and he chuckled,

He freaking chuckled,

"It's truly amazing how you are still standing up for him Ralph the man was not anywhere to be seen after my brother was killed!" he yelled at me and I glared at him,

"I am not standing up for him i just want to be sure that's all, " I said turning to get out,

"I saw you Ralph, " he touched my shoulder, I turned I saw him glaring at me, what now?

"What? " I asked confused,

"You and Inez, I am not stupid Ralph only a lover comforts like that, this is not over, " he said glaring again and he got out leaving me sighing,

I ran a hand down my face and got out the door

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

When I got downstairs, I found out that Pietro's body had arrived, we all gathered around the casket that was Don Vettorio, Alessandro holding Inez and me, we were all surrounding the casket,

I looked at simple Pietro in the casket, he looked so peaceful he looked like he didn't have a care in the world,

Inez was sobbing hard now and she ran off to only God knows where, Don Vettorio looked at his son and he touched his face,

"Non mi riposerò finché i responsabili non saranno morti!" he said and kissed his forehead,

Alessandro nodded and so did I, Alessandro looked at me and then looked back at his father,

"Let's move to the burial ground now, " one of the main guards said and we all started to go to the front door,

We got out and Alessandro and I together with Inez followed Don Vettorio who led all of us to the back yard where Alessandro showed me his father Salvestro Vettorio and his uncle Guissepe Vettorio were buried they too were killed because of the business,

The grave was already dug out and built neatly, the priest started a prayer and everyone was quiet,

The priest did the sign of the cross and most of us did, we may be ruthless but we are still religious,

"Caro Dio, siamo qui riuniti oggi per mandare Pietro Vettorio da te come lo hai chiamato a casa, che tutti i torti che ha fatto siano perdonati perché sei nostro padre che la sua anima attraversi il purgatorio e venga da te possa essere la sua vita sulla terra celebrato dai suoi cari," the priest said sprinkled Holy water on the casket,

Don Vettorio nodded and the priest continued, and said for us who know Italian to repeat after him,

"Possa la luce risplendere sulla sua anima e possa la sua anima riposare nella pace eterna. Amen," the saying was repeated three times and he sprinkled Holy water again in the casket and this time it started lowering in the ground, I cannot believe this is the last time I am seeing Pietro,

We left as soon as he was lowered in the ground, I saw Enzo one of Don Vettorio's men talking to him and him nodding the whole time,

Alessandro and I were standing in the garden and he looked at me finally, no more glaring,

"Do you really love my sister Ralph? " he asked looking at me seriously and I sighed, I knew one day he would know but I wanted to hold on for sometime because I was dreading what he would do to me,

"I do Alessandro I do love her so much and yet she is honestly out of my league, " I said and he chuckled that's nice that he is not blank anymore,

"If you hurt her Ralph I will not be the one to kill you, my father will, " he said seriously and chuckled after and I laughed,

"I know I know, don't remind me, Pietro told me too, " I said laughing and I saw Alessandro giving a blank look confused,

"Yes Pietro saw us before we left for Singapore, " I said looking at the garden and he nodded,

We were quiet and then I felt a light touch on my shoulder,

I turned and I saw Inez, her eyes were still red,

"I need you now Rafa, " she said looking up at me and I think she didn't see Alessandro she must be out of it,

I nodded and I grabbed her hand and Alessandro nodded, we entered the house and I looked around and I saw Don Vettorio talking to the leader of the Mexican mafia,

I took Inez to my room and we lay on the bed she was sniffling softly,

"Everything is going to be alright I am here for you," I said rubbing her back, and she looked up from where she lay on my chest,

"Promise you will never leave me, " she said seriously and I didn't know what to say because I cannot promise that, our lifestyle is dangerous any day can be your last day according to us,

"I cannot promise that Inez you know that, but I know I love you so much and I will come back to you if the universe allows me to, " I said touching her cheek and she smiled softly,

"Mmh good enough, " she said laying back on my chest and I couldn't help but think Pietro died because he was saving us, what if it was me or Alex would we do the same thing I honestly don't know, I also cannot think for Alex,

We lay there for some time and I realized she fell asleep she has probably not slept for some good time now this is good for her, I found my self sleeping too,

I woke up to buzzing from my phone, I checked and I saw a message,

"Can we meet please Ralph "


I looked at the time and realized it was 7:01pm wow we slept for that long,

What the hell!!! He reappears after days this motherfvcker!!

I looked at Inez and saw she was still sleeping, I removed her slowly from me and she turned a little but yeah still asleep good,

I decided to reply,

"Where are you right now? "


I sent the message and waited for a reply,

"Villa Comunale Di Taormina, "


That is not far from here, I grabbed my phone and unlocked the door slowly but rushed back and kissed Inez on the forehead,

I got out the door and closed it slowly

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I went downstairs and saw Alessandro drinking at the bar, I stopped in my tracks I hope he doesn't take my stopping as something else,

"Hey man, " I said when I was shocked by him being there,

"Hey where are you going? " Alex said raising an eyebrow at me,

"umm just going out to get some air, why are you drinking alone? " I said and looked at him as I grabbed my car keys,

He shrugged and I touched his shoulder,

"Gotta go see you later, "I said and he nodded going back to his drink

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I got to Villa Comunale Di Taormina and I looked around and there were few people today, I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned, there he stood looking down,

"Where the fuck have you been Danny? " I said glaring at him, and he looked down,

" I am sorry Ralph I shouldn't have done it, " he said and looked at me scared, what the fuck i hope he does not say what I know he wants to say,

"I was still working for Albert the whole time and he was working with Martin the whole time he sent me to spy on you guys, I am sorry I didn't mean for Pietro to die, " he said shaking his head scared,

"You do know that the Vettorios are going to kill you Danny, Don Vettorio wants you dead because they already know you did it you traitor!" I said whisper yelling at him,

Unbeknownst to these two was that Inez had followed Rafael when he left, and now knew about Danny,

"Oh my God you do not know the kind of shit you have put yourself into Danny you are going to be running for the rest of your life, " I said and ran my hands down my face, what the fuck was he thinking to double cross the Vettorios,

"Wait rest of my____are you going to help me escape?" he asked hopeful looking around,

"I even don't know why you are here in Sicily you must be out of your damn mind, leave now Danny and I am also done with you, " I said I cannot cover for him anymore,

He nodded and looked at him, when he looked up to say something, he got shot in the head, just one shot and he fell down dead,

What the fuck!! Who could that be!!


Sandro che diavolo è successo? Voglio sapere che tutto non tralascia nulla," ~ Sandro what the hell happened I want to know everything leave nothing out

"Siamo andati a incontrare Caldwell come mi hai chiesto, mi ha detto che non può darci il controllo dell'Asia, ha detto che poteva darci il controllo della Cina, ma, padre, sai com'è la Cina con le sue leggi, quindi perché Caldwell dovrebbe darcene un po ' controllo in Cina quando ha saputo di queste leggi e ha detto che controlla il governo cinese, questo è tutto ciò che ci stava offrendo," ~ We went to meet Caldwell as you asked me, he told me he can't give us control of Asia, he said he could give us control of China, but, father, you know what China is like with its laws, so why Caldwell should give us some control in China when he heard about these laws and said he controls the Chinese government, that's all he was offering us, "

"Così siamo tornati in hotel e più tardi sono tornati Piet e Danny ma Pietro è uscito mentre io ero con Rafael al balcone, Pietro mancava tutta la notte è tornato la mattina e così siamo andati a incontrare Caldwell, Rafael, Pietro e io che non sapevamo fosse una trappola Caldwell voleva che cedessi il controllo del territorio americano ha ordinato ai suoi uomini di ucciderci è sceso ma quando Pietro_____quando Pietro ha aperto la porta che dava fuori è stato colpito più volte e ho visto L'intera faccenda Caldwell ci ha sistemati e non credo che stia lavorando da solo," ~ So we went back to the hotel and later Piet and Danny came back but Pietro went out while I was with Rafael at the balcony, Pietro was missing all night he came back in the morning and so we went to meet Caldwell, Rafael, Pietro and I who didn't know it was a trap Caldwell wanted me to give up control of the American territory he ordered his men to kill us he went down but when Pietro_____ when Pietro opened the door that led out he was hit several times and I saw The whole thing Caldwell fixed us and I think he's not working alone, "

"Alex Vorrei poter riprendere quello che è successo anche Pietro era mio fratello ma in questo momento dobbiamo cercare Caldwell non sono sicuro che Danny lavori davvero per lui," ~ Alex I wish I could stop what happened too Pietro was my brother but right now we have to look for Caldwell I'm not sure if Danny really works for him

"Non mi riposerò finché i responsabili non saranno morti!" ~ I will not rest until those responsible are dead!

"Caro Dio, siamo qui riuniti oggi per mandare Pietro Vettorio da te come lo hai chiamato a casa, che tutti i torti che ha fatto siano perdonati perché sei nostro padre che la sua anima attraversi il purgatorio e venga da te possa essere la sua vita sulla terra celebrato dai suoi cari," ~ Dear God, we are gathered here today to send Pietro Vettorio to you as you called him home, may all the wrongs he has done be forgiven because you are our father may his soul go through purgatory and come to you may his life be on the land celebrated by loved ones

"Possa la luce risplendere sulla sua anima e possa la sua anima riposare nella pace eterna. Amen," ~ May the light shine on his soul and may his soul rest in eternal peace. Amen