Chapter 16 : Daredevil

Looking at James who was leaving, Mercury couldn't help but scold. This guy didn't even have the qualifications to look up to her before, but now he is on an equal footing with her.

Natasha watched all this coldly, the conflict between pure blood and mixed blood, but she knew very well that the reason why the blood god Bert asked Peggy Carter to be the president was to suppress pure blood.

Mercury glanced at Natasha, snorted, took the box and strode to Bert's table, and said, "This is a box sent by Tony Stark, blood god, how do you know Tony Stark?"

"Had a bet with him at the casino, he lost and promised to make something for me!"

Bert took the box and opened it, there was a transparent mask as thin as a cicada's wings!

This mask is larger than ordinary masks and can cover the neck and ears. In addition, the eyes, nose, mouth, and ears have no openings, all closed, and there is a switch similar to a controller at the edge!

Bert picked up the mask and touched it. The texture was very similar to that of human skin. Then, he put down the mask and flipped through the instructions in the box. His eyes lit up!

Bert said to Mercury: "Mercury, this mask is designed based on your face shape. When you put it on and turn on the power, it will automatically fit your skin, making it impossible for people to see that you are wearing a mask!"

"Can't see I'm wearing a mask?"

Mercury was a little surprised, she picked up the mask and put it on, then turned on the switch, the mask shrank for a while, and fit her face and neck completely!

Mercury took out a mirror and looked at it. Except for the controller, there was really no mask! What's even more amazing is that although the mask is closed, her vision, breathing, and speech are completely unaffected.

Mercury put down the mirror and asked inexplicably, "It's an interesting mask, but blood god, what use does it have?"

Bert said, "Put on your UV-protective hat and go out there to bask in the sun!"

"Bathing in the sun?"

When Mercury thought of something, her eyes suddenly lit up, she hurriedly put on her hat, and then walked into the sun with a little excitement and a little trepidation!

Nothing, the skin on Mercury's face, showed no signs of dissolving at all - the clothes on her were UV-protected.

Mercury asked excitedly: "Blood God, can this mask block ultraviolet rays?"

"Yes, as long as you cover the controller with your hair, no one can see you're wearing a mask."

Bert smiled and said, "In this way, even if our blood clan does not completely cover ourselves, we can still move freely during the day!"

"This is a good thing. Tony Stark is indeed a genius. He can invent such things."

Mercury was very excited. With this mask, she could follow the Blood God at any time in the future, and she no longer had to worry about the sun.

Natasha looked at the mercury in the sunlight and frowned secretly. This thing can greatly increase the strength of the blood clan!

Bert thought of something. He glanced at Natasha. This mask is a bit similar to Black Widow's disguise mask in "Captain America 2". Is it the same technology?

"If this thing can be developed, maybe it can become a disguise mask. A genius is a genius. In just a few days, he can invent something that others can't invent in a lifetime."

Bert sighed secretly, he picked up the power of attorney in the box, and shouted to Natasha: "Natalie, check the power of attorney, if there is no problem, we will find a way to mass-produce it!"

"Okay, Blood God!"

Natasha skillfully picked up the authorization letter and looked at it. After a while, she said: "Blood God, something is wrong. Although we have a patent for this thing, if we want to produce this mask, we must use the exclusive Stark Group. Some new silicones and tiny batteries!"

"Tony Stark is such a shrewd guy!"

Bert couldn't help but laugh.

This is obviously because Tony is not convinced, and he specially created an obstacle for him. He said: "Check this, a new type of silicone and micro batteries at Stark Group is up for sale!"

"It is good!"

Natasha immediately used her laptop to inquire. After a while, she said, "It is up for sale, but the price is very expensive. I calculated that one mask will cost about $80,000 worth of silicone and batteries."

"In that case, it will not be mass-produced for the time being!"

Bert shook his head and said, "Place an order with Stark Group and buy more. In addition, Mercury, you can find someone to set up a factory with the design map and strive to produce as soon as possible. By the way, you should pay special attention to the chips. If others left any back door in the technology."

Mercury came out of the sunlight, put the mask back into the box, and said, "Got it, Blood God, I will complete the production of this mask as quickly as possible!"

Bert said: "Well, After production, first popularize the product using the guards of security companies as a benefit, and then sell it for 200,000 dollars, uh, it is only sold to registered vampires, those who have not registered will not be allowed to buy!"

"Yes, Blood God!"

Mercury nodded, Natasha couldn't help but glance at Bert, this guy is bad, and he made twice as much profit as he changed hands!

"The price is still too high. Find a way to get this silicone and battery technology!"

Bert touched his chin, thought of something, and asked Mercury, "By the way, have you built a few offshore companies?"

Mercury said: "It's done, Blood God, are you planning to enter the stock market?"

Bert said: "Well, let our financial companies start shorting the Stark Group!"

"What, short the Stark Group?"

Mercury and Natasha were both stunned. Natasha reminded: "Blood God, Stark Group's stock price has been rising because of the Jericho missile. We will lose a lot of money by shorting it at this time!"

Shorting, in simple terms, means that when the stock price rises, you lose money, and when the stock price falls, you make money!

"I saw Tony a few days ago and found that his Yintang was blackened, and there might be an upcoming disaster for him!"

Bert said lightly: "Tony Stark is the core of the Stark Group. If he was in an accident, the Stark Group's stock will definitely dive. At that time, we can make a lot of money!"

"Yintang turned black, upcoming disaster?"

The two women are confused, what does this mean? I don't understand, please translate!

"Anyway, do as I say."

Bert said, Mercury hesitated and said: "Blood God, Stark Group is the most powerful military industry group in the world. We short them, and S.H.I.E.L.D. may have an opinion!"

"What if they have an opinion? We don't break the law!"

Bert snorted coldly: "No one can stop us if we don't break the law. Shorting the Stark Group is just the beginning of my big plan, you just do it!"

After a pause, Bert added: "You don't have to care too much. I have a good relationship with Director Fury.!"

"Yes, Blood God, I will immediately instruct the financial company to do it!"

Mercury no longer objected after hearing the words and went to the next room to make a phone call.

"Big plan?"

Natasha's eyes flickered, she approached Bert, bent down, and asked, "Blood God, what do you need me to do with your big plan?"

Bert's eyes looked down unceremoniously, but his tone was very strict: "After a while, you will know!"

"Then I'm waiting!"

Natasha straightened her waist and walked gracefully back to her seat. Without any information, she can't accuse Bert of anything!

"This matter must be reported to the director. Tony Stark is very important to the safety of the world. Bert probably got some news."

At this time, the phone rang, Natasha picked up the phone to answer, and after a while, she said to Bert: "Blood God, lawyer Michael Murdock (Matt Murdock) and lawyer Foggy Nelson who are in charge of the long-term rental apartment want to see you! "

"The timeline of this world is messed up. Daredevil made his debut so soon."

Bert narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Please come in!"

Soon, two lawyers walked in accompanied by the lady at the front desk. To Natasha's surprise, Matt Murdock was a blind man. Well, can a blind man be a lawyer?

Bert squinted slightly, Matt is not an ordinary blind man, he is the superhero Daredevil who has recently become popular in Hell's Kitchen!

Matt Murdock, when he was a child, was blinded by chemical pollution, but he also gained a strong sense of hearing, smell, and touch!

These powerful senses make Matt no different from a normal person, which is why he can become a lawyer!

Later, Matt found out that studying law could not save Americans, so he worked as a lawyer during the day and dressed in red at night as Daredevil to fight crime!

Seeing Daredevil, Bert couldn't help but think of Jessica Jones, who was also a street hero. This woman was too boring. After sobering up, she flew away from his castle without even saying thank you. Breaking his window!

Next time we meet, I'll be sure to ask her to pay for that!

Bert got up and shook hands with the two: "Attorney Murdock, Attorney Nelson, how are you!"

"Hello, Mr. Wang!"

After some courtesies, Matt went straight to the point: "Mr. Wang, my clients agree with your conditions in principle, but I hope you can pay more compensation."

"Lawyer Murdock, can you find another owner as generous as me in America?"

Bert said: "I specifically found an apartment building for them to move in!"

Matt said: "Mr. Wang, you are indeed very generous, but my clients are financially poor, and relocation will be very troublesome, so more compensation is needed!"

"That is to say, a big eater?"

Bert laughed and said: "Well, if they can move out within three days, the compensation fee will be increased by 50%, if they move out within seven days, the compensation fee will increase by 20%, and if you move out after seven days, the compensation fee will not increase. how about that?"

Matt was a little surprised: "Mr. Wang wants that building in such a hurry?"

"I want to build my group headquarters there, the sooner the better!"

Bert smiled. Matt and Foggy discussed it and said, "Mr. Wang, I will tell my clients about your conditions. If there is no problem, we can officially sign the contract tomorrow!"

"Very good, trouble you! Natalie, help me deliver them."

Bert got up and shook hands with the two of them again. Matt and the others were about to leave when Mercury walked out from the next room. Matt heard footsteps, his expression changed slightly, and he stared at Mercury who came out in shock!

"What's the matter, why doesn't this woman have a heartbeat?"

Matt was very puzzled. He could hear the heartbeat. He usually used this ability to determine who was around, but he never expected to meet someone who had no heartbeat but could move.

Vampires don't have a heartbeat, but Bert does!

Mercury naturally didn't know what Matt was thinking. She stood beside Bert and waited for the outsider to leave. Matt had returned to normal at this time and left with a guide stick accompanied by Natasha, but his ears were pricked. Get up and eavesdrop on the conversation between Bert and Mercury!

Mercury said: "Blood God, Mrs. Gao called me, she is coming to visit us!"

Bert asked, "When?"

Mercury said: "It's now, she's almost here!"

"Mercury, take out your samurai sword, let's go to the underground martial arts field and wait for them!"

Bert sneered and said that the underground martial arts field was remodeled from the basement of the coffee shop. After he became a blood god, he did not stop practicing for actual combat!

This world is very dangerous!

Mercury said excitedly: "Okay, just in time to meet those ninjas!"

"Mrs. Gao?"

When Matt heard the name, he frowned secretly. Mrs. Gao is not a good stubble. She monopolized the 'illegal drug' business in Hell's Kitchen and recruited many people to dispense drugs for her. She is not good!

"This Blood God Group doesn't seem to be easy!"

Matt thought to himself, when he came to the door, he happened to 'see' a little old lady on crutches and an Asian in a suit getting out of the car. He was secretly shocked, why did Mrs. Gao follow him?

The Asian guy is the leader of the Yakuza, and Matt fought with him before.

Matt didn't know that both Mrs. Gao and Nobu Yoshioka were part of the Hand, Mrs. Gao was one of the five fingers of the Hand, and Nobu Yoshioka was Murakami's confidant, the other finger of the Hand!

Natasha said to Matt: "Lawyer Murdock, I will send you off, let's go!"

Matt came back to his senses and smiled: "Well, next time can we have some coffee together!"

Natasha smiled and said, "Is this asking me out?"

Matt was about to answer when he heard Yoshioka and the guard clashing, and the guard said firmly: "You must be searched to make sure you are not carrying dangerous weapons!"

What else Yoshioka would say, Mrs. Gao, waved her hand, and when everyone thought she was going to compromise, she pushed the guard in the air, the guard seemed to be hit by a hammer, and involuntarily flew out and hit the wall up and down.

"Let's go!"

Mrs. Gao leaned on a cane and walked in tremblingly. If one hadn't seen the scene with their own eyes, no one would have thought that such an old lady who would fall to the ground when the wind blew was a master!

"There is trouble coming to the door!"

Natasha ignored Matt and hurried inside. Matt shoved the briefcase to Foggy, who wanted to say something, and said, "Foggy, you go back first, I'll go shopping nearby!"

"Matt, you didn't see it just now, that old lady..."

Foggy wanted to say something, but found that Matt had already run towards the back alley, and could only return alone in depression!

Not only Foggy and Matt saw the scene just now, but also two women, that is, Trish Walker and Jessica Jones, who were out, they are a pair of unrelated sisters!