


"If Giorgio is dead then why hasn't it been announced like they announced Pietro being buried all across Italy?" I asked, clearly something is up,

"Oleg confirmed it he called and told me the good news you know that fucker killed my father so good riddance also now Alessandro will give up the American territory whether he likes it or not, "Albert said seriously,

"We are still going after him that territory should be ours and it will be, " I said seriously too and Albert hung up

Finally everything is falling into place.

AND NOW.....


"So that's what he actually thinks wow I did not see that one coming but that is really good, " I said chuckling into the phone,

"Yes can you believe that shit Oleg knows he killed your father I don't know if he actually saw him or he sent one of his men who assured him man it's really crazy, " my friend said chuckling as well, I know he is in Sicily right now but I cannot meet with him because I know Caldwell he must have someone watching me now, and I also know he knows Danny is dead,

"I want it to stay that way I want those fuckers to think my father is dead, they must think I am vulnerable right now I bet they are cooking up a plan to attack me, " I said seriously and he hummed agreeing,

"That's right man I know they will so that is what I wanted to tell you Alessandro be prepared, " he said seriously too,

"Thanks for the information man highly appreciated, " I said seriously and he hummed agreeing with me,

""So Alex how is Inez it's been long, " he said chuckling,

"Bye mvtherfvcker, " I said ending the call,

I looked up to the ceiling thinking about these men that just want war with us, my father came to an agreement with Albert and they even signed up a contract of possession, the contract let Albert know that we had more control in America even though Albert was the head of the American mafia so basically Albert answers to my father so I understand why they want my father dead and probably me,

I know Albert, Oleg of the Russian mafia and Caldwell are working together and I also know Oleg is using Albert because he too wants to take charge of the American territory

But it is rather good news that those idiots think Don Giorgio Vettorio is dead cause that gives us a gap of planning the worst end for them and oh I will take over their territories,

My father is going to retire soon and that is what he was telling me about yesterday when Ralph came downstairs, he said we shall talk more about it tonight when he returns from Belgium about some business,

Once I am given the go by my father I will kill whoever ever double crossed us or try to to double cross us, and I know I have my killer machine next to me___Ralph

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Portali sulla barca Armando saprà cosa fare," I heard my father say as I was coming downstairs, I arrived and saw him giving Enzo a suitcase which Enzo took and got out of the house,

"Padre, sei tornato presto," I said and he turned and smiled up at me as I was stuck on the stairs,

"Sì, ho incontrato Ferguson e ci fornirà il prodotto sai che la nostra merce è stata presa Non so quante volte adesso ma so che quegli stronzi ormai sanno come si muovono i nostri prodotti e non lo avrò più," he said and I nodded my head in understanding,

"Ho anche delle notizie che dovresti assolutamente sapere," I said walking down fully going in front of him,

"Well go on, " he said clearly ready for whatever I wanted to say,

"Oleg pensa che tu sia morto anche Albert e Caldwell pensano che tu sia morto," I said and he rose an eyebrow then he laughed,

"Wow those people really are idiots Oleg must really want me dead he is allucinante umm how do say in English? " he asked using his fingers like he is looking for the word,

I laughed and told him, "hallucinating, " he nodded and laughed some more,

"Let's go to my office we have a lot to discuss, " he said and he headed before me to the stairs

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Ralph came in and sat besides me greeting my father, and he nodded slowly,

"Alessandro I told you about this yesterday when I was leaving for Belgium but I will repeat it again, " he said seriously,

Ralph's eyes got big he must be surprised huh

"I am going to retire I am an old man who loves his family yes including you Rafael and I am doing this because I see grate potential in you Sandro I know you can handle business without me and that is why I am leaving everything to you Sandro and I want Rafael to continue being your second in hand because I know he knows about our business too, " he said smiling at Rafael who looked shocked still,

"Rafael are you okay!" dad said chuckling and Rafael closed his mouth and shook his head,

"I am sorry I just never knew you were going to retire also you are not that old, " Rafael said shrugging,

"I have thinking about retirement for months but even Alessandro here got to know about it yesterday also the fact that you said not that old means I am old as hell, " dad said and Rafael and I laughed and he chuckled along with us, he suddenly got quiet

"I believe you Sandro can handle everything and also avenge those who wronged us I told Ferguson he was going to work with you and not me and he knows so I guess everything is done, " he said seriously and got up and sighed,

"My time is done boys it is your time now, " he said and got out of the office leaving me with Rafael,

Rafael chuckled a little and he turned and looked at me,

"Are you ready Alex cause I am, " he said and pulled me up and brought me in a hug,

"Paga il tradimento con il sangue," he said when he pulled away and he smirked at me,

"Paga il tradimento con il sangue," I repeated and he smirked some more nodding his head slowly,

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Wow so Caldwell and his partners think Don Vettorio is dead, that's just amazing, " Ralph says chuckling and I nodded,

The whole time I was just thinking about what my father gave Enzo to take to the boat last night, I couldn't even eat breakfast properly,

"Hey man! what's up? " I looked to my side and saw Ralph with a raised eyebrow, I just shook my head and looked away,

"Are you okay? " he asked a bit concerned,

"It's just my father gave a large suitcase to Enzo and told him to take it to the boat and I am just confused about that, " I said looking at him and he nodded,

"Why didn't he tell me about it? " I continued and Ralph touched my shoulder,

"Look man maybe you will know about it some time to come don't stress over it okay right now we have to pay Caldwell a visit okay I know where he is, " Ralph said finishing his coffee,

"How do you know? " I asked and he shrugged smirking, and asked me if I was ready to go and I nodded my head

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

We got off the plane and headed to a simple car that I told my contact in Singapore to get me, we were off to the East side of Singapore it's gonna be a few hours to get there but well we got the time, that son of a bitch is one of many that have to pay!

* * * * * * * * *

"Wow he is really getting sloppy just a few men this will end easily, " Ralph said chuckling, we had just arrived at the place but surprisingly there were no men I mean just a few men, Ralph was right this motherfvcker must think he is safe here, if only he knew one of his men is my childhood friend he would think fast,

"Come on, " I said and he followed me, we came to a corner where I saw Caldwell and I pushed Ralph back which he was not happy about, not now!

"I want everything I asked for I am not taking less Albert and you know when those motherfvckers come for me they are coming for you as well so I highly doubt you would want to be on my bad side!" Caldwell yelled into the phone and threw it on the wall, oh trouble in partner-dise!

He paced back and forth clearly irritated and I decided to make an appearance,

"Caldwell nice to see you again man! " I yelled and he was startled by me, he turned immediately and looked at me with wide eyes, his eyes immediately went to a desk next to a wall, did he put a gun there? I wonder

He rushed to the desk and Ralph appeared out of nowhere and smacked him on the head,

"Don't think about it motherfvcker, " he said calmly, where did he come from I thought he was behind me,

Caldwell fell holding onto his head and he looked up at me smirking, I squatted down to his level,

"You are one clever bastard I will give you that, " he said with a bloody head and spat in my face, and I looked at him in disgust,

"Well that was fucking rude!!" I said punching him hard and he spat blood and glared at me,

"Also if I am tipped off well enough, " I said smirking at him and his smile left his face I think he just realized he has been betrayed by his own,

"Who did it? Tell me now! " he yelled clearly pissed off and I chuckled, wouldn't he want to know huh,

"I have come here to collect Caldwell you killed my brother in cold blood, " I said ignoring his question and looking at my gun,

"All you had to do was give up the territory who knows maybe your father and brother could be here, " he said smirking at me,

I glared at him and he continued,

"And who knows you should look after your sister well enough you never know what could happen, " he said laughing and I saw black,

I got up and I shot him in the head, his chest and where his heart should be, I spat on his dead body, and I walked out,

I heard more gunshots from Ralph, he is making sure he is dead

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *



I was in my bedroom looking at my phone when I heard gunshots from downstairs, I smiled because I have been waiting for all my life, today I show everyone what I am made of,

I got out slowly after I put my phone on silent, I got my gun it was a present from daddy,

I appoached the balcony from up and I saw three men looking around the house, I aimed at the first guy and shot and he fell, the other two were alerted and they looked up and shot multiple times but I took cover and aimed at the second one and shot him too and his friend got pissed off he shot at me and I hid, I looked at the front door and I saw Craig one of daddy's men and I showed him to be quiet and he did, the other approached up the stairs where he didn't see it coming and I shot him in the end and he fell down the steps,

I saw Craig looking at me and I smiled an innocent smile, his eyes got wide, yes I don't need anyone protecting me I can do that myself.


"Portali sulla barca Armando saprà cosa fare," ~ Take them to the boat Armando will know what to do

"Padre, sei tornato presto," ~ Father, you came back early

"Sì, ho incontrato Ferguson e ci fornirà il prodotto sai che la nostra merce è stata presa Non so quante volte adesso ma so che quegli stronzi ormai sanno come si muovono i nostri prodotti e non lo avrò più," ~ Yes, I met Ferguson and he will supply us with the product you know our merchandise has been taken I don't know how many times now but I know those bitches now know how our products move and I won't have it anymore

Ho anche delle notizie che dovresti assolutamente sapere," ~ I also have news you should definitely know, "

"Oleg pensa che tu sia morto anche Albert e Caldwell pensano che tu sia morto," ~ Oleg thinks you're dead Albert and Caldwell think you're dead too