Chapter 12: Wrong move

Third person's POV

2 days later

Uriah and Selah notice that Dara is often absent-minded. They thought it was only temporary but it's been 2 days but she's still lethargic. The two think of a way to cheer her up.

Uriah appreciates Dara who's cleaning the table they used for break.

"Hmm, Dara?" Uriah asked, unsurely but she didn't notice him.

"Ehem!" Said Selah. This time, she caught her attention.

"Hmm?" Dara asked.

"Are you free this afternoon?" Uriah said.

"Hmm, yah why?" Selah smiled when Dara said that.

"Great. Come with us tonight. We're going for a drink to celebrate your accomplishment," Selah stated, looking excited.

"Hmm, ok," Dara simply replied then continued cleaning.

The twins look at each other with puzzled faces.

After the shift, they went to a samgyupsal house near the area and ordered three beers.

A minute later, their food soon came and started eating.

"Can you drink?" Uriah worried asked Dara, talking about the alcohol.

"I will drink just this one. I can't add anything more," Dara stated, picking a straw.

"Why just one?" He soon asked.

"I still have work at the club later. I can't get drunk," Dara gave context to them.

"Can't you just skip your work just for today? Please?" Uriah insist.

"I agree. Besides, it's just one time" Selah nodded as she agreed.

"Sorry but today is not the day guys. One of our customers will celebrate his birthday at the bar. It's a big event that we can't miss" Dara explained.

"How sad. Fine, we won't force you anymore but next time. We will drink to our heart's content. Alright?" Uriah gives up on pursuing her.

"Yes," Dara said before they clanged their drinks.

"Cheers," Uriah said.

–Clang– The Bottle of beer collides.

Selah makes a weird face after drinking her beer.

"Ugh! This beer hit the spot. Rubbing my throat" she said.

"It's been a while since we drank it. since we became full-time at the restaurant. We often attend parties," Uriah said, remembering their old beautiful day as a part-timer.

"Yeah, it's good to remember those days," Selah agreed.

They were enjoying themselves when suddenly Selah noticed something different about Dara. She seems absent-minded even though they were celebrating. She often smiles then goes back to normal face then smiles again.

She's thinking about her problem until now

Uriah and Selah both feel concerned about Dara so they decide to ask, finally.

"Dara? Is there something wrong? You look sad," Uriah asks, concerned looking straight at her.

"Don't worry guys. I'm totally fine. I'm just worried about nothing," Dara assured them.

"You sure?" Selah asked. "You seem absent-minded for a while now. If you have a problem, you could tell us. Maybe we can help," Selah added, giving suggestions.

They both know Dara won't open up easily because it's her nature but they still proceed asking, just in case.

"Hmm, how can I say it?" Dara asked herself. "The thing is, I still haven't mentioned the contract to Eli," She finally said.

"Really? But why? What are you thinking? That she might be angry with you because of this. Who can help both of you?" Uriah said, analyzing the problem.

"It's not like that. She knows how much I dislike being on television. I just don't want her to think again that she is the reason why I will enter the world of showbiz," Dara explained.

"Shouldn't she be happy because you are doing this for her?" Uriah asked again.

"Enough! You're not helping," Selah interfered with their conversation. "But, what Uriah said is true because why should she worry anymore. Yes, I don't know what you two are thinking but just a friend's reminder . You can't hide it from her for long. Remember that you will be an artist someday. There is a high chance that she will see you on tv," Selah advised.

What she said hit Dara on the spot. Eli will eventually learn about this, sooner or later.

"Maybe you're right, thank you. I'll note that," Dara smiled sweetly.

"Just don't think about everything seriously. Try to enjoy your life while doing what you want," Selah added to her beautiful words.

"I will," Dara replied, feeling touched.

"Enough with this drama, we're here to celebrate right?" Uriah said, tossing the bad vibes away.

Selah and Dara both laugh and they all clang their drinks.

"Cheers" they all cheered, spent the remaining time sharing their stories and laughing.


The party lasted long but it was just enough time for Dara to get ready for her shift. She's done preparing her shirts and everything inside her bag.

Dara is now preparing for her night shift at the bar when Eli comes into her room.

Eli checks the time on her phone and it's 6 in the evening.

She slowly knocks on the door before opening it.

"Dara? It's still early. You're leaving already?" Eli is concerned as she walks inside and sits on Dara's bed.

"Can't help it. The bar needs us to prepare everything as planned for the event. I need to arrive early before that" Dara responded without looking at her. She's busy fixing her hair in front of the mirror.

"Is that so? But can you still work even if you're drunk?" Eli replied.

Dara stops holding her hair up for a while and looks at her. "Chill, I'm not that drunk. Yes, I did drink but I'm not totally drunk. Just tipsy hehe. Anyway, don't worry about me," she said and smiled then continued tying her hair. "I'm leaving. I will come home late so don't wait for me and just go to bed, alright?" Dara took her bag, ready to leave.

Eli nodded her head and led Dara out of their apartment.

When they reached the ground floor of their apartment, Dara tried with all her courage to tell Eli about her signing a contract.

"Hmm, Bebu?" She started.

"Hmm?" Eli questions back.

"Oh, nothing. I'm leaving now, bye bye," she said, dissatisfied.

"Sure?" The girl asked because she was acting strange.

"Of course," Dara simply answered.

"Ok, if you say so. Please do take care. Bye bye," the girl replied.

"Bye, bye" Dara waves her hand.

"Bye, take care" Eli repeated and waved back at her.

Dara begins to walk parting ways while Eli is watching her back.
