

He nodded and looked at him, when he looked up to say something, he got shot the head, just one shot and he fell down dead,

What the fuck!! Who could that be!!


I looked around and saw Inez holding the gun and people were running, I looked at her with wide eyes and she looked like she didn't give a damn at all...

I slowly walked to her and grabbed the gun from her but she was still looking where Danny fell, I cannot believe she killed him,

"Inez!! Inez!! " I shook her and she then glared up at me,

"Don't touch me!! "she gritted her teeth and glared at me, I walked faster to her but she was walking fast for someone in heels,

"Wait! Inez stop I am talking to you!! " I shouted and I realized people had left the park,

She turned and glared at me,

"You were going to let him go Rafa even after knowing he betrayed us I cannot believe I love you!! " she said as tears fell down her beautiful face,

Oh damn so she heard our conversation!!

"Let me explain okay, " I said calmly and she laughed with tears going down her face,

"That man is the reason my brother is dead and you wanted to spare him I don't see what you want to explain I am glad I killed him my brother deserved justice he was just so young and he was taken away from us because of him! ______because of HIM!! " she shouted at me and I pulled her close,

She sobbed heavily and finally pulled away pushing me back,

"I hate you Ralph!! " she shouted and walked away,

She has not called me Ralph for years now I have always been Rafa!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I walked back into the house still feeling bad for my friend the only reason I wanted him to help was because I didn't want him dying like that,

I came face to face with Alessandro who was glaring at me, I sighed I guess Inez already told him,

"Want to tell me why my sister came home crying and I know damn well it is because of you! " he said glaring at me,

I scratched the back of my head and he looked at me waiting for an explanation,

"Inez killed Danny, " I said scratching the back of my head, and his eyes got wide,

There was silence, you could hear a pin drop,

"What the fuck did you just say!! " he asked calmly now,

"When I left earlier it was because I was going to meet Danny he requested I meet him at Villa Comunale Di Taormina, " I said tiredly, it has been a long day,

"Well what happened? " he asked clearly interested after hearing about the meeting,

I got quiet I didn't want to tell him that what they suspected was really true I didn't want to believe it too but it was I guess Alex was right I was always rooting for Danny,

"What he doesn't want to tell you is that he was willing to let Danny go even after he confessed he was working for Albert still he is the reason why Pietro is dead, " I heard a voice behind me which I recognized immediately, Inez!

I turned and saw her drinking from a wine bottle, her hair in a loose bun, when I looked at her she shrugged drinking the wine again,

"And I killed him, " she added simply like it was nothing, the truth is Inez has always been a daddy's girl she may come from a crime family but she has never killed anyone (not that I know of anyway) so it surprised me when she turned dark,

"I told you Ralph you are always standing up for him i guess someone did what I wanted to do he is very lucky he didn't face my father he could have gone in the worst way ever so you should thank Inez, " he said simply and left,

I looked at Inez and she looked at me,

"Baby I am sorry okay I love you I am sorry, " I said looking pleadingly at her but she just walked closer to me moreover in my shirt may I add,

She looked up at me and smiled, I hope she doesn't slap me she rubbed the remaining wine off her beautiful lips,

"Vaffanculo Ralph!" (Fuck you Ralph! ) she spat with so much hatred and left me alone,

I even don't want to think what Don Vettorio will do when he finds out about all___this!

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

I woke up the next morning to ruckus I heard people talking, a lot of people,

I took a shower and headed downstairs where I found Don Vettorio with Alessandro talking,

They turned and looked at me I guess Alex told him everything by now,

"Rafael Vieni qui per un secondo," (Rafael Come with me for a second ) Don Vettorio said and I walked to him, as Alessandro smirked at me, that jackass!

"Come on walk with me, " he said and I followed him out ,

"So I heard Danny was found dead, the authorities told me they found him in a park, I know that's all bullshit because I know Inez shot him, but that is all Inez told me, " he said shrugging looking at me,

Wait_____she told him! How badass!

"Danny was working for Albert still, and Albert works with Caldwell so us going to Singapore was set up by them so they could kill us, " I said as we walked slowly to the parking lot,

He nodded and gestured for me to continue,

I sighed and continued, "I know they made a plan to end us and also Alessandro told me you told him about being attacked here, "

"Yeah someone dared to attack the mansion and Aldrich was shot and killed when he tried to get in front of me but still I was shot in the foot as you can see, " he said looking off at the distance,

Aldrich was one of his top men so it must have hurt though he doesn't show it,

So it means these men are seriously coming for us but they have another thing coming,

"Don Vettorio Questi uomini pagheranno, mostriamogli come fanno i Vettorios sangue per sangue!!" (Don Vettorio These men will pay, let's show them how the Vettorios do blood for blood !!) I said giving him the evil look I was famous for,

And he smirked looking at me, "That's so right Rafael sangue per sangue!!"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *


I was on the balcony of my room when I saw Daddy talking to Rafa, I bit my lip when I saw Rafa, I know I said I hate him but really I don't I still love him like so much but he hurt me,

I just want to make him suffer for some time and then I take him back again,

He looks so hot in that suit, I bit my lip,

I then saw him enter the house again and I went back to my phone looking at shoes and wondering what I could shop, I bit my nail wondering what I could buy____so many options,

I looked up when I heard a knock on my room door I went to see who it was and obviously it was Rafa,

"What do you want? " I said rolling my eyes,

He sighed and looked down at me, he didn't say a word so I raised an eyebrow at him,

He suddenly grabbed me and kissed me hard, I gasped and held his arms kissing back and I breathed in Ohhh I missed this, I missed his lips, his hands snaked around my waist and continued kissing me, I was so into the kiss that I forgot about his friend betraying us and Pietro ending up dead, shit I remembered again,

I pushed him away and he gasped, how could I kiss him when Pietro is dead,

"Baby I thought we are good come on, " he said looking at me,

"How can we be!! you came in here and grabbed me by force!!" I said yelling at him,

"What!! You kissed me back you basically grabbed me too! " he yelled too and I rolled my eyes,

"Get the fuck out now! " I said pointing to the door,

"Baby come on how many times will I say I am sorry for you to forgive me I love you come on take me back, " he said and I pouted looking away,

I suddenly felt him snake his hands around my waist and rest his chin on my head,

"Inez baby what do you want me to do huh say it and I will do it, " he said whispering in my ear, I sighed tilting my head,

"You can't do anything Rafa you hurt me and I never really thought you could ever do that I don't trust you anymore, " I said resting my hands on his arms around my waist,

He sniffed my neck and pressed little kisses there I sighed softly and he continued pressing little kisses there,

"I know baby I hurt you but I also couldn't believe you killed Danny I didn't know you have that in you, " he said softly in my ear,

"Mmh you don't know what I am capable of Rafael you have no idea, " I said turning around in his arms, I looked up at him,

"I love you Rafa but I am going to need time away from you, " I said touching his cheek and he sighed looking up from my face,

He nodded slowly finally and he kissed me softly on my lips and he touched my cheek,

"I love you Inez, " he said and looked at me a little then got out,

When the door slammed shut I bit my lip to stop from crying, I miss him already, I want him

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


I was leaving dad's office I just got off the phone with Enzo when I saw Ralph getting out of Inez's room but he was not happy at all, I smirked and headed towards him,

"Hey what's up man, " I asked him and he glared at me,

Woah I raised my hands up in surrender and he walked down to the bar and grabbed a full bottle of whiskey, the whole time he was quiet,

"You going to tell me what is happening? " I insisted and he ignored me again,

"Just leave me alone man, " he said sighing,

Well he knows I ain't leaving him alone,

I stood next to him and he sighed, "It's nothing you wouldn't understand okay, "

"Just tell me, " I insisted and he rolled his eyes,

"It's about Inez she keeps pushing me away man I love her I really do but she just won't forgive me, " he finally said,

"Oh damn yeah I didn't need to know about that, because you know that's my sister but wait ____you said I wouldn't understand why because I don't have a girlfriend is that what you mean? " he asked with a chuckle,

He looked at me with a face of duhhh, this mvtherfvcker,

"Just because I don't fall in love doesn't mean I don't understand okay, " I said walking away,

He chuckled softly looking at me, what?

"Ever since I have known you I have not seen you with anyone like ever like what is the deal man," he said laughing,

"You don't walk with me everyday also I don't want okay, " I said shrugging,

"But we are always together so unless you disappear and come back I don't know, " he said laughing,

"Whatever you say man whatever you say, " he said chuckling shaking his head,

I scoffed and he rolled his eyes,

"Typical Alessandro, " he finally said and I laughed with him,

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *


"What do you mean Danny is dead?" I said surprised because I told that fucker not to return to Italy and then one of my men Liang tells me he is dead and most of all found in Sicily,

I just don't know what the hell is going on anymore some of my men were killed by Alessandro's men but at least we got Pietro but that is not the one I wanted, I wanted Alessandro!!

"Boss his body was found by authorities in a park with a gunshot wound in his head, Chun said the person who killed him was an expert so I am guessing it was either Alessandro or Rafael, " Liang added and I rubbed my head,

I hope that idiot didn't tell them that I am working with Albert and Oleg because then we have some serious shit to handle,

"Do you think the Vettorios know about our partnership with Albert and Oleg?" I asked though I knew he might not know,

"I don't know boss, " he said and I nodded ending the call,

Shit! Shit! Shit!

That idiot Danny was direct access to the Vettorios, we got so much information because of him and now he is dead I am sure Albert and Oleg already heard,

Speaking of which, my phone rung and saw Albert was calling,

"Caldwell I heard about Danny, think Alessandro did it? " he asked and I sighed,

"I know he did it because you killed his brother and that was utter revenge, speaking of which the Russians attacked Giorgio's mansion while Alessandro was in Singapore, " Albert said casually, wait when did that happen!!

I didn't know about that!!

"Oleg was going after Giorgio and he confirmed that he was shot dead by his men, " Albert said chuckling,

Wait finally Giorgio is dead!! That's some good news!!

But wait _______

"If Giorgio is dead then why hasn't it been announced like they announced Pietro being buried all across Italy?" I asked, clearly something is up,

"Oleg confirmed it he called and told me the good news you know that fucker killed my father so good riddance also now Alessandro will give up the American territory whether he likes it or not, "Albert said seriously,

"We are still going after him that territory should be ours and it will be, " I said seriously too and Albert hung up

Finally everything is falling into place.