Chapter 16: Eye catching

Sergey's POV

"Yo boss," Saffron suddenly appeared in front of me.

"Hi, Saffron," Mayari greeted with a flirty tone.

She secretly likes Saffron since we were young but she knows she has no hope because Saffron is in love with Sophia so much.

"Hello Mayari. What are you guys doing here? I thought you didn't like to come with me," He asked, pretending to be surprised. I know deep inside of him, he's laughing at me.

"Tss," I just said.

"Huh? Are you planning to go with him?" Mayari was curious about what was going on.

"No! Don't mind him," I simply said, avoiding the topic cause she was not allowed to know our plan tonight.

How careless of me. I didn't know that his father's birthday party and today's operation are the same.

"Ok, let's go," Mayari wrapped her hand in my arm and pulled me inside the club. Saffron on the other side just laughed and went inside together.

'I will kill you someday,' I swear to myself.


As soon as we entered, I immediately fell bored because this is the vibe I don't want the most. They are just too quiet and brag about themselves to others.

"This way please," one of the girl staff assisted us.

This girl looks familiar to me but I can't remember where I saw her. Maybe somewhere not important.

"Please enjoy," she lastly said before she left.

"You keep staring at her. Do you like her?" Mayari suspicion.

"I think I know her but can't remember where," I asked Saffron, not minding what Mayari said.

"I think so too. Where did we see her?" He asked more to himself. "Oh! That's right. It's her," he confidently said.

"Where?" I currently ask.

"Remember the girl from the auditorium last time? That's her," he stated.

"Really?" I said. 'Oh, yah! I remember her now'.

"What are you guys talking about," Mayari intervened.

"It's none of your business," I didn't feel like answering her. I always responded coldly to her but she kept pushing herself to me.

I notice her face feeling hurt but change immediately to her normal self.

Saffron was about to say something more but I gave him a cold stare. He will just make the situation worse if he talks more.

The party soon started and I just frowned the whole time. On the other hand, Saffron started his work to find the culprit. He roams around the area, talking to other guests casually.

I saw him talking to the CEO of the highrise hotel, laughing.

Meanwhile, I'm just here dying of boredom and want to go out but I can't escape from Mayari. She just wrapped her hand on me like a snake.

"Wahhh!" One of the guests on the other table shouted. This aroused Mayari's attention so I removed her hand from my arm.

The commotion started a talk all around. I look in front and the girl from earlier who assists us is the center of it.

The seafood and plates were mixed and scattered on the floor but the girl didn't think so and immediately picked up the pieces of the broken plate.

Because of her sudden action, she cut herself. She flinches but continues to pick it up, not minding the blood on her hand.

"What did you do!?" The man beside her also shouted, angerly.

Saffron arrived and sat beside me.

"What happened?" He curiously asked.

I decided not to answer because I also didn't know what was happening. I moved my shoulder up as a sign that I had no idea.

He looked in front as if it was a hit tv series.

Back to the happening, the manager approach the commotion

The other staff including the manager approach the commotion.

''Stand up. Don't worry, we'll clean this,'' the staff secretly whispered to the girl as they cleaned the mess.

"We're really sorry, we didn't mean to-" The manager said but stopped when the man slapped the staff.

All the staff and guests were shocked about it. The girl didn't say anything, just looking down with her cheek slowly turning red.

"How dare you do this to her? Didn't you know that she was allergic to seafood? What if that thing touches her?" The man shouted furiously. He looks like a bomb that will explode anytime.

"I-I'm sorry," the girl simply said.

"Employees are trained to always say sorry every time even if they are innocent," Saffron commented.

"You don't know that I'm allergic to that! Didn't you know who I am? I can make you lose everything you have!" She shouted, pointing her finger at the girl staff.

The woman's appearance caught my attention. It just stood in front of everyone while being humiliated.

Mayari's father was on the terrace, busy talking to his business partners when they noticed the commotion. He immediately went inside with the owner of the bar.

"What happened, Ms. Dian?" Mr. Earlyseven asked.

"Dian?" I unconsciously asked myself.

"Don't you know him? She is the daughter of the city mayor here in Quezon city," Mayari answered.

"I see," I codly said and stood up.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

"Outside, going for some fresh air," I said, and walked straight to the terrace.

She was about to follow but decided not to.

"I caught this girl trying to serve us seafood that I'm allergic to. I know she's trying to kill me."

I heard it last before going out.

I walked to the second floor terrace and sat at the corner where no one would notice me and smoked.

While observing the surroundings, I noticed that someone came out from the other terrace. The girl from earlier.

"There's no stars today," she blankly said while looking at the sky.

If I remember correctly, she was the girl in the auditorium applying for casting. She can sing but is not good at acting. You can tell just by looking at her that she's lacking experience.

While looking at her, I can now recognize her beauty clearly.

Based on her behavior inside. Keep a straight face, no tears in sight. I can say she's a Virgo.

People like her won't accept their feelings as valid to cry and ask for help.

I didn't notice that I looked at her the entire time without looking away for a second.

This is amazing to see for the first time to see a person not thinking of shouting or cursing for the girl earlier.

I find her expression quite amusing. It is not suitable for a virgo to be an artist because they cannot cry in front of many people. They are sensitive but they distance themselves from others. Their hearts are closed to anyone.

I wonder how she will act in front of the camera.

Minutes have passed since I took my eyes off of her. I found her unique and interesting but she sadly went inside.

"I wonder what else she can make," I unconsciously said, referring to her expression.


Sergey has the Barnum effect which is a personality of accepting certain information as true, such as character assessments or horoscopes, even when the information is so vague as to be worthless.
