Chapter 4: The Storm

Third Person's Pov

"Who said I don't want to? Of course, I love it too. Helping you with my beauty is a pleasure, love. I mean sir." He said with a flirty smile. 

It was just a bit but he took it. P'Boss smiled secretly. 

On the other hand, Uriah didn't say those words just to flirt to P'Boss but also to tease Selah back. 

Dara noticed P'Boss laugh slightly because of the behavior change. They accidentally looked at each other and P'Boss wink at her, signaling to stay quiet. 

"Beauty? Do you even have those? Cause I can't see it." Selah commented without looking at Uriah. Acting as if they are the only one in the room.

"Are you deaf? Didn't you hear what Love just said? I mean Sir. He is looking for a GOOD-LOOKING PERSON! I'm afraid you're not qualified. That's why he didn't choose you in the first place." Uriah said before leering at her. 

"What?" Selah looked irritably. 

On the other hand, Dara was nervous because she thought they would fight. Fortunately, P'Boos was there and weaned them off.

"That's enough. You're the only twin I know who loves to tease each other." P'Boss side commented. 

It shocks Dara to know that they are twins and more they often fought each other

"Uriah. Dara. Can I assign you this?" he continued asking, referring to the paper on the box. 

"Yes sir." Both of them answered. 

"Good. I'll leave it to you guys then. Meet me in the office once you're done giving those leaflets, ok?" They nod in sync before P'Boss leaves the room. 

*Outside the Restaurant*

"Hi ma'am, please come in. Hello, sir please come in. Hi, try our new dish." 

Dara first handed out leaflets. After Uriah finished his break. He immediately followed outside. 

While busy handing out the papers, they didn't notice that someone was watching in the distance. 

The opposite of the restaurant was a coffee shop. Inside of it is a woman and a man who have been watching the two for a while now. 

"Shall we approach?" The woman asked her companion. The man nodded, and they stood up together to approach them. 

"Hello, Ma'am and sir. Do you mind checking out our new product? We have a promo for the first 100 customers that will avail today." Dara cheerfully said. Uriah noticed the two approaching Dara so he also approached to inquire.

"No. Actually. We have been watching you for a while now. Are you a model?" The woman asked.

"Oh! No. We're not." Dara replied.

" Is that so? How sad. You both are good-looking. We are from a talent agency. Here's my card. If you are interested. You can audition with us. " The woman said while handling her card. 

"Oh, my! May I see?" Uriah answered excitedly. 

Meanwhile, Dara was worried, so she turned down the proposal respectfully. "Sorry, but I don't have any talent."

"It's alright. You are beautiful, and besides, you can learn while working with us. In terms of workshops, leave it to us and we also pay a lot. Just try it, ok?" The girl is using beautiful words to encourage them. 

"Ok," Dara replied. She was determined by her decision not to accept the proposal, so she handed the card to Uriah. 

"Why? Just try," said Uriah. 

"I can't. My life is already hard, but I'm satisfied with whatever I have now. That's all I need." She answered. 

Uriah wanted to ask more, but Dara went back immediately to her work. He just let it slide and hide the card in his pocket, thinking that Dara might need that in the future. 

*Dara's Apartment*

Eli was cleaning their unit when suddenly, someone aggressively knocked on the door. It scared her to open it because of the loud noise. The apartment doesn't have any tools to check who's outside. The only way to check who it was is to open the door. 

She grabbed the broom as a weapon and asked, "Who are you?"

"Open the door now!" A deep and scary voice replied from the other side of the door. 

She immediately opens the door after realizing who it was. It's Mr. Kim. He was the debt collector that Dara and Eli owed a long time ago. 

He was with his 3 subordinates and they all entered the room. 

"Good afternoon, Mr. Kim. How can I help you?" Eli said in a panic. 

"I'm here to collect what you owe me." Mr. Kim replied with courage. 

"But we still have one week-" Eli didn't finish her wording when Mr. Kim cut her off. 

"Whether you like it or not. You have to pay me now if you don't want to get hurt." He said while looking straight at her, threateningly. 

"But we really don't have money right now. Maybe you can spare us some time, please" it scared her to death but still decided to kneel and beg when suddenly Mr. Kim felt unpleasant towards her. He slaps her on her right cheek causing her to fall to her knees. Then he grabs her hair, which makes Eli look up at him.

"Can't your little brain understand what I just said? Ha?" Mr. Kim insulted, pointing his index finger to Eli's head. "Go ahead. Search the entire area." He moves his head as a command to his subordinate. 

The two men began searching the entire unit while the other one gave Mr. Kim a chair. He sat, but still held Eli's hair tightly. 

They search the entire unit upside down without minding what they will destroy. Eli can't do anything because of Mr. Kim's grip. She just cried while watching Mr. Kim's subordinates destroy their belongings. 

Dara notices one of them enter Dara's room. She tried to escape but the grip was strong, causing her to lose a few hair. 

"Let go of me!" she insisted.

"Where are you going? come here!" Mr. Kim aggressively pulls her hair. This time, it's much tighter than before. 

The man successfully entered Dara's room. 

It was only a few moments when the man came out while holding crumpled money. 

"No. Don't do that," Eli shouted while struggling. She knows that the money came from their piggy bank.

"Where did you get it?" asked Mr. Kim. He let go of Eli and grabbed the money.

"It's from the piggy bank inside the room." The man replied. Eli started to feel angry and hated the people in front of him. 

"You're such a liar! No money? Then, what is this? Ha?" Mr. Kim shouted angrily, glazing at her. "I'll spare you now. Let's go." he said and they all left, as if nothing happened. 


Back to Dara.

The day ended quickly, and Dara was about to go home when suddenly Eli called her while crying. 

"[Hello, Bebu? I'm about to go home.]" Dara said. The other person on the line didn't speak immediately so she felt a bit worried. "[Hmm, Bebu? Is there something wrong?]" She worriedly asked.

"[Be-Bebu!]"The other person on the line called Dara's name, which triggered her tears to burst out.

"[Hey? What happened?]"she asked worriedly. 

Dara rushed home because she was worried about it. As soon as she got home, she didn't know how to react when she saw their messy unit. 

Their wooden chairs blocked the entrance. She removes it carefully before rushing towards her room where Eli is. When she saw her, she was crying while holding a piece of their piggy bank where all their savings are.

Eli notices her presence. "So-sorry." Eli's only word. She's feeling worse because she can't do anything. Thinking that it's her only job but unavailable to do it properly.

"Shh. You're crying again. Are you hurt anywhere?" Dara said, calmly checking up on Eli's body.

"I'm fine," she replied even though she's not. 

"What are we going to do now? what we worked for is gone," Eli asked miserably. 

Dara doesn't know what to say. She even felt down and sad about what happened. Can't even say 'its ok' cause it's not ok. That's their only money. They even endure not to buy unnecessary things to save yet it just disappeared like bubbles.


Author's Note

Still, reading? Thank you. Sorry for the short update. Will upload the next chapter right away. Thanks again.


I'm currently uploading the next chapter under Good Novel. I can't promise you that I can still upload here chapter 5 onwards, but let's see. Anyway, if you can, please support me there. Thank you again.

•Grasyang Manunulat.