
In the hushed chamber, a heavy moment of realization hung in the air. The weight of Min Gwan's unintentional words reverberated, causing a collective turn of heads. Min Joo's reddened eyes widened with a mix of astonishment and hope, her heart pounding as she fixated on Min Gwan, who seemed taken aback by his own revelation. With a steadying breath, he nodded, confirming that he indeed knew of a possible cure.

Min Joo surged forward, her breath catching in her throat as she reached out and grasped Min Gwan's shoulders, her fingers trembling against the fabric of his clothing. Her voice trembled as she sought reassurance, "Are you sure? Can you really save him?" Her gaze bore into his, silently pleading for his affirmation.

Min Gwan met her gaze, his eyes earnest and unwavering as he responded, "Yes, Min Joo. I know." Her eyes brimmed with tears of hope and relief, cascading down her cheeks as she felt a wave of emotions surge through her.

Her heart swelling, Min Joo straightened, her voice filled with gratitude as she choked back tears, "Thank you, thank you so much." The sincerity of her words resonated in the room, echoing in the tense atmosphere.

But Min Gwan wasn't done yet. He gently pushed aside the urge to bask in her gratitude, knowing that there was still work to be done. "I need to examine your father first," he suggested, seeking her permission. With a nod, Min Joo stepped back, allowing him access to the ailing king.

As Min Gwan observed the king's condition, his keen eyes took in the dry skin, the reddened patches, and the telltale signs of itchiness. It became clear to him that the poisoning was due to the sumac plant. He shared his findings with the royal healer, who lit up in recognition, acknowledging the validity of his assessment.

Min Joo looked on in awe as Min Gwan's expertise unfolded before her. He declared that a tonic made from calamine was needed for the treatment. However, the healer interjected, mentioning that calamine was a rare ingredient and not readily available nearby.

To everyone's astonishment, Min Gwan's voice broke through the tension once more, "I know where to find it." The room fell into a hushed silence, Min Joo's eyes wide with wonder as she looked at him in disbelief. His words held the promise of not just a cure, but a newfound hope that had eluded them until now.

Amidst the urgency of the chamber, Min Joo's wide-eyed gaze locked onto Min Gwan's face. The question that held a glimmer of hope and desperation tumbled from her lips, "Where can we find calamine easily?" Her voice carried the weight of their predicament, the uncertainty of the situation palpable.

Min Gwan's voice was firm as he answered, "In the northern state, near the great waterfall. It's a journey, but that's where we can find it." His gaze held the assurance of his knowledge, the path ahead clear in his mind.

A horrified realization gripped Min Joo's heart, and her voice shook as she whispered, "It's too far. And Father's state isn't under control." The gravity of their predicament hung heavily in the air, threatening to extinguish the newfound hope.

Min Gwan's gaze met hers, his expression resolute as he nodded in agreement. "I know," he replied softly, his voice carrying a determined edge. "I will make the journey quickly, retrieve the calamine, and return as soon as possible."

Min Joo's astonishment was evident as she looked at him, her voice a mix of disbelief and gratitude, "You're willing to go? To make that journey?"

His nod was accompanied by a gentle smile, an unspoken promise etched into the curve of his lips. "Yes," he confirmed, his tone steady. He paused, his gaze searching hers before he added, "I owe this to you."

A genuine smile touched Min Joo's lips, gratitude mingling with relief in her expression. "Thank you," she murmured softly, her voice filled with heartfelt appreciation.

Turning his attention to the royal healer, Min Gwan instructed with a calm authority, "In the meantime, rub ice and cold cloth on the affected areas to slow the spread of the poison." The healer nodded in acknowledgement, moving to carry out his instructions.

With a final nod of determination towards Min Joo, Min Gwan turned to leave, his steps infused with a renewed purpose. The chamber felt charged with a blend of tension and hope as Min Joo watched his retreating figure, grateful for his dedication and newfound alliance.

Stepping out of the chamber, Min Gwan's senses remained attuned to his surroundings, even as his focus remained on his urgent task. The palace corridors were hushed, and the air held a sense of anticipation as he moved forward.

However, a faint sound, almost imperceptible against the backdrop of his footsteps, caught his attention. He turned slowly, his sharp gaze seeking the source of the disturbance. And there she was, a whirlwind of determination and grace, dashing towards him with a purpose that matched his own.

Min Joo's image was a vivid portrait of strength and vulnerability combined. Her hair flowed behind her like a dark cascade, and her eyes, though slightly swollen from tears, shimmered with a resolute determination. The sight of her left Min Gwan momentarily spellbound, admiring her silent but powerful presence.

"Min Gwan," her voice reached him, carrying a mixture of certainty and urgency. He responded with a soft "yes," surprised by the softness that seemed to have crept into his voice. He masked his emotions behind the facade of his usual monotone demeanor, although something within him had shifted.

"I am coming with you," she declared, her words hanging in the air like a promise. His brows furrowed slightly in surprise as he questioned her motives, asking why she would leave her father's side at such a crucial moment. But Min Joo's response was as swift as her resolve.

"I want to be with you," she stated, a candid admission that caught him off guard. His pupils dilated slightly in response to her sincerity, his heart beating a bit faster. He could sense the gravity of her decision and the depth of her commitment.

Her understanding gaze met his, and she quickly nodded, acknowledging the uncertainty that had flashed across his features. "Not like that," she added hastily, knowing how her words might have been perceived. "I mean, I want to make sure you reach there safely, and we return on time."

Min Gwan regarded her for a lingering moment, his usual stoicism wavering. He finally nodded, a silent agreement passing between them. "Okay, we have to be quick then," he conceded, allowing a hint of admiration to flicker in his gaze.

Min Joo's resolve remained unwavering, and she assured him that she needed just ten more minutes to ensure everything was packed for their journey. They agreed to meet near the palace entrance, and with that, they began to part ways.

As he headed towards the entrance, Min Gwan couldn't help but notice Min Joo's mother gazing at him with a mixture of curiosity and concern. He chose to ignore the gaze, his focus centered on the task ahead. The presence of Min Joo, her determination, and her unexpected companionship were reshaping the path that lay ahead, and Min Gwan was ready to face whatever challenges came their way.

After the designated ten minutes had passed, Min Joo emerged at the palace entrance where Min Gwan was already waiting, his posture poised and ready. A subtle nod from him was all the acknowledgment she needed as she approached. Swiftly, she mounted one of the horses prepared for their journey, while Min Gwan had already taken his place on the other.

As they burst through the palace gates and into the open expanse beyond, the world seemed to open up before them. Their horses galloped with determination, the wind tugging at their robes and their hair. Min Gwan's earlier growl to "follow me, princess" hung in the air, and Min Joo's nod in response was a silent affirmation that they were united in their purpose.

Heading north toward the cure for her ailing father, the passage of time became a blur, the landscape rolling by like a swiftly painted canvas. Min Joo trailed behind Min Gwan, her trust in his direction unwavering. The sun began its descent, casting a warm golden hue across the land.

As the daylight waned, Min Gwan's gaze shifted to the woman riding behind him. He observed her from the corner of his eye, seeing the shadows of her thoughts reflected in her profile. Finally, he found his voice, and the words spilled out quietly, "How did you know about the cure?"

She turned her head towards him, her eyes meeting his briefly. It was a fleeting connection that held more than words could express. Min Gwan's answer came without hesitation, a fabricated lie, "My father was once poisoned with the same substance. That's how I know."

However, his calm exterior belied the turmoil within. The question had brought forth flashbacks he had long tried to bury, memories of his own painful past that sent shivers down his spine. He saw himself again, shivering by the hillside, a scene that had haunted him for years.

Shaking off the memories, he focused on the present, only to be jarred by a sudden loud thud behind him. His heart raced as he reined in his horse, swiftly turning around to witness a horrifying sight. Min Joo lay unconscious on the ground, her horse stumbling nearby. Panic and concern surged through him as he leapt off his horse and rushed to her side. "Min Joo!" he exclaimed, his voice laced with alarm. Gently, he tried to rouse her, his hands hovering over her, his heart pounding in his chest.