Chapter 24: The Up Side

Today's Horoscope


Be ready for the unexpected turn of events. There's good news coming your way that can surprise you at any time. This can be a message from someone you really care about, or it might be an opportunity that opens new possibilities for you. Accept the surprises that each day holds, and follow your innate curiosity. Recall to be flexible and receptive. Avoid the color pink and always carry a coin with you.

Lucky Color: Yellow

Lucky Number: 5


After the rain, there's always a beautiful rainbow that shines in front of you. It may feel like a rollercoaster today for you. Things could take an unexpected turn for the worst, but don't worry—good fortune is on the way. It's possible to get encouraging news or a pleasant surprise that makes your day. Now is a fantastic moment to pay attention to your dreams and follow your gut feeling. Remain upbeat and prepared to welcome the changes that are about to occur. Always bring green things to attract luck more.

Lucky Color: Sage Green

Lucky Number: 9

Third Person's POV

"Hello, Ms. Aye," Dara greeted politely.

[Hi, Dara! How are you?] Ms. Aye's voice came through the line.

"I'm doing fine," Dara replied humbly.

[That's good to hear. I'm really sorry about what happened earlier. I didn't expect things to turn out that way. Plus, I wasn't there to protect you all,] Ms. Aye said, her concern evident.

Dara appreciated Ms. Aye's concern and tried to reassure her.

"Please don't apologize. Nothing happened to me and Uriah. Besides, it's also my fault. If I just deliver my line properly, nothing will happen and the project is still ongoing," Dara said apologetically, feeling guilty. She still thought she was the reason why Sophia canceled the movie.

[Don't think like that,] Ms. Aye comforting her from the other end.

"By the way, why did you call?" Dara asked, curious about the reason behind Ms. Aye's call.

[Oh! Yes, about that. I wanted to ask if you could come to the office. I have something important to tell you,] Ms. Aye replied, happily.

"I'm free right now. I'll come over right away," Dara said, her mood brightening at the prospect of a new opportunity.

[Alright. I'll be waiting for you here,] Ms. Aye said before they ended the call.

As Dara put down her phone, she wondered why Ms. Aye wanted to see her. "Why does she want to meet me? What could she have to say?" Dara asked herself, lost in thought.

Based on how she sounds, it might be good news.

"Oh, snap. I forgot about Uriah," Dara exclaimed, realizing she had abruptly ended their call earlier. She quickly tried to call him back.

After several attempts, it seemed Uriah was now busy.

Not wanting to delay any further, Dara changed her clothes quickly and hurried to Ms. Aye's office. Her mind raced with possibilities as she walked. Maybe Ms. Aye had found a new project or had some encouraging news to share. The anticipation was both exciting and nerve-wracking.

Upon arriving at the office building, Dara took a deep breath before entering. She greeted the receptionist and was directed to Ms. Aye's office. As she approached the door, she couldn't help but feel a mix of anxiety and hope.

She knocked three times and spoke before entering.

"Ms. Aye? It's me, Dara," Dara said politely in front of the door.

"Come in," Ms. Aye replied from the other side.

Dara opened the door and was surprised to see Uriah sitting on the sofa. He was wearing a yellow jacket matching his cute tote bag with yellow anime print.

"Hello, Dara," he greeted her with a wide smile.

"Ha-hi," Dara stammered, still in disbelief. She just talked to him earlier and didn't expect to see him here. "Ah, good afternoon, Ms. Aye," she greeted Ms. Aye, who was seated in the chain in front of Uriah.

"Good afternoon. Please, have a seat," Ms. Aye instructed, pointing to the vacant chair next to Uriah.

As Dara sat down on the sofa, she whispered to Uriah, asking why he was there. Uriah shrugged, whispering back that he had just arrived and didn't know why they had been summoned either.

As they talk, Uriah notices shining things on the floor. He picks it up and realizes it's just an old, rusty coin.

Ms. Aye watched them with a small smile before clearing her throat to get their attention.

Because of this, Uriah immediately put the coin in his pocket and pay his attention to their manager.

"I'm sure you both are wondering why I called you here today," Ms. Aye began.

Dara and Uriah nodded, eager to hear what she had to say.

"Well, first of all, I want to address what happened earlier with Sophia Monroe. It was an unfortunate situation, but I want you both to know that it wasn't your fault. Sophia has her own issues and she took them out on the production. But we're not here to dwell on that," Ms. Aye said, her tone reassuring.

Dara felt a sense of relief wash over her, but she still wondered what the meeting was about.

"So, what's the reason for calling us here?" Uriah asked.

Ms. Aye smiled and leaned forward.

"I have some good news. Despite the setback with the movie, we have a new opportunity for both of you," she pauses slightly to add suspense and then continue. "You both are lucky because I have a new project lined up for you," Ms. Aye announced, causing Uriah and Dara to smile broadly.

"Really? Thank you so much," Uriah said, touched by the news.

Dara's heart was overflowing with joy upon hearing the news. She had been feeling down since the cancellation of the movie, but this news lifted her spirits.

"It's true. Uriah, you have a commercial to shoot this week as an extra. Additionally, I've secured you a spot as an extra in Director Joel's new movie. It's not a lead role, but we'll work hard to get you there, okay?" Ms. Aye explained, placing a pink folder on the table.

"I promise, I'll do my best," Uriah said excitedly, picking up the folder.

"And Dara," Ms. Aye continued, turning her attention to her, "It was quite a challenge to find a suitable opportunity for you because your still new and inexperience, however," Ms. Aye said, pausing to hand her a blue folder. "I didn't expect someone to notice you so quickly," she continued.

"Really?" Dara's eyes widened with surprise as she took the folder.

"Yes," Ms. Aye confirmed with a smile. "A company is interested in having you as the face of their product. It's not final yet, so we'll need to impress them to secure the deal. Are you up for it?"

"Thank you so much," Dara replied, her excitement bubbling over. "Don't worry, I'll do my best," she said. Her voice is filled with gratitude and determination as she raises her right hand to make a promise.

Ms. Aye's encouraging words and the unexpected opportunity filled Dara with a renewed sense of determination. She clutched the blue folder, eager to prove herself and make the most of the chance she had been given.

"I'm sure you guys won't disappoint me," Ms. Aye replied warmly. "You may not be starting together, but I hope you both learn and rise to fame in this field," she added. Her words were filled with encouragement and hope, aiming to inspire them both as they embarked on their respective journeys.

Uriah and Dara look at each other, ensuring that the trust they gain today won't end up being wasted.

"Now, let's go over some details. You'll both need to prepare for your respective projects, so let's make sure you have everything you need," Ms. Aye cheerfully stated.

Ms. Aye handed them each a schedule and some scripts. She explained the timelines and what would be expected of them in the coming weeks. Dara and Uriah listened intently, absorbing all the information.

"This is your chance to prove yourselves," Ms. Aye concluded. "Work hard, stay focused, and you'll do great."

As they left the office, Uriah and Dara felt a renewed sense of purpose. The disappointment from earlier was now a distant memory, replaced by excitement and anticipation for the future.

Walking out of the building, Dara turned to Uriah with a smile.

"Can you believe this? We have real projects lined up!" he excitedly said, looking ahead for their bright future.

"I know! It's incredible. We just need to give it our all," Dara replied, grinned back.

"We will," Uriah agreed. "This is our chance to make a name for ourselves," he added.

"Hm," Dara nodded. " Good luck with your path to success," she added.

"You too. Don't forget me, okay? And promise me that even when we're both busy, we'll always remember each other and meet at the top," Uriah said, his voice filled with emotion and tears in his eyes.

They were both incredibly happy, looking forward to the bright future ahead. Despite the excitement, there was still a hint of nervousness about potential mistakes and challenges they might face. However, they had learned valuable lessons.

They understood that life has its ups and downs. Even if you're down today, who knows what tomorrow holds? The important thing is to always look on the bright side and stay positive in everything.

"Of course, I promise! You're special to me," Dara said with a bit of a boast. Uriah laughed at her playful confidence.

"Oh, you?" he chuckled, thinking of something. "You'll be the Princess of noontime shows soon," he added.

"And you'll be the top 1 most handsome man in the whole world," Dara responded with support, but Uriah's smile faded slightly.

"Yuck! That sounds terrible!" Uriah complained.

"Oh right, I forgot. You're gay," Dara said a bit too loudly.

"Sure, shout it louder," Uriah said sarcastically, though he didn't actually mean it.

Dara burst into laughter at his reaction.

The playful banter between them made the moment lighthearted and eased some of the tension they both felt about the future. Despite the jokes and teasing, they were genuinely excited for what lay ahead. Their friendship and support for each other were evident, making them feel ready to face whatever challenges and opportunities came their way.

As they waited for the bus, laughing and dreaming about their future successes. They both knew that no matter what happened, they would always have each other's backs. This realization gave them a sense of comfort and confidence, knowing they were not alone in their journey even though they will have separate ways.

~To Be Continued~