
Page 15

Sarin left the house, this was two days after her parents came back home. She had been taking care of her father but there were no good results at the time since he would now vomiting blood and then he collapsed on the bed again.

She didn't get even the chance to speak with him. She was very worried about his health and feared what would become of him now.

Her mom had gone for a hunters meeting and she came back home sad. She was crying almost all night refusing to tell Sarin anything.

Just as she was walking she saw the familiar hair that had now dissapeared for a while now.

Sir.Irwin as he called himself.

Right now she didn't trust him ,he turned around as is sensing she was looking at him then their gazes locked. He seemed worried at first but immediately after he turned to walk away hastily.

She needed to catch up with him so she could get him to speak the truth.

"Hey!" she called out. He was disappearing from her and she was getting more frustrated.

"Please stop!" she called out again and immediately he stopped and turned back to her. She approached him.

"What is your real name?" she asked she didn't have the time to start greeting each other.

" Grey Imperial" he replied.

"Why did you dissapear from me?" she asked again but more furious this time.

"I had to"


"I just had to ,I have to go now" in seconds he was out of her sight and now it's when it settled in her head. He was just using her for something which she didn't know. He was a supernatural definitely ,his speed was top notch.

"Stupid Bastard!" she muttered under her breath and walked to seamstresses shop to pick up her dress and in no time she was back at home.

"How is he?"

"Still asleep" her mom replied as she woke up from her slumber on the couch next to the bed.

"Mom ,it's too uncomfortable to be sleeping there ,you sleep in my room" she suggested.

"Thank you Sarin but am stressed that the person who did all this to him will just be enjoying his life out there while he suffers alone " there was pain in her voice. Pain that she couldn't do anything to help him and pain that her father would become a monster.

"I know mom, what type of creature attacked him?" she sat on the opposite side of the bed.

" It was an elite vampire" she might not have indulged herself in supernatural stuff but she knew almost every one of them, she had even been taught about the weapons and tools ,she almost knew everything a hunter needed to know but she never indulged herself more than that.

"Elite? ,Why would an elite vampire attack him?" she asked ,Elite did not attack carelessly like the rogue.

"That's what they are, whether Elite or rogue , they're all creatures of the night they attack anyone they come across" Sarin's mother watched as her daughter contemplated on her words. She knew sarin wouldn't believe her but she had to feed her a lie so that she could become a hunter. That's all she ever wanted, the legacy must continue from her to sarin and many more.

She didn't have an option.

"Mom ,are you sure"

"Yes am very sure my child" Sarin couldn't believe her ,but it was her mom she was talking about, her mom knew any type of creatures,so there is no way she could be mistaken.

Just after a cough erupted from her father,her eyes dilated as she saw him wake up but not to vomit, he looked a bit normal.

"Dad?" she called and he turned to look at her.

" How are you?"

"I've been better my dear" her dad looked at both of them forcing a smile on his lips. His ragged breathing did not stop him from speaking.

"Sarin, it was not-" her dad began but her mother stopped him midway.

"Go get him a glass of water dear" she was happier than ever to see him awake.

Back In The Room

"Why did you lie to her?" Victor asked.

"I need her to become a hunter Victor, she has to learn to become so that she can even protect herself"

"That is not good Kimberly, you are lying to her, why don't tell her the truth and she can make her own decisions" Victor said as he tried to convince her but she obviously wouldn't listen. He had already taught sarin how to protect herself so there was absolutely no need.

"Can't you see Victor, she is too naive to make her own decisions, this is our role as parents to help her out" Kimberly tried to argue with her husband who never supported Sarin to becoming a hunter.

"She is not naive Kim, if you don't tell her I-" he started coughing even before he completed the sentence.

"Lay down victor, am just trying to help her and you should too ,just play along with it , please Victor"

Victor just looked at his wife and nodded ,he was more than irritated the problem was that he was sick so he couldn't leave that bed and help Sarin.

"Here father, you were saying that you were not?" she hadn't forgotten. She was a wise young woman and very keen on details and here was his wife who called her naive.

" I was not attacked by" Kim squeezed his hand a little," a rogue but by an Elite vampire" he completed.

Kimberly let out a sigh of relief immediately after. Sarin was confused now.

Just then a knock was heard on the door and Kim went to open it.