
Page 18

The Imperials were arranged in order of status. Currently Klaus was standing as the third after Paul and his friend. He was in a foul mood since he was standing here for some boring Royal family to arrive just so that they could pay their respect and greetings.

He would rather have missed this fvcking meeting but his siblings didn't give him the space to miss it especially Enisa. She was so happy since she could finally formally meet Ruel ,her secret love in public so that they could pretend they had never met.

Klaus and his brother, Karl, knew about Ruel but Ruel didn't know that the both of them knew about him.

The Laviscount family was third in rank in the Imperial Mansion and he was proud of it. Being higher in rank had the best advantages.

The royal affair started of early and he had to converse with a number of people from Royal family and a couple of different Imperials from other towns.

It was around two after lunch when he was done speaking with most of the people. He turned to leave but was only met by the personal he was dreading to see.

"Hello Klaus" her sharp voice caught the attention of a few people around them.

"Patsy" he replied trying to avoid much talk.

"So who is the new catch after leaving me, no, humiliating me at the alter" the hostility that came from her words were coded with pain.

"I have to go am in a hurry , now" he stressed on the last word so she could get the message but unfortunately...

"Oh am sure you are but if stay a little longer I might help you find her" just as he was about to walk away he stopped.

How in the world did she know about Aella or maybe Sarah. He had been very careful with every move he did to avoid drawing attention to himself but seems like she had left a spy and he could already guess who.

"And who might you be talking about" he confirmed the details to be sure.

"Oh am sure you know who, she is..." he cut her off since he already knew where she was going with this conversation.

To bed, he didn't want any relations with her had enough with women except that pretty witch. Patsy loved to play the manipulation game, to control so she could conquer.

"Can you cut to the chase," he was trying not to confuse between whether she was talking about Aella who he was more interested in right now or Aunt Sarah.

"Sarah, I know where she is" Patsy replied finally angry that she couldn't trick to her doing.

"Good " he turned and pointed to Paul, "You see him, he's in the case about Sarah, go tell him where she is , I've already linked him" Paul was already looking at her.

She clicked as she walked away as there was no other option. What happened already a decade ago but she was still dwelling on it like some good memory. He never regretted ever leaving her at the alter, she had to go through the shame that she and her family had caused to Klaus, Karl and Enisa when they were young.

It was payback.

He immediately dissapeared to the bar in town which belonged to him. He removed his tail caot and gave the bar tender to keep it which he did. Through the window, he could see a group of villagers crowding a man. It's like they were planning something and he litsened from where he was.

"We need you three to get the fire torches that should be used to burn them." the Douglas whom he had gotten beaten up was speaking, " and sister, I need you get the women in town for a protest to that damned family ,they have caused us enough suffering" he completed, seems like they started some time ago.

"What are they up to?" he asked no one in particular but the bar tender quickly replied thinking that Klaus had been talking to him.

"They are leading a protest to the small witch family led by that huge man in the middle" he wasn't surprised since he had expected it. Last time when Douglas wanted to harrass Aella ,he had really tried his best to avoid killing him to avoid raising suspicions since Aella was the last person whom he was seen with but right now he was really hoping to get that chance again.

"What do they plan on doing?"

"Burning the witches" the bar tender, Louis, dissapeared to the back. His fists clenched, not for the family as a whole since he knew that they didn't really care about her, for Aella.

First, he wasn't sure if she had left town or not which had become frustrating.

He rose to his feet ready to go to the Witches family but there was a need for him in the mansion.

Why now and What now?


"Quickly ladies, we need to go" Penelopé told her two daughters ,Shira and Sharma. She was scared of what was about to happen to her family. She might have always been heartless to Aella but she did not completely agree with what her husband was doing. It wasn't right in all ways. She had to run away and if there was a way for her to help Aella she could but she couldn't risk of her husband knowing that she was running away from him. He would be infuriated.

"Mother, where is father ,we should go with him remember "

" He will catch up with us later, let's go"

She was in town when she heard that her home was going to be mobbed by the villagers. Nobody knew that she belonged in that household too since she kept it a secret. Being a witch was good but it had it's cons.

Her daughters pushed their trunks to the back of the carriage. They all entered and soon it started moving. She could hear the noise from the villagers. They used the forest route that always passed by the Lake for safety because if they used the normal route they would be mobbed out.

"Where do you think you're going Pen?" the angry voice stopped her from thinking further. He had stopped the driver already and was stomping to the door in angry steps. She shivered in fear and waited for some dire scold but he didn't. The two guests who had been with them for two days joined them and finally he shut the small door and they rode away although they weren't too far.

Shira looked back and saw smoke in the sky.

"Mother she's going to die" Shira sobbed thinking of her sister die. She was nice to Aella always not like Sharma who was always mean.

"Why do you care ? She has always been weak , it should serve her right " Sharma retorted, " she is our saviour for now too"

"SHUT UP both of YOU" their father's voice shut them up immediately. He was glaring at Penelopé who just looked down in fear.

She was scared of what he would do to her later for her almost betrayal.