
Entering the chamber, Min Joo's curious eyes fell on her father's weakened state. He lay fragile on the bed, caught in a relentless bout of coughing. Little droplets of blood clung to his dry lips, a sight that squeezed Min Joo's heart with vulnerability. She shifted uncomfortably on her feet, her gaze scanning the room in search of answers.

Her attention then landed on a tray near the window. A sword lay there, its blade stained with blood that had taken on a sickly green hue—a telltale sign of poison. Her instincts kicked in, and she dashed towards the tray, her focus intent on the poisoned weapon. She examined it closely, trying to piece together the puzzle that lay before her.

Suddenly, Min Gwan's cautious yell pierced the air, jolting her out of her concentration. "Stay away!" he warned urgently. Startled, Min Joo swiftly turned around, her bewildered gaze locking with Min Gwan's watchful eyes. The tension in the room was palpable, and she could feel his anxiety radiating off him. Something dire was unfolding, and she knew she needed to tread carefully to uncover the truth and protect her father.

Min Joo immediately stepped back from the tray, her instincts confirmed by the royal healer positioned beside her father's bedside. The healer's voice rang out urgently, "Your Highness, do not touch it! It's poisoned." Her brows furrowed in confusion, but Min Joo's countenance shifted quickly into a mask of stoic resolve. She directed her gaze towards her father, her voice steady as she inquired of the royal healer, "How is his condition?"

The royal healer lowered her head in apology before responding in a subdued tone, "Not improving, Your Highness. The poison is spreading rapidly." A hiss escaped Min Joo's lips, and she clenched her fists in an attempt to steady herself. Meanwhile, Min Gwan, who stood at a distance, observed the scene with a mixture of empathy for Min Joo and curiosity regarding the attack her father had endured. He couldn't help but wonder about the identity of the possible enemy responsible for this act.

In awe of her determination, Min Gwan observed as Min Joo's voice echoed through the chamber, "Where is Chang Soen?" The royal healer visibly trembled as she responded, "In their chambers." Min Gwan, also known as Min Yoongi, couldn't help but be puzzled by the sudden fear evident in the healer's demeanor.

As if fate had aligned with his curiosity, the chamber doors swung open, revealing a man of similar age. His black hair contrasted against his pale skin, and scars adorned his cheekbones, wrists, and legs, all of which were concealed beneath the swathes of white bandages. He entered the chamber unsteadily, his movements betraying the injuries he bore. Min Gwan followed Min Joo's gaze as it rested upon the newcomer, her eyes filled with a mixture of caution and intensity.

In the midst of this tension, Min Gwan swallowed audibly, acutely aware of the charged atmosphere that had formed between the two figures before him.

Min Gwan found himself entranced by the aura that surrounded Min Joo, his attention fixed on her as the scene unfolded. Beside him, the raven-haired soldier fell to his knees, his cries a desperate plea for forgiveness. Tears streamed down his face as he begged, "Please, Princess, forgive me. I tried everything, but I was unable to save him." Min Joo's hiss of disapproval cut through the air, sending a shiver down Min Gwan's spine, leaving a taste of metallic stress on her tongue, Min Joo moved a bit.

Her voice firm and controlled, Min Joo demanded, "Who did this?" The sobbing soldier managed to convey that they had a suspect in custody down in the chambers. Min Joo closed her eyes briefly, gathering her composure. With a heavy sigh, she glanced at the weeping soldier before issuing the command, "Stand up." Slowly, the soldier rose to his feet, his face streaked with tears and apprehension.

Suddenly, Min Joo produced a dagger from her robes, her eyes flashing red as she pushed the soldier against the nearest pillar. Her gaze bore into him intensely, the dagger pointing menacingly at his throat. The soldier was rendered speechless, his wide eyes locked onto hers. Min Joo's voice, dripping with authority, resonated in the chamber as she warned, "This is your final chance, Chang Soen. Should you fail in your duty again, I will personally end your life."

Chang Soen's head bobbed fervently in agreement, but Min Joo's piercing gaze remained unrelenting. Her demand for words was met with stuttered assent, "Yes, Princess, I will protect the royal family at any cost, even if it means sacrificing my own blood." Min Joo's nod indicated her acceptance of his pledge. With a firm nod, she remarked, "Good."

Min Joo backed away from the trembling soldier, her demeanor still imposing. As she shifted slightly, her tone softened a fraction as she commanded, "Return to your chambers and rest properly. There are many challenges ahead, and you must be prepared."

As Min Gwan observed the unfolding scene, he couldn't help but be captivated by Min Joo's commanding presence. There was an undeniable aura of authority about her, something that he hadn't fully appreciated before. He watched in awe as she stood before the sobbing soldier, her gaze piercing through the air with a mixture of sternness and control.

The soldier's tearful pleas for forgiveness seemed to only amplify the intensity of Min Joo's demeanor. Her response was curt, her voice cutting through the tension like a blade. Her question, "Who did this?" resonated in the chamber, and Min Gwan felt a shiver run down his spine as he waited for her next move.

When she retrieved the dagger from her robes, Min Gwan's breath caught in his throat. He hadn't expected such a bold action, and his eyes widened as he watched her approach the weeping soldier. The way she pushed him against the pillar, the dagger's blade dangerously close to his throat, displayed a side of Min Joo that he hadn't seen before – a fierce determination that demanded attention and respect.

The exchange between Min Joo and the soldier seemed to hang in the air, each word carrying weight and consequence. Min Gwan's heart raced as he observed the soldier's shaky agreement, his promises punctuated by stuttered words. The way Min Joo's gaze remained unyielding, her voice unwavering, only deepened the impression of her authority.

As Min Joo finally stepped back from the soldier, Min Gwan couldn't help but feel a mixture of emotions. He was both impressed and somewhat intimidated by the strength that Min Joo emanated. Her final command to the soldier, delivered in a softer tone, showed a side of her that was multi-faceted – a leader who could be stern and commanding, yet also caring and considerate.

In that moment, Min Gwan realized that he had underestimated Min Joo. Her complex personality, the way she effortlessly shifted between different aspects of her role, left him both intrigued and challenged. He knew that he was witnessing something significant – a glimpse into the depths of Min Joo's character that he hadn't fully comprehended until now.

As the soldier departed from the chamber, a brief moment passed between Min Joo and Min Gwan. Their eyes locked, and in that shared gaze, something unspoken seemed to pass between them. Min Joo's typically stern countenance softened as she looked at him, and Min Gwan felt his own defenses crumbling under the weight of her gaze. It was as if their auras were merging, their walls momentarily forgotten as they connected on a deeper level.

Min Joo's usual air of authority seemed to waver in the presence of Min Gwan, her eyes revealing a vulnerability that caught him off guard. He found himself drawn to that vulnerability, a side of her he hadn't witnessed before. In response, his own stoicism began to fade, replaced by a genuine curiosity and a newfound understanding of the complexities beneath Min Joo's surface.

The world around them seemed to blur as they stood lost in each other's eyes, their unspoken connection growing stronger by the second. But just as they were on the brink of completely succumbing to this shared moment, the soft sound of Min Joo's father's voice broke through the enchantment.

The reality of the situation crashed back into their awareness, and their gaze shifted from each other to the bed where Min Joo's father lay. His gentle call for his daughter was a poignant reminder of the urgency of the situation and the responsibilities that Min Joo carried as a member of the royal family. As their eyes met once more, a silent understanding passed between them – a recognition that their shared connection, however fleeting, was now set aside in the face of duty and family.

Their pace quickened as they rushed to the bedside, where Min Joo took her father's hand into her own with the utmost gentleness. Min Gwan stood nearby, his eyes fixed on the ailing king, observing the scene with a mix of concern and reverence.

Amid her sobs, Min Joo's voice cracked as she posed the question that weighed heavily on her heart, "Who did this?" Her father's weak chuckle pierced the air, drawing both her and Min Gwan's attention. His reply was tempered with an air of acceptance, "Does it matter? As I believe my time has come."

Tears streamed down Min Joo's face as she vehemently rejected his words, her voice a desperate plea, "No." She clutched her father's hand, her grip both fragile and fierce. Her voice quivered as she continued, her cries punctuating her words, "You're the only family I have. Don't leave me." The depth of her anguish was palpable as she sought refuge in her father's embrace, tears staining his garments.

Amid this heart-wrenching scene, Min Gwan was gripped by an unforeseen realization. Something within him stirred, and before he could think, the words tumbled out of his mouth, "I know of a cure." The weight of his statement hung in the air, his eyes locked on Min Joo's tear-streaked face. The room seemed to hold its breath, the gravity of his revelation sinking in as they all confronted the possibility of hope amidst despair.