Chapter 22: The Stalker

Third Person's POV

After the incident that day, Sergey immediately ordered an investigation to find out what had happened.

As part of his daily routine, Zach went to his boss, Sergey's house to give a report.

When he entered, he saw Sergey, who was very busy. Sergey was wearing a white bathrobe and glasses, working diligently in front of his laptop.

"Good morning. Here is what you requested," Zach said as he handed over a black folder. "We found out that they were already in the parking lot before we arrived. They planned to ambush us from the start. We didn't catch any of them, but six managed to escape," Zach summarized while holding a tablet and stylus. "We're not certain yet, but we have a hint that Von Roland might be behind the attack," he added.

"How about the task I assigned to you?" Sergey asked coolly as he browsed the documents and referred to the woman he had accidentally run into.

"We found out that she is an orphan. She has been in an orphanage since she was very young, but she ran away with another girl named Elizabeth Tinnasit," said Zach.

Sergey turned to the next page and saw Dara Saetang's profile.

Zach continued to provide all the details Sergey needed to hear.

"I also discovered that since the day you encountered her, she has been constantly followed by some people," Zach said, adjusting his glasses.

"Why is she being followed?" Sergey asked, furrowing his brow.

"We don't know yet because those following her always manage to escape," Zach replied.

Sergey put the folder down on his desk and took off his glasses. He gently pinched the bridge of his nose, trying to relieve some tension.

"Find out why they are following that woman," Sergey ordered.

"Yes, sir," Zach responded obediently.

"As for Von, find out if he's really behind the attack. Also, send Sienna to get them to confess," Sergey added.

Zach nodded, acknowledging the command.

"You may go now," Sergey said, standing up to prepare for his next appointment.

As usual, Sergey's schedule was packed. After Zach briefed him on the day's agenda, they headed to the main office in Manila for a meeting.

On the way to the company, Sergey didn't waste any time just sitting. He reviewed the necessary documents and other requirements while they traveled, ensuring he was well-prepared for the meeting upon their arrival.

After 30 minutes of travel, they finally arrived at their destination. A tall and luxurious building stood before them, imposing in its grandeur.

Sergey stepped out of the car and was immediately greeted by the staff and the executive secretary.

"Hello! Welcome to International Tech Company, Mr. Whitlock," the executive secretary greeted with a smile and a warm handshake.

Sergey simply nodded in acknowledgment.

"This way," the executive secretary said again, leading Sergey towards the entrance.

The executive secretary led the way to the top floor and opened the door to the conference room.

Inside, their other colleagues in different fields were already present, waiting for Sergey to begin the meeting. Without further ado, they started.

"And that's the end of our report," said the man who had presented their presentation.

"The plan sounds good. We could hire a celebrity to endorse this product," said the Executive Director.

"Right. We could consider getting Sophia Monroe to be the face of our product," agreed the Sales Manager that made a fuse of gossip around the table.

"I object! Sophia Monroe is already too famous. She's endorsed many products before that are similar to ours," objected one of their CEO partners for this project.

"The talent fee isn't a problem for her. If it's beneficial for the company to hire her, why not spend a little bit of money?" replied another.

"But we also need to consider the company. What if we spend millions on her? Plus, she's currently dealing with some ongoing issues that could possibly affect our company negatively," the CEO reiterated, expressing concern.

"Right. There's a possibility that we might get dragged into her current issues," another agreed.

Tension was rising inside the conference room. One side favored getting Sophia as the face of their new product, while the other didn't.

"What if we do this? Since our product symbolizes a new blooming flower, wouldn't it be better to choose a fresh face that people don't know yet?" suggested the male CEO who owns a magazine business.

Sergey, on the other hand, sat confidently in his chair, listening to the discussion.

"But it will be difficult for us to introduce her to the public because she isn't well-known yet," one objected.

"Right. Besides, this approach is too risky. What if she doesn't appeal to the masses? What will happen to our product then?" added another.

Due to the tension and continuous chatter from everyone, Sergey's temper flared. A sudden throbbing sensation hit his left temple, a sign that he was getting irritated.

In response, Sergey stood up abruptly and forcefully slammed the table. Water spilled, and snacks scattered in the commotion. The board members and others present were startled and cowered in their seats, looking down.

"Shut up! You're all too loud," Sergey calmly exclaimed.

The board members lifted their heads and glanced at Sergey.

"Since you all can't seem to agree, we'll have another meeting next week. I want your plans presented, and from there, we'll make a decision," Sergey said. "If you have nothing more to say, then this meeting ends here," he added, then walked towards the door.

Sergey was the top investor for this project. He thought the project would go smoothly, especially with the arrival of their other investors and partners. However, he didn't anticipate that it would be delayed.

Zach accompanied Sergey as he left the company to go to his own company. Meanwhile, the board members remained inside the conference room.

The person in charge of the project couldn't hide their disappointment and anger, knowing they would need to prepare another report within a week.

Tensions rose among the board members, each silently blaming the opposition for the setback earlier. Without exchanging words or glances, they left one by one, each lost in their own thoughts.

On the other hand, Dara was occupied with her schedule. She went to the club to collect her Certificate of Employment and to receive her last paycheck.

Carrying her uniform, she entered the club and looked for Ms. A.

"How are you?" Ms. A asked, feeling sad for her current situation.

"Don't worry, I'm okay," Dara said with a smile, trying to hide her own worries from Ms. A.

"What are your plans now? If you want, I can recommend you to some of my friends," Ms. A offered.

"No, it's ok. Thank you," Dara declined. "I actually found a job already," she added.

"Really? That's great," Ms. A asked, her curiosity easing her feelings.

"Yes, a bit hesitant but I can manage," Dara said.

"Why hesitant?" Ms. A asked.

At that point, Dara confided in Ms. A and told her about the complexities of her experience breaking into the entertainment industry. She gave a detailed account of the thrilling peaks and difficult valleys she experienced.

Through auditions, victories and how fast everything happens to her. Dara vividly depicted her experience. She talked enthusiastically about the exciting new chapter in her life as an artist, and the experiences and chances that awaited her.

"Oh, wow, Dara, I'm really happy for you," Ms. A exclaimed, her eyes shimmering with admiration. "Remember what I told you before? I was right! You should give the entertainment industry or modeling a shot because you're beautiful," she added.

Dara smiled gratefully, feeling touched by Ms. A's sincere excitement.

"Thank you, Ms. A. Maybe you were onto something from the beginning. It hasn't been easy, especially since I lack experience in acting, but I'm determined to give it my all."

"I have no doubt about that, especially since you also have someone. Is Uriah his name?" Ms. A replied, her voice brimming with confidence.

"Yes, he is," Dara confirmed.

"It's great to have someone by your side while trying new things. You can depend on him and help you learn." Ms. A said. "I can't wait to see you on TV soon. I'll definitely tune in," she added, excitedly expressed.

They noticed that it was getting late, and the bar was about to open. Dara decided it was time to bid farewell.

As she walked, Dara felt a chill in the air. There weren't many people on the street, and some of the streetlights were flickering.

Dara felt like someone was following her. She slowly turned around, checking if there was anyone behind her, but she didn't see anyone.

She looked ahead again and continued walking. She convinced herself that it was just her imagination. Besides, Dara couldn't think of any reason why someone would be following her.

Unknown to her, there was indeed a mysterious man following her. She didn't see him because Sergey's men quickly grabbed the man from behind.

Dara arrived home safely after that, unaware of what was happening around her.

On the other hand, Sergey's men took the mysterious man to the casino.

Upon reaching the underground area, they threw him to the ground and poured ice cold water on him to wake up. The man gasped, thinking he was gonna die.

Shortly after, Sienna arrived at the cell and inspected the man. She sits in front of the man and holds his chin up.

"Hi Cutie," Sienna said flirtatiously with an eye of a hungry animal to its prey.

"Let me go!" the man shouted, struggling against his restraints.

"Relax. Don't be scared, baby. I won't gonna hurt you," Sienna said with a grin, holding the chain of her prey.

Alone, she tortured the man until his last drop of blood. Sienna thought it was unworthy of her effort because of his toughness. He didn't want to talk until the very end, but eventually, he spoke in his last breath.

"What a waste. You're handsome," she lamented before standing up.

After that, Sienna left the cell and let others clean the mess. She went to her office to take her phone. She lit a cigarette and sat at her desk.

—Ring, ring— The sound of her cell phone after dialing Sergey's number.

After a few rings, Sergey finally answered Sienna's call. The room was filled with smoke from cigarettes.

[What did you find out?] Sergey asked immediately.

"Chill, boss! Isn't 'Hi' or 'Hello' a thing for you?" Sienna replied.

[I don't have time for that. Just tell me. Did you find anything or not?] Sergey impatiently responded on the other end of the line.

"Easy! Fine, I will talk. We caught a guy following that pretty lady earlier. He doesn't know who ordered it, but they were instructed to follow the girl because they think she's connected to you, boss," Sienna reported.

[Okay. Keep an eye on them until they talk, and update me if there's any other progress,] Sergey instructed.

"Copy that," Sienna replied before ending the call.

~To Be Continued~