Chapter 3: The Gemini Twin

Third person's pov 

—Kring, Kring— The Alarm Clock sound.

Dara woke up because of the sound of the alarm clock.

—yawn— She sounded. 

Even though she was still sleepy, she chose to get up and prepare for today's new job. She got ready and left the room when she saw Eli preparing for breakfast.

"You woke up early again," Dara commented.

"Of course, I want to cook for you. This is the least I can do for you," She says while putting on a plate.

Dara smiled and sat at the dining table. They ate happily while telling the story of what happened last night at the club and other things.

After they finish eating, Dara says goodbye to Eli and starts to get going. 

(Fast Forward)

A minute later, she safely arrived at her new workplace. The big air dancing balloon on the side of the door shocked me. "Do they have a special event today?" I murmured.

She noticed one of the boys around 25 years old cleaning the tools used in installing banners.  

"Good morning," She greeted me with a smile.

The man stood up and greeted her back. 

"Good morning. Are you a customer? We're not yet open," he replied, looking straight to her.

"No. I'm not. I'm the new employee." Dara answered. She kneels down to help him clean the tools.

"Ah!" The man felt a bit amazed when he heard it. 

Dara kneels down to help him clean but he immediately stops her by getting the tools out of her hand. 

"No, it's ok. I can clean it." The man insisted.

"But I'm ok. I can help you." Dara stared at the man with a plain concern expression.

The man just shook his head and said. 

"No, this line of work is not good for a beautiful lady like you." He started with a strange smile. "Just go inside. I can handle this."

"O-ok." She replied uncomfortably. Dara headed toward the door and didn't bother to look back again. She decides to ignore it and get inside the restaurant.

Dara always hears those words of praise all the time. She's now used to it. 

"Good Morning." Dara greeted the kitchen staff. The restaurant is still closed while staff including her began to prepare things. 

A lady around 20's-30's who's wearing a white hat approaches her.

"Good morning." The lady greated back. "Are you the new employee?" she added.

"Yes!" Dara said excitedly.

"Follow me." The lady said so I followed her to the back.

"I'm the Junior chef here. You can call me Selaginella or Selah for short." She began to introduce herself.

"I'm Dara. Dara Saetang." she replied and spread her right arm for a handshake.

"Nice to meet you." Selah smiled and took Dara's hand for a handshake. "Btw, we have a promo for our new dish today so expect to have lots of customers. Ok?" She added.

Dara simply nods and listens carefully while Selah is explaining what to do.

"You will be in charge of this." The middle lady pointed out the dishes full of plates, spoons, forks and a bunch of big used pots. "Can you do it?" She added.

Dara immediately nodded and smiled. 

"Leave it to me," she cheerfully replied.

"Good. Tell me once you're done so I can instruct you what to do next. I'm just in the stockroom ok?" The lady said before leaving.

Dara baw before she leaves as a sign of her respect. She took a deep breath then faced the sink. "Alright! I can do this!" Encouraging herself.

After a while Dara finished washing everything. He immediately looked for the old woman for his next task. After that, the restaurant finally opened. People are very busy, especially the kitchen staff.

*Break Time*

Dara said goodbye to his superior before leaving her station.

"Let's go together," said Selah.

Dara nodded as a sign of approval and they left the kitchen together. While holding their plates full of food, they went to the back part of the restaurant where the staff were eating. The place is beautiful. 

"It's beautiful. It's like you're at home. There is a mini kitchen, refrigerator, counter and a large round table." Dara said with amazement as he looked around the place. 

"Yeah, it's because of P'Boss." (He's the Thai owner of the store and executive chef of the restaurant) Selah agreed while putting her plate on the table. "He wants all his employees to be comfortable." She added. 

Dara accomply Selah by sitting next to her. Their break time was an hour and a half so they had a long time to talk and rest. They finished eating but they still had time so they just stayed still to rest. After a while, someone entered the staff area.

"Are you done?" Said the man who had just arrived while looking at them. He was quite tall and also had a plate with him. 

Dara thinks it's his break time too.

"Join us, Uriah." Selah offered. The man named Uriah sits beside Dara. 

"Oh my! You're beautiful." He said, looking at Dara's face. 

"Thank you. You look handsome too." She returned the favor. 

"Oh please, I hate that word." Uriah replied, acted as if he heard an insult and covered his ears. 

"Pfft, Don't mind HIM! Dara. He's gay. That's why he acts like that. Uriah was shocked when Selah elaborated the word 'HIM'. 

"Ow sorry, I didn't mean to offend you." Dara looks worried about her behavior. 

"No. it's ok. It's better to be called HANDSOME than ugly not like the others." Uriah said back. Selah just makes a weird face to fight back. Dara simply finds them cute so she smiles secretly. "By the way, you're the new girl right?" He asked while digging his food.  

"Yes I am. My name is Dara." She introduced. Uriah chewed his food first before replying.

"Nice to meet you. I'm the patissier of this restaurant. My name is Uriah Sebastian Galvez but you can just call me Sebs or just call me like others do. Uriah. U,R,I,A,H." He joyfully responded. He even spelled his name. 

"Then I will call you Seby for a change," Dara said.

"Love it." He replied before eating his food. 

While having fun, someone entered the room again. They all turned around and saw P'Boss holding a box. 

"Hello everyone." He greeted us. Dara and others are about to stand up and greet him back when he speaks again. "It's ok. Please." Waving his right hand down as a sign of 'please sit'. 

"Do you need anything Chef?" Selah asked first.

"Yeah, I was looking for both of them." He answered while pointing at Dara and Uriah. 

Dara was confused and that made her question him. "How can we help you, sir?" 

"I need both of you to give these leaflets outside." P'Boss opens the box full of leaflets. "Don't worry. You don't need to finish it today. I had someone assigned for this but unfortunately, they couldn't come today because they both got sick." He continued to explain. 

"But why us?" Uriah questions him. Selah thought that Uriah didn't want the work and wanted to tease Uriah so she interrupted the conversation.

"I think Uriah doesn't want it. I volunteer, sir." Selah said while raising her left hand. 

"I used you and Dara because I know you can do it. Besides, it could help us promote our restaurant if the person giving those leaflets are both good-looking, right? But well, I won't force both of you. If you don't want then-' P'Boss is talking when suddenly Uriah interrupts him.


Author's Note

Hope you like this chapter. See you in chapter 4.