Chapter 17 : Madame Gao

Trish Walker shouted to Jessica Jones excitedly: "Jessica, did you see that? That old lady just now knows Chigong or something, and I'm going to worship her as a teacher! I told you earlier that kung fu is real!"

"You saw it wrong, that old lady, you can beat her ten times!"

Jessica, who has a pair of dark circles under her eyes, has no interest in this at all. She said weakly: "There is a bar in front of us. Let's go there!"

"You drink before noon?"

Trish asked in confusion and dissatisfaction: "Jessica, what happened a few days ago, you disappeared for one night and turned into an alcoholic when you came back?"

When Jessica heard the words, she suddenly remembered what happened a few days ago, and deep fear flashed in her eyes, whether it was the purple man who could control others or the yellow man who easily knocked her unconscious and locked her for more than ten hours, It made her terrified.

Jessica lost her temper and walked away: "If you don't go, I will go by myself!"


Trish hurriedly chased after her. On the way, she looked back at the cafe and memorized the name of the cafe. When she had time, she would come to the old lady to learn her skills!

She likes kung fu the most!

Not to mention what happened outside, after Madame Gao and Nobu Yoshioka forced their way into the cafe, they saw Mercury waiting for them with a samurai sword. Mercury said coldly, "The Blood God is waiting for you at the martial arts hall below!"

"It seems that the Blood God is very interested!"

Madame Gao smiled and took Yoshioka towards the underground martial arts hall, while Mercury stopped Natasha who wanted to follow, and whispered in her ear: "Natalie, the blood god said, lawyer Matt is here, got lost in the back alley, take him away from the street."

Natasha was stunned and wanted to ask clearly, but Mercury went up with Madame Gao and the others.

"Is this to throw me out, or is there something wrong with lawyer Matt?"

Natasha frowned, and turned to look for lawyer Matt, only to find him listening intently in the back alley he really had a problem!

Natasha laughed: "Looks like, I'm going to have a date with him!"

In the underground martial arts hall, Bert looked at Madame Gao who came in, and said coldly, "Madame Gao, you hurt my people, are you provoking me?"

"Blood God!"

Madame Gao walked sideways, and then said, "I didn't hurt your person, I just pushed him away!"


Bert snorted, motioned to close the door to Mercury who was coming, and then said, "Madame Gao, what do you have to do with me?"

"I am willing to pay twice the price of the building that your Blood God Group acquired!"

Madame Gao said: "In addition to this, we can also give you 100 living people to you vampires for free!"

I have to say that Madame Gao is still very sincere. Mercury couldn't help but glance at her. What is the magic of that building, so many people want it.

Bert was noncommittal, he said slowly: "Madame Gao, I am Chinese and I am very interested in your Chigong. I wonder if you can teach it to me?"

Madame Gao said, "This is Kun-Lun Chigong, and only people from Kun-Lun can practice it! Forgive me, I can't say more!"

"You can cultivate as a Kun-Lun traitor, why can't I?"

Bert sneered, the five fingers that joined hands were all Kun-Lun traitors. They stole the Elixir and defected to Kun-Lun for longevity!

"What do you know?"

Madame Gao lowered her face and shouted, there are not many people who know that she is a traitor to Kun-Lun!

"It seems that we still have to fight first!"

Bert shook his head and said, "Madame Gao, if you beat me, the building will be given to you! But if you lose, your fate will be miserable!"

Madame Gao said: "I don't want to play with you, but if you are interested in it, Blood God, I can play with you!"

"Then have fun! Mercury, say hello to the ninja next to you!"

Bert raised his hand,

Mercury nodded, took the samurai sword, and walked to the side with Yoshioka!

Mercury asked Yoshioka, "I heard that you ninjas are fast?"

Yoshioka said proudly: "Faster than you vampires!"

"Then let's take a look!"

When the first word was said, Mercury was still more than ten meters away, but when it came to the last word, Mercury had already arrived in front of Yoshioka, and she drew her sword and slashed Yoshioka with a light slash toward his waist!

That's right, what Mercury learned was the swordsmanship of Japan!

Although Yoshioka was a little surprised, he reacted very quickly, escaped, and appeared behind, leaving only the slashed coat left by the sword light!

Yoshioka, now dressed as a ninja in red, threw three flying knives at Mercury. When Mercury resisted, he appeared behind Mercury like a ghost, and a short spear with a hook and sickle with a chain slashed toward Mercury's back!

Mercury turned around and raised the sword to block Yoshioka's short spear, then turned the samurai sword, deflected Yoshioka's short spear, and slashed toward his wrist!

Yoshioka's Chains blocked Mercury's katana, and then quickly backed away to try to distance himself, Mercury immediately chased after him, and the sword light continued to slash at Yoshioka!

Yoshioka stepped back while resisting. Suddenly, he threw out the hook and sickle spear. Mercury was startled and then hurriedly turned sideways to avoid it.

Both of them stopped and looked at each other with caution, it was obvious that the other party was very strong!

After a while, the two of them rushed toward each other at the same time, fighting fast and fiercely. Their speed was far beyond that of ordinary people, and it looked like it was accelerating!

"You Hand is stronger than I thought!"

Bert said very frankly to Madame Gao: "This ninja is only your five-fingered subordinate, but he is comparable to my captain of the guard. It seems that I have to re-evaluate your strength!"

"Nobu is the number one expert under Murakami's subordinates. Your captain of the guard can draw a tie with him, which is quite good!"

Madame Gao said, as she thought that she was at the same level as the Blood God, which was why she dared to come alone.

Hearing the conversation between Bert and Madame Gao, Mercury and Yoshioka was very annoyed, and the fight became more and more fierce. They wanted to prove that they were better than the other!

"Let me see your Chigong, Madam Gao!"

Bert raised his hand towards Madam Gao, and the five fingers first turned into blood, and then shot out like a spear!

Madame Gao seemed to be weak, but her speed was exaggerated. As soon as Bert's blood spears fired, she had already moved a step to the right, easily dodging Bert's attack!

Bert sneered, the blood spears turned in the air and attacked Madam Gao from behind. Madam Gao didn't dodge anymore, she slapped behind her with a backhand, and the corners of the edges of blood spears burst open at the same time. The broken blood spears directly turned into blood and fell on the ground.

"What a trick to split the empty palm!"

Bert became more and more interested, and both hands turned into the blood at the same time, and then turned into blood spears, and shot at Madam Gao densely!

"You read too many martial arts novels!"

Madame Gao taunted as she moved. Her movements looked very slow and stiff, like a real old woman, but for some reason, she precisely avoided every blood spear and even came to Bert!

Immediately afterward, Madam Gao stepped on the ground with one foot, rising from the ground, shot forward with her whole body, and slammed her palm toward Bert's chest!

This palm was as violent as a landslide, and there was even a sound of thunder in the air, making it completely unexpected that it was an old lady!

Bert looked solemn, his body suddenly turned into blood, and then split in two, just to avoid Madam Gao's palm.

Madame Gao was a little surprised. She shouted, and a powerful Chi burst out from her arm, sending Bert's blood into the air.

Seeing this, Bert simply controlled the blood and turned it into two big hands, and wrapped it around Madame Gao. She wanted to retreat, but found that her feet were bound by a mass of blood that had moved under her feet at some point - she had fallen to the ground.!

Madame Gao burst out of blood again, but this delay made her unable to escape Bert's bloody hands, and was wrapped in it.

Bert's blood immediately invaded Madam Gao's limbs along her skin and merged with her blood!

Madame Gao's complexion changed drastically, and she quickly turned her Chi into an awl, trying to break through from the front, but to her shock, her hands and feet were not obeying her orders!

The reason is very simple. The muscles of Madame Gao's hands and feet were controlled by Bert's blood!

"It's the blood!"

Madame Gao immediately controlled her Chi and wanted to force the blood out of her body, but the blood had already fused with her blood and could not be forced out at all. Madame Gao could only use her Chi to block them in her limbs so that they could not corrode other places!

"Madame Gao, how is my blood shadow magic?"

Bert's laughter sounded from the blood, and Madame Gao couldn't help but complain: "I said, read fewer martial arts novels, your's is a vampire ability, not martial arts."

Bert said: "I said it is the blood shadow magic art, then it is the blood shadow magic art, surrender, you lose!"

"I did lose, but you don't want me to surrender, the big deal is that we will perish together!"

Madame Gao knew that she lost and underestimated the blood god, but she did not intend to give up, she said: "You should know that even if we die, we can be resurrected!"

"If that's the case, don't blame me for being rude!"

Bert snorted coldly and released the Purple Man virus (Killgrave's virus) to erode Madame Gao. She sensed something was wrong and hurriedly used her energy to protect and strengthen her brain. Her intuition told him that the opponent's attack target was her brain!

Bert's Purple Man virus was blocked, and Madam Gao could not be controlled. Although Bert was a little disappointed in this situation, he could accept it!

Jessica can block the Purple Man virus in the later stage, and other people naturally have this possibility!

If Killgrave met Madame Gao, he would be dead, but Bert is not Killgrave, his Purple Man virus is controllable, and, far stronger than Killgrave, but he did not stop spawning more viruses to erode Madame Gao, and Madame Gao's Chi is consumed at an alarming rate!

Madame Gao was a little panicked and shouted: "Blood God, let me go, or we will die together!"

"Then let's die together!"

Bert is not afraid. He has thousands of lives, so what's the harm in dying once or twice? Besides, Madame Gao may not be able to kill him, he is not that easy to kill!

Madame Gao was only intimidating Bert. She could not die together now because her Chi was used to resist the virus. She survived for a while, her Chi was completely exhausted, and the Purple Man virus took the opportunity to invade her brain. Keep her under control!

"Madame Gao, stand there obediently, don't move, don't resist!"

Bert laughed, the blood gathered next to him and turned back into a human form again—the clothes were there, and when he turned into blood, the clothes would be hidden in the blood.

Madame Gao wanted to run away, but her body didn't obey her orders at all, she could only stand there obediently, waiting for Bert's trial!

"Blood God! I'll return to life!"

After Wang Bert returned to human form, the tattered mercury was covered in blood, and the unconscious Yoshioka was thrown at his feet. She won this fight. The reason was very simple. She could heal herself, but Yoshioka couldn't.!

In addition, Yoshioka's sword is not a silver sword!

"Mercury, your strength makes me a little disappointed!"

Bert glanced at Mercury and said, "You are my number one general!"

Blade is stronger than Mercury, but he is not a general under Bert, he is Bert's friend!

Mercury was a little embarrassed. Vampires wanted to improve their strength, and they had to suck the blood of living people. The problem was that now Bert wouldn't allow them to suck the blood of living people, and even that kind of willing blood servants asked to be canceled!

In this case, Mercury has not sucked the blood of a living person for a long time, which made her strength not only not improve, but decreased, otherwise, she would not have fought so hard in this battle!

Bert knew what Mercury was thinking, and said, "In this world, the only way to improve strength is not only blood-sucking!"

Mercury said: "Our vampires can only improve their strength by sucking blood, and it must be the blood of living people!"

"I will change all this, and there is a great opportunity in front of me!"

Bert looked at Madame Gao and asked straight to the point, "Madame Gao, how can you cultivate your Kun-Lun Chigong?"

Madame Gao didn't want to say anything, but she still said uncontrollably: "If you want to practice Kun-Lun's Chigong, you must first hone your body and spirit, and when you meet the conditions, the elders will pass the ceremony and let the practitioners fuse the Elixir fragments!

With the Elixir fragments, you can convert your energy into Chi and store it in your body. In the initial stage, Chi can only be used to strengthen yourself. Only when you cultivate it further can you release it from your body and attack others! "

After a pause, Madame Gao said proudly: "I don't know the current situation of Kun-Lun, but I am the only one who can let it out of my body!"

"Do you need to fuse the Elixir fragments to cultivate and vent?" Bert frowned, which was a little different from what he thought!

"Yes, everything is because of the Elixir!"

Madame Gao nodded and said, "How many fragments can be fused, how much energy can be contained? However, it is not that the upper limit will be reached immediately after the fusion. It is necessary to cultivate slowly so that the body gradually absorbs the fragments. In the beginning, It took me years to completely fuse the first fragment!

According to Kun-Lun's rules, after thorough absorption, you can apply for the fusion of the second piece, and so on!

There is a limit to the number of Elixir fragments that humans can fuse, about five to nine. However, most people simply don't have that much time to cultivate to the limit they can accommodate.

Time is always the enemy of mankind! And those Kun-Lun elders are all determined to not allow warriors to use the Elixir to prolong their life. This is why I defected Kun-Lun! "