Chapter 17: Operation Mr. Lopez


After months of hiatus, I finally decided to continue uploading this story and hope to finish this book. Happy Reading....

Third Person's Pov

Saffron went on a mission to capture the culprit together with Azazel and Chand as his bodyguards while a few more people were eyeing Mr. Lopez's movements.

"I am quite attractive from any perspective!" Chand arrogantly remarked to himself as soon as he got off the vehicle.

They were in the building's parking lot. Azazel turned off the engine and also got off the vehicle.

"I don't think so," Azazel replied immediately, objecting to Chand's statement.

"What?" Chand asked surprisingly.

While the two were teasing each other, Saffron had just gotten off the vehicle. He slowly attached his buckle and adjusted his attire.

"You're not as handsome as I am," Azazel answered while checking his reflection in the mirror.

"Ha! I guess your mirror has been lying to you all this time," he countered while smirking.

"Ha?" Azazel didn't expect his response.

"It's ok. No need to thank me for bringing you back to reality, buddy!" Chand's boastful statement.

"Tss, you won against me today," Azazel said. He took one piece of bubble gum from his pocket and chewed. He always has bubble gum in his pocket. It helps him to calm down when he is feeling uneasy, nervous or pissed off.

"That's enough!" Saffron reprimanded the two with authority. Chand even gave Azazel a teasing look before stopping.

The three walked towards the building entrance when Azazel noticed Sergey with Mayari who had just gotten off the vehicle.

"Oh! Is that Boss?" He curiously asked, not sure if it was them or not.

"Yes, it's them," Chand answered, confirming that it was them.

"Yo boss," Saffron greeted them when he approached.

Mayari stopped walking and looked back to see who was just speaking.

"Oh, Hi, Saffron," she greeted back.

"Hello, Mayari. What are you guys doing here? I thought you didn't like to come with me," he asked, talking about Sergey while pretending to be dumb but laughing inside.

"Tss," Sergey said, not feeling well with Saffron's sudden appearance.

"Huh? Are you planning to go with him?" Mayari asked Sergey, looking confused.

"No! Don't know him," he replied, half joking to avoid further discussion.

"Ok? Let's go then," Mayari replied, wrapping her arm around him and headed to the entrance.

They all went together to the entrance. Mayari is VIP because she's the daughter of the celebrant. All the staff are well informed about her.

As soon as they spotted Mayari, the staff immediately recognized her and bowed to her.

"Good evening Ms. Miyari," the staff greeted.

The couple walks first inside. Saffron and his bodyguards are in their back ready to come next but an unexpected scenario has happened.

"This way please," the staff assist them inside but looked at Saffron differently.

"What!" Saffron asked innocently.

"May I know your name sir please?" The staff who's holding a guest list asked.

Saffron's bodyguards immediately interfere and walk in front to protect him.

At this time, Saffron and Sergey look at each other. This is the start of their operation 'To attract Lopez'.

Mr. Lopez is standing inside the entrance and can see what is happening outside.

"Didn't you know who he was?" The bodyguard confidently asked.

The staff didn't reply, looking at them suspiciously.

"He is the one and only Saffron Natouch. CEO of the international bank and sole heir of Don Natouch in Spain so watch your word," the bodyguard stated that caught the attention of people outside, including Lopez.

He was standing at the other side of the club, just done checking in.

The staff looked surprised and sorry after learning who he was.

"Don't make it a big deal. Give him the invitation," Saffron weaned, feeling cool.

"Yeah, besides he's with us," Mayari obstructed.

The staff didn't attempt to check the name of the invitation card. Instead, he just bowed 45 degrees, feeling sorry.

"I am sorry for not recognizing you sir," the staff said. "Please allow us to guide you inside," he added.

Saffron didn't make the trouble bigger and let it slide. It was enough for him to see Lopez watching what happened.

The staff outside instructed Dara to bring them to their table in front.

"This way please," she politely said, guiding them to their seats.

Mayari notices Sergey's unbreakable stare at the girl. She was feeling jealous and looked at Dara from head to toe.

"Please enjoy," Dara lastly said before leaving.

The three big guests sit on the round table placed near the stage while Azazel and Chand are just standing behind Saffron.

After sitting, Mayari is still feeling jealous. She couldn't restrain herself so she asked.

"You keep staring at her. Do you like her?" Mayari stated, irritated looking at Sergey who sits beside her.

Sergey didn't say anything. He just sits still, having a familiar feeling about the girl who assists them.

"I think I know her but can't remember where," Saffron unconsciously said, not minding Mayari's question.

"Where did I see her? Oh! That's right. It's her," Saffron continued guessing and then finally remembered.

"Where?" Sergey curiously asked.

"You remember the girl we saw at the auditorium last time? That's her," he said, feeling surprised and thinking that the saying about the world being small is really true.

"Really?" Sergey simply said after remembering.

"What are you guys talking about," Mayari intervened, puzzled in her face.

"None of your business," Sergey said, treating her like his usual self.

Mayari didn't respond. Instead, she just pouted, being used to it.

While having a conversation, one of Saffron's bodyguards noticed Lopez's presence. He immediately appreciated Saffron and whispered to inform him.

"The target is here," Azazel whispered.

Saffron looked at the way his bodyguards said and saw the target talking to the people on the other side.

He simply nodded and made a way to approach them.

"I'll leave you guys first," he said coolly.

Sergey didn't say anything and just nodded his head.

After leaving, Saffron headed towards the waiter holding a tray of wine to grab one. He simply ordered his two companions to go secure the area and to have a chance to inform their other companions. Azazel heads towards the bar counter while Chad stands on the staircase.

Using their surveillance earpiece, Azazel successfully informs their other colleagues who are posing as a guest to be alert. Some pretending to be waitresses also went near the said location.

Saffron stopped at a nearby cluster of guests, laughing and pretending to socialize with them. A minute later, he successfully caught Lopez's attention and he decided to walk toward their location.

"Greeting," Lopez's first word.

"Oh! Hi, Mr. Lopez! It's nice to see you again," the female guest said. She walks closer to make a cheek kiss as a gesture for their friendship.

"Yeah, you look fabulous as always," he replied back, building the conversation. "Hello," he simply greeted the other then smile.

"Btw, I want to introduce you too to Mr. Saffron Natouch. The owner of an international bank," the female guest said again.

Saffron's bodyguards are watching them and are on guard to move at any time. They are preparing for any possible mess.

"Ow, yah. I saw what happened at the entrance. Sorry about that," Mr. Lopez smiles and moves his hand for a handshake.

Saffron widely smiles and makes a handshake. He was so happy that everything was going according to their plan.

"Don't say sorry about that. It's not a big deal. You are?" Saffron confusedly said, pretending not to know him.

"Lemme introduce myself. I'm Kevin Lopez. Owner of Greenwoods subdivision," he confidently said.

Around them, Lopez's men are also roaming around for visible threats.

"Oh, it's my pleasure to meet the owner of the biggest and most successful subdivision here," Saffron said, happily.

"Oh, please," Mr. Lopez shyly said, being humble but Saffron know what is true. He just pretending to be kind cause he knows, he can use him.

"Haha," they all laugh, to avoid awkwardness.

"We should drink sometime," Saffron stated while giving his calling card.

"Sure, let's do that," Mr. Lopez replied. He put the card in her chest pocket while faking his smile.

"You're new here in the Philippines. If you need anything or have a problem with something or someone, you can talk to Mr. Lopez about it. Right, Mr. Lopez?" one of the guests there talking said, looking at Mr. Lopez while waiting for his response.

"Yes, of course. I'm not bragging, but I'm willing to help anyone," he humble answer, but it's not entirely true.

"Really? What if I want you to take someone down? Will you help me with that?" Saffron said, half joking.

Mr. Lopez's face betrayed his surprise, but this was what he had been waiting to hear. He wanted to know if Saffron was a predator who could pose a threat to him or prey that he could catch and use.

"Hahaha, I like your humor. We can talk about that matter," Mr. Lopez answered, not directly answering, but having an answer in mind. "Why? Do you have someone in mind right now?" he added, curious.

"No, not really," Saffron replied.

"You know, in our line of work. You shouldn't be too nice, especially to strangers. They might betray you someday. Remember, we can't avoid having enemies in this kind of industry," Mr. Lopez advised.

Saffron grimaced bitterly. He didn't expect a conniving person like Mr. Lopez to be capable of saying good words.

"Just contact me if you need help with anything. I'm ready to assist you," he added, determined to win Saffron's trust.

'Conniving old man!' Saffron thought to herself.

"Anyway, by any chance, do you know Sophia Monroe?" Saffron changed the topic excitedly. He knows that Sophia is living in Greenwood and want to know more about her.

"Yeah. She is the goddess of my property and I was thinking of marrying her," Mr. Lopez confidently said which makes Saffron's blood boil.

"What did you just say?" He said with authority in his voice.

"Why? Do you like her?" Mr. Lopez jokes. The other guests laugh together with him. They didn't notice that Saffron is so furious and turning red because of anger.

Saffron angrily looked at them one by one, grazing. Azazel and Chand heard the conversation and were alarmed. They hurried to stop him. This is not what they planned.

He was about to punch Mr. Lopez when someone suddenly shouted causing him to stop.

"Wahhh!" The female guest shouted.

"What did you do!?" Another shout from a manly voice.

Azazel immediately lowered Saffron's hand.

~To be Continued ~