Chapter 15: Invitation Card

Sergey's POV

It was 4 pm when my meeting ended in the auditorium. Saffron is with her co-called idol, so didn't attempt to look for him anymore and headed out first.

I was about to go back to the office to finish the other documents needed when suddenly someone called me. When I saw who it was, I ignored it until I got in the car but she kept calling me.

I irritatedly picked up my phone and answered it.

"[What!]" I said, not in a questionable tone but in an annoying tone but the woman on the other line suddenly screamed then changed back to her elegant voice.

"[Why did you take so long to answer your phone? Are you cheating on me?]" She concluded. "[Where are you?]"

I just rolled my eyes in disbelief. I can't stand her anymore. She always suspects me of having another girl.

I coldly end the call and act as if nothing happened.

We reached the company when it was already dark. There weren't too many people in the office apart from me and the few who worked overtime.

"Good evening Mr. Whitlock," my employee greeted, bowing his head a little to show respect.

I didn't look at him and just walked straight to my office. As soon as I sat down in my seat, Zach immediately handed me the hard copy documents.

"These are the contracts you must sign today," he said.

While checking the documents, I noticed a black envelope attached to it. An invitation.

"What about this?" I asked.

"Ms. Sienna delivered it earlier. Along with this letter is her message for you to call her when you receive it," she answered. "I think she already figured out who's behind the spy incident," he added.

"Alright, I'll give her a call. You can go," I commanded.

He bowed at me before he left. I took my phone after it and ignored the one who kept calling me.

"[Hello Boss! Got my present?]" Sienna said on the other line.

"[Yah, what is it?]" I asked.

"[Cutie still hasn't talk anything but happily I found out something from our informer at the casino," she said.

"[Get straight to the point,]" my short temper can't handle her suspense.

"[Chill. Alright! According to them, there is a possibility that the mastermind will attend the party held at the club,]" she answered.

"[And where did you get this invitation?]" I asked, curiously.

"[I managed to get us an invitation using my boy toys,]" she answered.

As expected to her.

"[Ok, but why did you give this to me? I'm not going!]" I proceeded.

"[Tss, you always said no right away to parties that have nothing to do with business,]" she stated.

"[You do know that I have no passion for such things, right?]" I answered.

"[but it's fun. You should try it,]" she insisted.

"[But not this one. This party is just held to promote and expand their business,]" I simply explained. "[I'll ask Saffron to go instead,]" I said to end our conversation.

"[Fine, I'll give him the details then. Bye bye,]" she said lastly before I ended the call.

The annoying calls from the woman earlier have also stopped. It's good news.

It's 11 pm when I finish everything that needs to be done for the day. I got ready to go home and called Zach to drive me. I'm too tired to drive myself.

When I got home, I took a quick shower and went to bed, half naked.

The next day.

While I was sleeping soundly. I suddenly woke up when I felt someone touching my chest.

I immediately pushed her and sat on my bed while looking around to see what was going on when I noticed a woman holding her back.

"What the!" I said suddenly. "What are you doing here?" I asked.

She is Mayari Earlyseven. Daughter of the richest man in the field of finance and real estate. My father and her father were good friends back then. Before Dad died, he reconciled me and Mayari to get married, which his father is now fulfilling.

She stood up alone and returned to my side where she had been lying earlier.

"You're not answering my calls last night. I thought you were with another woman, so I came to your house. I realized that I'm just overthinking because you were just here and sleeping soundly, so I slept beside you," she explained.

"You sound as if you're my wife," I irritatedly said, going out of my bed.

"Am I not?" she asked, playing dumb. Tss.

"You're not even my girlfriend," I replied, walking to my closet to get dressed.

"Why so cold? Besides in the end, that is where we're going too," she confidently said.

"Why are you here?" I asked irritably while looking at her but she was just sitting quietly on my bed as if it was her.

"Like I said earlier, you didn't answer my calls so I went here," she answered.

"Why are you calling?" I asked again.

She stood up and approached me.

"Two days from now is my dad's birthday. Let's go together," she said while clinging to my arm.

"I'm not going," I surely said.

I don't like parties, especially the high class parties because it's pretty boring for me.

"Your daddy and my daddy have been friends for a long time. We can't lose this party." She insisted.

"But I don't want to," I replied, removing her hand around me.

"Fine, I'll just tell Daddy to process our wedding as soon as possible-" I didn't let her finish speaking.

"Fine, I'll do it," I said, obviously forced.

"Yehey!" She said, cheerfully.

I can't let this girl ruin my plan. I can't bear it if she reports it to her daddy. Somehow our daddies have something in common so I can't ignore them.

"I'll pick a suitable suit just for you," she excitedly said.

"Do what you want," I simply said, surrendering my sanity.

A few minutes after the witch left my house, I also left for my meeting with foreign investors in the evening.

"Thank you," they virtually said before ending the call.

I'm too drained from office work plus the casino problem. It's giving me a headache.

While thinking about my problems in life, I didn't notice Zach approaching me.

"Mr. Saffron and Ms. Sienna is already in the meeting room sir," he informed.

"Ok," I simply answered and stood up on my chair.

When I arrived at the meeting room, the two of them were fighting like a cat but they immediately took their seats when they saw me.

"Say it," I commanded straight to the point.

Sienna didn't reply, instead she stood up and Zach gave us a hard copy.

On a big screen, the face of the culprit was flashed.

"We found out that this man and Von's secretary met three times in a row," she explained.

"And what does he have to do with it?" Saffron asked.

"His name is Kevin Lopez. Former leader of a drug syndicate and owner of the greenwoods subdivision. We traced that three of the five intruders inside the casino live in greenwoods." She answered.

When she was sure that Saffron had no further questions, she continued.

"Lopez loves social gatherings which is why we expect him to show up at the club expanding his power," she said.

"If they used to be drug leaders. it will be difficult for us to approach him casually. Saffron concludes.

"If we cannot approach him, let him come to us," I said with a serious voice.

"But how?" Saffron looked puzzled when he asked.

"You're going to lure him. We will show him that we are the richest and most powerful in this area so that he will come to you. A selfish person like him will definitely be tempted to make friends with you," I explain.

"I see. Leave it to me," he confidently replied.

"Take some of our men with you to attract him more. I'm leaving," I instructed.

They both nodded as a sign that they understood my order.

The meeting ended quickly as I had expected and went home.

Two days later.

Mayari sent two suits to my house. One dark green suit and one maroon suit. I just wore one based on my mood and went out.

We agreed, no,

She decided on her own that I should pick her up at their house. Even though I didn't want to, I drove to them. When I arrived, she was at the gate wearing her nice red glittery skin dress.

I'm lucky that I did not wear the maroon one to suit us. When I got out of the car, disappointment was on her face. She probably didn't think that I would wear the dark green suit.

"You look handsome in that suit," she complimented but disappointed.

I didn't reply because I'm done with her and casually opened the door for her and we headed to the party.

Just a few minutes from their house, we soon arrived at the club where the venue of the celebration was.

"Wait," I gasped in surprise.

"Yo boss," Saffron suddenly appeared in front of me.


Have a great day...