
The sun hung high above the sky, making it sweltering in the stuffy, crowded city. People were going every which way on their own business. The market was busy now with people, whether outside stalls or enclosed shops, there were throngs of shoppers everywhere. The holdup with the absurd lines to get into the stores was getting ridiculous.

Sarah groaned. She thought Carson was a sadist, but Elena had him bested by leaps and bounds. This was their third shopping district, and there were only four in the outer city, and she wasn't sure if this would be their last district.

"Are we almost done yet?" Sarah asked Elena, unable to stay silent anymore. She tried to keep the misery out of her voice but ultimately failed.

"Why, aren't you having fun?" Elena asked in surprise.

"Not really, " Sarah said under her breath so Elena couldn't hear her complaint. No sane person would find this level of shopping fun.