Chapter 15 : Ant-Man

The nights in the Cities are always not so quiet and peaceful, because there are always people who want to do something.

In the basement of a church in Queens, a group of vampires are roaring, at a certain false god!

"Bert Wang is just a goddamn half-blood, why should he be a blood god? Only noble pure blood is qualified to be a blood god!"

"Bert Wang doesn't allow the vampires to suck the blood of living people. It's ridiculous. We, vampires, are at the top of the food chain, and humans are just our food!"

"Bert Wang has become a dog of S.H.I.E.L.D. He said that Deacon Frost is an undercover agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., but he is the agent!"


The vampires cursed loudly. Some of them were pure blood, but more of them were mixed blood. They wanted to suck the blood of living people and thought they were mixed blood that was higher than humans!

"We must get rid of Bert Wang! Suck every drop of blood from him!"

A pure-blood vampire shouted, and the other vampires echoed loudly. At this moment, the door was suddenly slammed open. Then, two rows of fully armed and goggle-wearing policemen filed in, with anesthetizing guns in their hands.!

Blade wearing sunglasses walked in with a grim face and shouted: "VAPD (Vampire American Police Department), you are suspected of treason and sucking the blood of living people, and now you will be arrested immediately, otherwise you will be killed according to the order of the blood god!"

"It's Blade!"

"It's the vampire clan police station!"

The vampires panicked, and the pure-blood who were shouting before shouted: "Don't be afraid of these Bert's slaves, kill them."


Before the vampire could say anything, Blade gave an order. He was doing this for a long time. It was just a routine thing before. After all, he is a person who has a job now, so he must pay attention to the procedures!

As soon as blade called to do it, the two policemen in the front turned on the ultraviolet lights in their hands. The vampires screamed in agony and ran back frantically to avoid them. However, no vampires died because this was a weakened version.

Immediately afterward, the police pulled the trigger and shot bullets from the anesthesia gun toward the vampires. As soon as the vampires were shot, they immediately fell unconscious on the spot. A little garlic essence was added to the anesthesia gun, which was very effective for vampires.!

Under the radiation of ultraviolet rays, only pure-blood vampires can resist. Pureblood vampires roared and rushed to kill Blade!

Blade grinned grimly, raised his hand and grabbed Pureblood's arm, and smashed it hard. With a slamming sound, Pureblood screamed, and even the sword fell to the ground weakly.

Blade grabbed the pureblood by his neck, squeezed tightly, and the pure blood fell softly - he wasn't dead, just in a coma.

"Blade! Vampire Hunter Blade!"

The remaining two purebloods finally remembered the illustrious name of Blade. They were afraid and wanted to escape from the passage at the back. Blade immediately caught up and entangled one. As for the other, it was blocked by the ambush led by Melinda May.


Melinda was not polite and ordered the police to shoot on the spot, and a large number of silver bullets roared out!

Although the pure blood is fast, the passage is too narrow, they can't dodge at all, and soon falls with bullet holes all over their body!

The purebloods were all gone, let alone the mixed-blood. After a while, the battle was over, and the police threw the unconscious vampires into the police car one by one.

Melinda came over and asked Blade in confusion: "I don't understand, why use a sedative gun?"

Blade replied coldly: "These vampires are going to return to the arms of the Blood God!"

Melinda was full of question marks: "Huh?"

Blade said a popular version: "The Blood God will swallow their blood!"


Melinda was stunned for a moment. She frowned and asked, "Blade, aren't you afraid that you won't be able to subdue him when he becomes stronger?"

Blade glanced at Melinda,

He asked instead, "Why do you want to subdue him, what crime did he commit, or did he do something wrong to human beings?"

Melinda said, "What if? There is a saying in the East, that if you are not afraid of 10,000, you will be afraid of what will happen!"

//** I couldn't find the perfect analogy to use here instead of what the translation provided me. Imagine this is something from cultivation novels **//

"As a police officer, look only at the present, and everything Bert is doing now is good for humanity."

Blade said: "The presumption of innocence is the principle we should use, Deputy Director Melinda!"

Melinda replied, "S.H.I.E.L.D. uses the presumption of guilt, Chief Blade!"

"Bert said that it is a severe time now, so all of them will be dealt with seriously. Only in this way can we quickly cut through the mess and establish a new order!"

Blade said: "When the crackdown is over, the criminal vampires will be pulled into labor camps, and the wealth they create will be used to subsidize the law-abiding vampires."

"Strike hard, reform through labor?"

Melinda was stunned. Is this an oriental word? Isn't Bert a second-generation Chinese born and raised?

Blade said: "Okay, don't waste time, we have to get rid of these rebels in the shortest time, and then start the next step, which is to register the vampire information and make tens of billions of subsidies!"

Melinda asked, "Do you believe that Bert's plan can be achieved?"

Blade grinned, showing a mouth of white teeth: "Of course, as long as you kill all those vampires who oppose it. When it comes to killing vampires, I am a professional!"

Melinda was stunned for a moment. Is Blade making a joke, or is he serious?

Of course, Blade is telling the truth. His belief has never changed. Vampires who suck the blood of living people should be damned!


In a large coast side villa in Malibu, Obadiah Stane, shareholder and CEO of Stark Group, was dissatisfied and asked Pepper Potts, "What is Tony doing, making me attend the meeting with the military?" He didn't attend the meeting, and he didn't attend the Summit Awards?"

Pepper explained: "He's working on a new project, you know when he starts working on it, he doesn't care about anything!"

The bald and bearded Obadiah frowned and asked, "What is he studying? Shouldn't he concentrate on preparing the Jericho missile during this time? He will go to the Middle East tomorrow to show the missile to the military. If something goes wrong, it will seriously affect the reputation of Stark Group!"

"I'm not too sure, it seems to be anti-see-through or something."

Little Pepper said: "Mr. Stane, please rest assured, Tony's products will never go wrong!"

"Anti-perspective? Inexplicable!"

Obadiah glanced at the passage in the basement and wanted to go down and talk with Tony, but remembering the previous unpleasant experiences, he gave up the idea and got up and said, "Pepper, I'm going back, tell Tony that I've been here, Also, be sure to get him on the plane on time tomorrow."

"Yes, Mr. Stane!"

Little Pepper sent Obadiah away. Obadiah got in the car and looked back at the villa with cold eyes. Tony Stark is indeed a chicken that lays golden eggs, but he is becoming more and more disobedient now, always doing what he wants.

More importantly, Tony doesn't respect me at all. He regards me as some sort of housekeeper. Obadiah has endured it for a long time. This time, he doesn't plan to endure it anymore. The Stark Group belongs to him, not the Stark family. !

"Goodbye, Tony!"

The next day, Tony was ready to board the plane under the urging of Little Pepper. He held a box and explained, "This is what I promised to Bert Wang, you can send it, remember don't do it yourself. Ok, that guy is an asshole!"

Little Pepper took the box and complained: "Is there anyone in this world who is more jerk than you? BOSS!"

"Little Pepper, what you said is too much. I even gave you a birthday present before!"

"Yes, although I chose it myself, at least you paid the bill!"

"Uh, anyway, don't go by yourself."

Tony explained it again and again, like an old mother, Pepper felt extraordinarily funny, she had never seen such Tony like this!

"Who on earth is that Bert Wang who can make Tony become like this?"

Little Pepper was curious, but after thinking about it, she still asked others to send the box over, lest Tony Stark get angry at her when he found out!

It's scary when little kids get angry! That's right, Tony Stark is a little kid in the eyes of Pepper!


Early in the morning, in a mansion in Manhattan, a gray-haired old man glanced at the empty house, went to the bathroom alone to take care of personal hygiene, then made breakfast alone, and then ate breakfast miserably alone. It was unfortunate.

The old man didn't know what to think, he sighed, and at this moment, a mocking voice suddenly came from behind him: "In a huge mansion, all alone, you and I are quite the same Mr. Hank Pym, what do you think?"


Hank Pym was shocked and wanted to look back. The voice behind him sounded again: "Don't look back! Don't touch any alarms and defenses, just sit there!"

As soon as the voice came out, Pym's neck froze immediately and he couldn't look back. Not only that, but he couldn't touch the defense button placed under the table. He shouted in surprise: "Who are you? What? My daughter will be back soon!"

"Didn't your daughter betray you long ago? As far as I know, she kicked you out of Pym Technologies with your apprentice!"

The mysterious man, namely Wang Bert, smiled and said, "Also, you can call me The professor!"

Pym is the last generation of Ant-Man, with talents that are not inferior to the Father of Iron Man. Unfortunately, he is irritable and withdrawn, so his friends have broke contact with him, and even his apprentices and daughters have betrayed him later. Become a loner!

Hank Pym's face became more and more ugly. The other party knows about him so clearly. He asked, "What do you want?"

"I want Pym Particles and Ant-Man suit!"

Bert said that the reason why he came here is to take the Pym particles, which make things bigger and smaller with a click of a button. This thing is incredible, and it can be called a miracle in any world!

Hank Pym was startled, he said, "I don't know what Pym particles are, and I don't know what Ant-Man is!"

Bert smiled and said, "Give me the formula of the Pym particle, give me the Ant-Man suit, and all the Pym particles you have now!"

Pym didn't want to give it, but his body uncontrollably took out the Ant-Man suit and Pym particle from the basement, and then told the other party the formula completely, not a word was missed!

"How ?"

Pym is desperate. He has kept the formula hidden for so many years, and even S.H.I.E.L.D. can't get it, and now he took the initiative to give it to a thief who calls himself The professor?

"Very good."

Bert put away the Ant-Man suit and the Pym particle in satisfaction, and then he said, "Mr. Pym, I'm embarrassed to take your things for nothing. In return, I'll tell you something, Wasp. The woman is not dead, she is still in the quantum world."


Hank Pym opened his eyes wide and shouted in disbelief, Wasp is the codename of Janet van Dyne, his wife. To save the world, she had to use Pym particles to shrink to a molecular state and then disappear!

Hank Pym always thought that she was dead, but now the thief tells him that she is in the quantum world!

"What I said is true, believe it or not, it's your choice!"

Bert said lightly: "Okay, Mr. Pym, I'm leaving. After I leave, all the previous restrictions will be lifted. In addition, you should call your daughter, and when she returns, explain the details of the Wasp. Tell her! Poor old man!"

"Who are you?"

Pym was stunned for a moment, and then asked aloud, but there was no response. After a minute or so, he found that he could turn back, and hurriedly turned around, but the room was empty!

Pym wanted to check the surveillance, but involuntarily walked over to the phone, called his daughter Hope Pym, and asked her to come home!

Although Hope betrayed Hank Pym, she still had her father in her heart. Hearing that her father's voice was not right, she agreed immediately!

Hanging up the phone, Hank Pym immediately went to the surveillance camera, but saw nothing the surveillance camera was destroyed by the thief!


Hank Pym cursed bitterly, just remembering what the thief said before, and his breathing couldn't help but quicken, if that's true, wouldn't he be able to see Janet again?

"It seems that I have to make it clear to Hope, whether it is to find the thief or go to the quantum world, I need Hope's help!"


In the Hell's Kitchen Cafe, Bert said to James with satisfaction: "James, you've done a good job as the intelligence director. You found the person I was looking for so quickly."

"Hank Pym is a celebrity, his address is not difficult to find, and the black female Dr. Karen Jenson was also easy to find!"

James said: "The only hard thing to find is that university professor. We only know what he looks like, not his name!"

The black female Dr.Karen Jenson is the heroine of "Blade" movie and a hematologist. Bert wants to find her to help study the artificial blood.!

The university professor is Dr. Samuel Sterns from "The Incredible Hulk". Bert doesn't remember his name, but there is no doubt that he is also a genius. More importantly, he has a lot of Hulk's blood!


Dr. Samuel Sterns is a cellular biologist and Grayburn College professor who was finding a cure for Bruce Banner. Sterns managed to engineer a temporary antidote for Banner's condition but was also forced to repeat this process with Emil Blonsky, transforming him into the Abomination.


Bert knew where the Hulk was now, but he didn't want to find him for the time being, so he'd do some experiments with his blood first.

"Let your subordinates look for it. There are not many Manhattan universities, so it's not difficult to find!"

Bert said, "Go to Moscow to help me find two people!"

"Looking for someone again?"

James is a little speechless. Is he the intelligence director or the director of finding someone? He asked, "God of blood, who are you looking for?"

"Anton Vanko, Ivan Vanko, these two are father and son, Anton Vanko should be dying now, Ivan Vanko has been in prison!"

Bert used blood to form the appearance of the two people - Ivan Vanko is relatively clear, Anton Vanko is very vague, after all, Ivan is the villain of "Iron Man 2", and his face is clear in his memory!

"Find them as soon as possible. Don't be afraid to spend money. After finding them, tell Ivan that I can save his father."

Bert continued: "If they don't want to come, bring them over by force without hurting them. Of course, this is the last resort. Try your best."

James said: "Understood, Blood God, I'm going now!"

Bert nodded: "Go, remember to keep it a secret!"

"Don't worry, Blood God, no one can get any information from me!"

James left happily. When he saw his old boss, Mercury, he greeted her with a proud face. What about pureblood? Now he is the right-hand man of the blood god!