
Page 14

Her father was being supported by two of the hunters into the house. He looked pale , his eyes were bloodshot and also weak. His one hand was wrapped in a bandage but the blood had already stained it. He was more than disheveled.

"Sarin honey, get out of the way" her mom jolted her from the shock and she moved. After they carried her father to the room ,her mom immediately embraced her.

"What happened mom?" she asked but her mother was already crying.

"He was attacked by a vampire and it infected him and now we don't know what to do" her mother replied as she pulled away to look at Sarin.

"How have been my dear?"

"Don't worry about me mom, when did this happen?" she pulled her to sit on the couch.

"The day we left we went for a hunt but he was attacked, he was talking to me so I think he got distracted" she replied.

"We'll figure out a way , don't worry" Sarin could only sooth since even she herself didn't know what they would do.

Sarin went to visit her father but he was unconscious. It hurt her to see what damage the supernaturals could do to the humans yet they were roaming scott free causing more damage and pain. Her heart clenched in pain that was being caused even to her mother.

Her earlier claim of never being a hunter was being weighed down.

If her father didn't get any better any time she would reconsider her decisions.

"Father please wake up ,mom needs you and I need you too I don't want to say this but am reconsidering my decisions about being a hunter , after what they've done to you and the pain they're causing us I just don't feel so good about" she was talking to him but he was still in slumber hoping he could hear her , His hand was dead cold. But there was another pair of ears litsening just outside the door.


It had been two days now and Aella had been so busy after the return of the family back home. Even Terrence, her father was home ,which was weird.

"Aella ,come we have a family meeting" Shira called and she followed after her to the living room.

Everybody sat and the her dad began "I know I have not been around for the past few days and some of you are angry at me for that" he looked and her step -mother, "am sorry for that but all of you should know that am doing this for the best interest of the family" he looked around the room and finally his eyes landed on Aella but quickly looked away which made Aella suspicious.

" I have some good news ,we will be relocating from this place immediately after the harvest moon festival" he anticipatedly looked around and when he saw the excitement in the eyes of his family he was satisfied.

"And also we will have to accomodate some men from the council here from Monday next week , Aella you will be serving them so you'll have to stay in their residence" he completed.

This wasn't something new for Aella so she just nodded at him but the unease bubbling inside her was uncomfortable.

Something told her trouble was looming just about the corner.

"Where are we moving to?" Shira asked.

"It'll be a surprise for all of you" Terrence smiled but that was not his real smile.

He was just acting as he avoided any eye contact with her.

Time passed and after lunch her step mother sent her to the seamstress to get their dresses for the festival.

The town was livelier now ,she even wondered what it would be like during the festival day. Foreigners were everywhere, she could already guess that all the guestrooms had been booked by now.

"Didn't expect to see you here today" she turned to meet with the familiar face that had ghosted her for the past two days.

"When did you expect to see me?" she asked.

"You sound angry ,why?"

"Maybe because you ghosted me for two days" she blurted out but instantly regretted it. He would obviously think she missed him.

It took a while before he answered, " I see, but as I remember correctly you never wanted me around, you were always like , go away Everytime"

"That's because you're annoying nothing much" ignoring her statement he added.

"You missed me didn't you?" a smirk formed on his lips as he waited and she came to halt as she was at her destination.

"No" she opened the door to the shop and dissapeared inside, he tried to follow her but he couldn't only ladies were allowed inside.

After thirty minutes she walked out and found him talking to one of the towns men.

"Did you blackmail your sister?" he asked immediately he car back to her.

"There's no need since we're relocating in one week, after the festival"

"What!?" she looked at him and she could see genuine surprise in his eyes.


Hope I have a genuine reader here. Thanks to anyone who has read.<3.