Chapter 23: The Down Side

Today's Horoscope

• Pisces, it could be difficult for you to get through this phase today. Expect unforeseen challenges and setbacks that will try your endurance and forbearance. You'll probably experience financial difficulty, so it's critical to control your spending. Additionally, you can go through some emotional upheaval, so it's important to ask for help from loved ones. Prioritize self-care and rest since health issues, especially those relating to stress and exhaustion, may occur.

Your lucky color is gray.

Your lucky number is 4.

Third Person's POV

A week has passed since that incident. Since then, Dara hasn't seen the man or the groups of men that day. Busy with her schedules, she gradually forgot about them.

She also has a new manager now, whom Uriah visited the other day.

"Good morning, Ms. Aye," Uriah greeted cheerfully as they met the woman on the first floor of the building.

"Hello! Are you guys ready?" she asked with a full smile on her face.

"Yes," they replied, nodding excitedly.

Today is the script reading day of the cast. They will also be joined by other crew members behind the camera, such as the director, writer, and others, so they are very excited.

They walked towards the elevator and waited for an available one. While waiting, a new group of people wearing formal attire arrived and pressed the elevator button next to them.

While waiting, Dara and the man exchanged glances accidentally. As a gesture of greeting and respect, Dara bowed slightly.

At the exact moment, the elevator they were waiting for opened. Dara and others entered and left the group behind, who also just in time for their elevator to open.

Only minutes have passed before they reach their destination. Their manager didn't leave the elevator and just instructed them to enter the room on their own because she had to do something important.

As they entered the conference room, they found some people already seated around the round table. Uriah and Dara quickly settled into their designated seats, each with their names marked on them.

The ticking clock echoed in the room, adding to the anticipation and slight boredom in the air.

While they waited, Dara started reading through the script to get acquainted with it. Gradually, the conference room filled up, with only one person yet to arrive.

The frustration and annoyance were evident on the director's and others' faces due to the prolonged wait for this particular person. Their time was being wasted as they waited for her to arrive.

The director repeatedly called the manager, seeking answers about her whereabouts, but the manager remained clueless. Meanwhile, the rest of the team was left in the dark about the unfolding situation.

"Do you know the news?" Elh whispered to Dara.

"What is it?" Uriah asked curiously, also whispering.

"The person we're waiting for is none other than Sophia Monroe!" Elh broke the news.

"Wait! The famous actress?" Uriah asked again.

"Correct. She's not part of this movie, so I'm wondering why we're waiting for her," Elh questioned out of nowhere.

"Maybe she's an investor? Or perhaps there's been a casting change, and she's now part of the movie?" Dara speculated.

"That's impossible! Why would there be a casting change? Besides, none of us received an email from them about any changes or replacements," Uriah replied.

"Well… You're right about that-" Dara began to respond.

As they conversed, the door suddenly swung open, and a woman dressed in a pink feather jacket and a matching mini skirt walked in.

"Good morning, guys! Sorry I'm late. The traffic was quite heavy on the way here. Anyway, if we're not waiting for anyone else, let's start," Sofia bossy announced as she took a seat in the remaining vacant chair.

The director sighed and gestured to begin the script reading.

The script reading flowed smoothly, except for one woman who seemed to oppose everything.

"Don't leave me!" Elh exclaimed in her part. There was a hint of tears in her eyes and in the tone of her voice as she delivered the line.

The director and writer nodded in approval, recognizing her talent in acting. However, Sofia had a different perspective.

She examines everyone, especially Dara who she constantly glazes at. It causes Dara to feel even more nervous and insecure.

Leaving that aside, Dara gathered some courage and deliver her line properly.

"That's enough! I don't want to hear your lies," Dara said heartlessly. This was her line in response to Elh's dialogue according to the script. It was also noted in the script that the protagonist's voice should show no mercy or even a hint of pity, and Dara managed to deliver that well despite her nervousness.

Dara's delivery aligned with the director and writer's vision, but Sofia disagreed.

"I had enough!" she interjected, violently slamming the table.

Everyone paused in their actions and turned to look at her.

"What kind of script reader is this? Useless!" Sofia complained.

"Why? I don't see any issues," the scriptwriter retorted, flipping through the script again.

"What do you mean, no issues? Are you blind? This script is trash! It's obvious that the writer didn't put any thoughts while writing this," Sofia snapped. "And the people chosen from casting perform poorly and lifelessly. You all sound like first graders reading aloud. No feeling, no proper delivery," she added arrogantly, as if she could do better.

Everyone was shocked by Sofia's outburst. The writer looked particularly deflated, struggling to hold back tears.

"This film is just a waste of time and money. I'm canceling it!" Sofia declared with absolute confidence.

"But we can't do that! We've already scouted the best locations and gathered all the necessary equipment for the film. Plus, our first shooting day is already scheduled. We can't miss it," the assistant director said, worried evident in his voice.

"I don't care. We're not going to waste our investment on this worthless movie," Sofia said firmly before deciding to stand up and walk out of the conference room.

Everyone was left in stunned silence, unsure of what would happen next.

Sofia's personal assistant hurriedly grabbed the items Sofia had left on the table, snatching them up and rushing after her.

"Why do they hire people like that? Such a waste of my time!" Sofia's final remark echoed through the room as she exited.

Everyone heard her, especially the writer, who couldn't hold back tears after Sofia's harsh critique of the script. Dara sat quietly, feeling guilty and responsible for Sofia's outburst. She believed her inability to deliver the lines well had caused the problem.

"I'm so sorry," Dara whispered, her voice filled with shame.

"It's okay. This isn't your fault," Uriah reassured her, giving her a discreet pat on the back for comfort.

"What will happen to our movie now?" the assistant director asked, disheartened and worried.

"We can't blame her. She's the Executive Producer of this movie," the director said emotionlessly, as if he had anticipated this outcome.

The room was filled with a heavy silence, everyone processing the sudden turn of events. The project they had poured their time and effort into was now hanging by a thread, and no one knew what would happen next. The writer, still wiping away tears, looked particularly devastated, feeling the weight of Sofia's harsh words.

Dara, still reeling from the confrontation, couldn't shake the feeling of guilt. She wondered if her performance had truly been that poor. Uriah stayed close, trying to offer what little comfort he could.

The assistant director sat down heavily, his mind racing with the logistical nightmare of rescheduling and re-planning everything.

The director stood, a picture of resigned frustration. He already expects this because she knows Sofia personally.

"We'll have to regroup and figure out our next steps," he finally said, trying to inject some sense of direction into the chaos.

As the team began to gather their things, preparing to leave the conference room, the uncertainty of their film's future loomed large.

Dara returned to their apartment feeling disoriented. Eli was still at school, so she was alone. She threw herself onto her bed, staring blankly at the ceiling, lost in her thoughts.

"Because of the good opportunity in front of me, I forgot that life isn't always on the upswing. Sometimes there are downs too," Dara muttered to herself.

She realized that the path she had chosen in the world of acting wasn't going to be easy. Problems like the one earlier today were part of the journey.

"If this movie doesn't push through, what will I do?" she wondered aloud. Then she thought about her job at the restaurant and managed a small smile. "At least I didn't lose it all and still have one job," she said, feeling a bit of relief. "I'm still not forgotten."

Feeling exhausted, Dara decided to take a nap since she had some time before Eli would get home. It didn't take long for her to fall asleep, the day's events having worn her out.

Dara had been sleeping for a few hours when she was abruptly woken up by a noise.

—Kring.kring— her phone rang loudly.

Half asleep, Dara reached for her phone, struggling to find it under her pillow. She finally found it and answered the call with her eyes still closed.

"Hello. Who is this?" Dara mumbled sleepily.

[Hello, Dara? It's me, Uriah! Sorry, were you sleeping?] Uriah's concerned voice came from the other end.

"Oh, Uriah, it's ok. Why are you calling?" Dara said, waking up a bit more.

[I didn't get to talk to you earlier. I'm worried about you,] Uriah said, his concern evident.

Dara adjusted her position, sitting up against the headboard.

"I'm okay, don't worry about me," she reassured him.

[Ok, if you say so. Anyways, what are your plans now?] Uriah inquired, talking about her plans after the movie was canceled.

"I don't know. This is my first failure in acting, so I'm not sure what to do next," Dara admitted, with uncertainty in her voice.

[You know, it's okay to feel lost after something like this. Everyone faces setbacks,] Uriah paused for a moment before speaking again, his tone thoughtful. [The important thing is how you move forward from here.] he added.

Dara sighed, appreciating his words but still feeling the weight of the day.

"I just feel so disappointed in myself. I thought everything was going well, and then it all fell apart even though I haven't started yet." Dara feeling down but already accepting it.

[That's true. For those who already have a name in the industry, even if one of their projects fails, it's okay because they still have backup left. But for us who are just starting to make a name, it's much harder,]" Uriah said sympathetically, understanding how Dara felt. Having experienced failures himself, Uriah had learned to accept them better.

"Exactly—" Dara began to say, but she was interrupted by a notification indicating another call. The name 'Manager' flashed on the screen, prompting her to quickly excuse herself from Uriah.

"Sorry, Uriah. Someone is calling. Can I get back to you later," Dara said. She heard Uriah saying Ok before ending the call and quickly answering the new one.

"Hello, Ms. Aye," Dara greeted politely.

~To Be Continued~