
page 78

What happened?" in just a few seconds she was back to her normal self. Grey smiled because only now could she help him out although she had alot of acting to do.

"Nothing I haven't taken care of already" he said as she finally stood upright and washed her face with the water from the sink.

She turned to look at him.

"Was that painting there because of you?"


"I feel light-headed" she groaned.

"You'll be better in a while but first I need you to spy on Jurrian, you need to pretend you're still in wife's form"

"What should I do?"

He smiled at his soon to be Queen.


"Can we go back to the palace?" Aella asked. She'd just woken up and something was bothering her mind, as much as she enjoyed wasting time and doing nothing. This wasn't helping although she really did enjoy Klaus's company. They'd done a lot, hunting for Klaus which Aella thought was too gruesome, she didn't want to watch it ever again.

Klaus was just amused by her reaction then he took them flying, they visited her sister's. Cassian had taken them to some house in the woods. They had access to food and everything. She'd also creeped up on Klaus and tried to freeze him and he finally admitted that she could freeze him to death.

"Why?" he asked rubbing his eyes. He slept, which was a rare occurrence for him. She studied him for a while then looked away when he looked her way she quickly looked away flustered.

"I feel like something has gone wrong" she answered honestly.

"Did you know that the queen died?"

"No because you didn't tell me" she accused but he simply smiled. "Why are you smiling, what's so funny?"

"I didn't want your attention to stray away from me" he moved closer and pulled her under the covers. She fell back on the bed and lay on her side to look at him.

"You know-" she kept quiet and marveled in the way his hand lay lazily around her waist and the way his gaze never strayed from her face, "I feel very confident around you"

"You don't need me to feel confident, you are confident" he says pushing a stray strand of hair from my face. His gaze assuring she inched closer and pressed her palms on his face cradling it.

"Thank you for everything Klaus, you're the best thing that happened in my life and am grateful for that, you came into my life when I needed you the most so I appreciate that, a lot" she said honestly.

"You're welcome" he said his eyes brightening. She didn't need to hear more to believe him, that was enough assurance.

"Now about that queen, what happened to her?"

"She was killed in her chambers by someone, probably his grandson"

"Why would he do that?"

"He is just a power hungry boy, do you know my friend Grey?"

"No I haven't, you've never introduced me to any of your friends" he smiles and embraced her.

"I don't have many to introduce you to, I enjoy your company more anyone else's" her cheeks tinted pink then she pulled back and rolled out of the bed.

"Ok, let's uh-" she hesitated, "take a bath together?" Klaus didn't need to be told twice since he swung of the bed from his side then walked to her side and picked her up. "Bath or shower?"

"Which do you prefer?"

"Shower so that I can praise your body as it should be" he said cockily then carried her to the bathroom. Her blood raced at his words, then he finally dropped her in front of the mirror. "Your hair is changing colour more faster than I expected."

"What is this supposed to mean?"

"I think it's because you started using your abilities"

"Yeah I think so too, I should take this off" she tugged at her dress and he moved back to help her out of it.

"Aren't you shy anymore or what happened in this past days because I don't think this is you" he teased then quickly took off his shirt and pants.

The confidence the man carried always amazed her, he was never embarrassed.

"I'm tired of being shy, its old news now" she said confidently.

"But I liked you shy too, shy for me"

She chuckled, "Sorry to disappoint you, sir"

His gaze lit up then he carried her again from the location of the mirror to the shower. "I'm not disappointed, my lady" he kissed her temple.

After dropping her on the floor he switched the water on, it was cold at first but she didn't really feel it since she was chasing his lips and he willingly leaned down and captured his lips with hers. It was always Klaus in control of the kisses but this time she was the one to delve deeper and tug at his tongue. She sucked his tongue getting breathless, he was the one to pull back first amazement and wonder in his eyes.

"Tell me the truth Aella?" he narrowed his eyes at her not believing that it just happened that she just became bold in a fortnight.

She looked away shyly then grabbed a loofah and gave it him and turned to give him her back. "Well I read a book when I was in the-"

"Library" he completed for her, "I suspected there was something fishy you were doing in there, what was the book about?"

"Just romance" she shrugged but he was a vampire and he could feel blood rush to her cheeks.

"I want to read it too, you seem to have enjoyed it a lot" he grabbed the soap and began washing her back.

"I just read somewhere that men want confident ladies"

"Oh! We do but I need you confident in front of the crowd and me but also shy, I like both versions" he said turning her around to look at him.

"Ohk" she said looking up.

" As much as I love you baby, we have to leave soon I don't like flying at night" he said finally and bathed both her and himself. Oblivious to everything, she was offering him a dazzling smile as her heartbeats sang a happy song.

He LOVED her.