
Page 13

Aella's father, Terrence walked on the muddy road that led to Coven's HQ.

He climbed through the stairs, leaving his muddy footprints behind him. He was in a hurry.

"Where do you think you're going Terrence?" one of the officials stopped him even before he got too far.

"I need to see Pirate "

"He's busy ,come back tomorrow" the official stated as he pushed him back with his forefinger making him stumble back.

"It's really urgent, if I come back tomorrow the damage will have been done" he put up his act of pretence so that he could walk past this nosy official.

"Why don't you tell me ,I'll be sure to tell him"

"No, it's confidential , if you happen to lose your job anytime soon just know that you have yourself to blame" Terrence turned back to walk away and waited for the official to stop him and...

"Stop" he did. He smiled but when he turned back the smile disappeared.

"I will inform him that you're here ,wait here" the official disappeared in the building.

"He's in his office" the official came back angry

,he must have been scolded by pirate.

"What makes you disturb my peace this time, you know that this are not my working hours " Pirate was a tall and lean guy with a huge body physique that matched his personality.

But he was human ,that's why he was so guarded even by the officials themselves.

He was also a member of the council too.

"Did you figure it out already or are you just wasting my money?'

"Patience Terrence, the results are almost out but you should know that this is very dangerous for us , we will get in trouble" Pirate replied.

"I know, I also don't want to do this but , I can't allow anyone figure out her power so we should begin soon and it will take place at my place" Terrence was also disturbed since he would be experimenting on his daughter therefore betraying her.

He continued ," and since when did you ever worry?"

"Since I found out that a ripper is out to get me" he obviously said as if it didn't scare him but it definitely did.

"A ripper?"

"Yes ,he doesn't know where I am that's why I also need to start this experiment so I can hide for a few days. Terrence just nodded and turned to leave but before he left ,

"Am expecting you before the Moon Festival begins and then we'll dissapear together with my family and also tell those officials outside to stop being such a pain in the ass" his boots sounded on the floor until they were no longer unheard.

Pirate left his seat immediately after and went through some spiral staircase to the underground basement where all sorts of portions and lab materials were placed.

A man in a long white coat and huge glasses was watching a rat in a glass cage struggle for it's life.

"Is it working?" Pirate asked as he neared the man.

"It is but it has its complications,since the power in the rat is artificial so for us to transfer the power to another rat ,it's takes time but am sure it will work"

Pirate nodded and the lab scientist, Jeffrey continued.

"By the end of this week we shall be good, by Sunday it should be good"

"Very good ,make sure that everything is perfect since next time we'll be doing this on a real specimen" Jeffrey's look was worried as he wondered who would have to go through this but masked it immediately as Pirate left.

" Okay"


For the fist time Sarin was worried, her parents hadn't appeared at her doorstep. It had been almost two weeks and fear and worry filled her. She was always happy when they left but that didn't mean that she didn't care about them.

They were all she had right now. She always knew that this job that they had devoted their lives into was dangerous that's why she died want it.

It was late at night, if Sir.Irwin hadn't been keeping her company so far she would have been bored to death but now he suddenly dissapeared from her life. When she asked around about him not most people knew and actually nobody had heard such a name.

A loud knock interrupted her thoughts, she ran down stairs and what she saw with her made her heart stop for a while.

What happened?