Chapter 18 : Elixir

"Is everything because of the Elixir?"

After hearing what Madam Gao said, Wang Bert sighed, this was completely different from the Chigong he imagined!

"This is the Marvel world after all, not the martial arts world!"

Bert asked, "Madame Gao, your aptitude should be very good, right? You lived for hundreds of years but your strength is still so low? You should have cultivated to your limit already, right?"

"If it were fifty years ago, I could easily kill you, because at that time I had nine Elixir fragments in my body!"

Madame Gao snorted and said, "But not now, there are only three Elixir fragments in my body, and the rest have turned into my life essence, otherwise, I would have died of old age!"

Bert asked, "You already run out of Elixirs stolen from Kunlun?"

"It's used up, so the strength of our Hand Association has been declining for decades."

Madame Gao sighed and said: "We have been looking for a new Elixir for all these years, and now we have finally found it, we will never give up because that is equivalent to giving up our lives!"

"Looks like you guessed something, I do know that the Elixir is under that building!"

Bert said with a smile on his face, Mercury on the side blinked, although there were still a lot of things she didn't understand, she knew one thing!

"What is the blood god doing with this piece of shit?"

Mercury is very puzzled. In her opinion, the Elixir is a useless piece of shit - vampires can live forever even without it, so what's the use?

Madame Gao made a condition: "We can cooperate, I will tell you how to use the Elixir, and you give us half of the Elixir!"

"No, I want it all, whether it's the Elixir or the method of using the Elixir!"

Bert smiled and asked again, "In addition to making people live longer, the Elixir can also resurrect people, right?"

"Half right and half wrong. The Elixir alone can only make people live forever. If you want to be resurrected, you need to add one more thing!"

Madam Gao said, "The Beast!"

"The Beast?"

"Yes, The Beast! An extraterritorial demon god worshipped by the Hand!"

Madame Gao said: "With the help of his power and the Elixir, we can revive people, but it is not without a price, every time you use the power of The Beast, we need to pay a lot of souls!

The reason why our Hand did so many bad things is actually for the soul.

In addition, every time you resurrect, a part of your soul will be taken away by the Beast. The more you resurrect, the more incomplete you will become. In the end, it will become a puppet of the Beast! "

Speaking of this, Madame Gao sighed and said: "When the Hand Society was first established, it was not as evil as it is now, we just wanted to form a group to fight against Kunlun's pursuit, but since we believed in the Beasts, we unknowingly have To become unconscionable, this is the end of using the power of evil!"


Many of the Hand's mystic powers, such as resurrection, presumably come from the Beast. It rarely takes an active role in the Hand's activities, but generally influences the clan towards nihilism and annihilation.

Elektra Assassin #7 Earth-616


"Don't say that you are so pitiful, the things you did are more than enough for you to go to the eighteenth layer of hell!"

Bert was dismissive, and he asked, "What exactly do you need for your resurrection?"

"Part of the body tissue and Elixir!"

Madame Gao said: "We each left some body tissue in a safe place, so, Blood God, you can't kill me, because I will be resurrected, and those who will fight with the Hand will not end well!"

"Ooh, I'm so scared!"

Bert snorted, this is a bit different from the TV series he has watched. In the TV series, just cutting off their heads can kill them.

However, this is nothing, since if you kill them, they will be resurrected, so don't kill them. Freeze them and throw them in the Arctic Ocean to accompany Captain America!

After thinking for a while, Bert said, "Don't talk about this, I have searched that apartment underground. There is a layer of strange energy protecting the Elixir inside. What is that energy?"

"Energy? It should be the power of Kunlun Iron Fist!"

Madam Gao was taken aback,

Immediately said: "The power of the Iron Fist is unmatched, if there is Iron Fist's energy protection, then if you want to get the Elixir, you must cooperate with our Hand, because only in this way can we find the Iron Fist of this generation and let him unlock the protection!"

"Track him down, that weak Iron Fist of this generation?"

Bert looked disdainful. He had seen the series "Iron Fist". To be honest, he was looking forward to it at first. After all, it was related to Kunlun. After watching it, he just wanted to greet the ancestors of the screenwriter and director!

Danny Rand, the protagonist of "Iron Fist". Since it is named after Iron Fist, they should at least make Iron Fist stronger. Turns out Danny Rand's Iron Fist is a glowing hammer!


Madam Gao was shocked and angry, she shouted: "How can the Iron Fist be weak? We must gather the strength of five people to deal with Iron Fist every time!"

Bert was too lazy to answer, Danny Rand will probably come back to New York from Kunlun soon. With his IQ and strength, Bert had more ways to let him crack the protection!

Seeing that Bert didn't speak, Madam Gao took a deep breath and said: "The difference between Iron Fist and us warriors is that he has a dragon soul, which can break through the limitations of the human body and accumulate a large amount of Chi, and at the same time, the power of the dragon soul will greatly strengthen the Chi. According to records, the old-generation Iron Fist Wu Fongji once killed the Phoenix force who invaded K'un-Lun, with one punch! "


The author might be a fan of One Punch Man.

Not sure about iron fist destroying phoenix, But something similar happened in the comics. The most powerful Iron Fist who ever lived was Wu Fongji. There is a simple explanation for this: she was also the Phoenix. Like most Phoenix hosts from Earth, she had stunning red hair, having been born of one parent from K'un Lun and another from a regular human of Earth.

Fongji successfully becomes the Iron Fist and later bonded with the Pheonix. She confronted the Phoenix Force and became its host. The Phoenix Force attempted to overwhelm Fongji and turn her into a Dark Phoenix, but she managed to maintain control of it. Determining that she needed to leave Earth to prevent the possibility of losing control from coming to pass, Fongji ventured off into space, never to be seen again.

She might be One Punch Woman, with both of those powers ig.


"Phoenix force?"

Bert was taken aback, isn't Phoenix from the X-Men? Is there another one? But in the name of Phoenix, it shouldn't be the same, right?

"Fongji beats the Phoenix, are you sure you're not kidding me?"

Bert asked suspiciously, "How can Iron Fist be so strong?"

"This is a fact."

Madame Gao said: "Every time the dragon soul is inherited, it will become weaker, so the iron fists of the past dynasties have become weaker and weaker, but there is a limit to how weak they are. The iron fists of this generation should be out of the mountain soon. So, how about we cooperate?"

"Not interested!"

Bert was very disdainful. He thought about it for a while, and then asked: "In addition to the iron fist, is there no other way to open the protection barrier?"

"Yes, Elixir!"

Madame Gao nodded unexpectedly: "The Elixir can counteract the power of the Barrier. If you have a lot of Elixirs, you can open a gap in the protection, but this is impossible unless Kunlun is willing to give it to you."

"Can the Elixir open the barrier?"

Bert narrowed his eyes and asked, "Do you still have Elixirs in your hands? If not, can you dig the Elixirs out of you?"

"The absorbed Elixir cannot be dug out!"

Madame Gao said: "We only have some small portion left of the Elixir fragment in Hand union, which is specially reserved for looking for iron Fist, let alone we will not give it to you, even if we give it to you, you can only open a small hole maybe as thick as a chopstick, It is useless."

"Small gap, huh?"

Bert is very happy. For other people, such a small gap is not enough, but Bert is not an ordinary person. He can turn into blood, as long as there is a small gap, he can penetrate it!

Bert also used this trick to explore the underground of the apartment - he turned himself into the blood and drilled a small hole!

With this method, you don't have to wait stupidly for Danny Rand, God knows when he's coming down the mountain!

"It seems that we must start a war with Hand!"

Bert said: "Alright, anyway, your Hand is full of evil, and I will act instead for the heavens!"

"As I said, read fewer martial arts novels!"

Madame Gao complained, she said: "Your vampire race has undergone drastic changes before, with your current strength, you can't destroy our Hand union at all! Take some steps back, even if you can destroy us, it will hurt both sides! Blood God, cooperation is the best way for us to get along. When human beings want to destroy you in the future, we will be able to help you! "

Bert was too lazy to answer, the Hand group is indeed difficult to deal with, but that is only for others, for him, destroying a Hand group causes small damage!

Mercury is also not afraid, she stepped forward and said loudly: "Blood God, I am willing to be a pioneer!"

"You are indispensable."

Bert smiled, and he said to Madam Gao, "Madame Gao, tell me the method of practicing Chigong and the information about the Hand Association!"

Madame Gao didn't want to say it at all, but she couldn't help it. Under the influence of the Purple Man virus, she obediently told Bert everything.

Mercury couldn't help but glance at Wang Bert, the blood god's ability is amazing!


On the street next to the cafe, Natasha, the black widow, said to Matt Murdoch with a smile: "Lawyer Murdoch, then we'll meet tomorrow!"

"I look forward to seeing you again!"

Matt turned and left politely, but he sighed secretly in his heart. Because of Natasha's obstruction, he couldn't hear what Madame Gao and Mr. Wang said, which was a bit troublesome!

"There is a connection with Madame Gao. Is Mr. Wang a good person or a bad person? Also, when Natalie lied, her heartbeat didn't change at all. Who is she?"

Matt frowned. He decided to spend more time paying attention to Mr. Wang and Madame Gao in the future!

After Matt left, Natasha found a secret place to call Director Fury, and then reported the conflict between the Blood god group and the Hand!

"Monitor closely, anyway, the Hand union is not a good thing, just look at the blood god's means of how he plans to deal with them."

Director Fury said: "I have never been able to see through this person!"

"I can't see through either!"

Natasha said: "By the way, he also intends to short the Stark Group!"

Director Fury was shocked and hurriedly asked: "What, shorting the Stark Group?"

Natasha was a little surprised: "Director, your reaction is a bit big!"

Director Fury was silent for a while and said: "During the day, Tony was attacked in the Middle East. Now he is missing. It should fall into the hands of terrorists!"

Natasha was also startled, she asked, "Is this Blood God's plan?"

Director Fury thought for a while, shook his head, and said, "It shouldn't be him. He has nothing to do with Tony, and, if he did it, he wouldn't be so ostentatious, but he must know the inside story!"

"Yeah, the Blood God wants Tony Stark to help design things and won't kill him."

Natasha said: "Director, I can't ask for this information unless you allow me to increase my relationship with him!"

Director Fury said: "No, I will let Ms. Carter ask. She has a close relationship with the Stark family, and she will not stand by as something happens to Tony!"

"Then I will continue to be the secretary. By the way, Director, how much rebate did you get from the vampire clan?"

"Never, am I, Nick Fury, the kind of guy who gets rebates?"

Director Fury hung up the phone righteously, and Natasha sneered, this guy not only took it but took a lot more!

Natasha shook her head secretly: "Director Fury, you embezzled so much money, what exactly do you want to do?"


After listening to Madame Gao's narration, Bert walked aside and called Frank's phone. After the call was connected, he said, "Frank, prepare, there may be a tough battle in a few days, I need you to bring the security company to fight. ."

"All dispatched? The scale is not small!"

Frank asked excitedly: "What about the opponent's intelligence? I need detailed intelligence to formulate a battle plan."

Bert asked in surprise, "Aren't you going to ask, who am I gonna hit?"

"I trust you!"

Frank said, it's not that he is flattering, and he doesn't know how to do it, he trusts Bert because the other party saved his whole family!

Nick Fury has sent information about Frank's old boss. After reading it, Frank almost vomited blood. To avoid suspicion, those bastards were going to pretend to kill his whole family accidentally!

At that time, Frank wanted to use Gatling Gun to shoot this group of bastards, not only silencing him is enough but wants to kill his entire family. Are they still human?

Therefore, Frank is very grateful to Bert, without him, his family would be doomed, and because of this, Frank gave up on pardoning Billy Russo, he is not worth saving!

You can kill me, but if you dare to touch my family, I won't let you go even if I'm a ghost!

"That's good to hear, don't worry, this time we are dealing with an organization that has no conscience and does all evil. The bad things they do are no different from the devil!"

Bert smiled and said, "I'll bring the information in the afternoon. You can tell the Snowman in advance, and we'll talk about it later!"

Frank nodded: "Okay!"

After hanging up the phone, Bert instructed Madame Gao: "Call the other fingers and tell them, you are defeated, the blood god knows about the Elixir, and he wants half of the Elixir!"

Madam Gao felt a chill in her heart: "Do you want to gather us together and catch us all?"

Bert snorted coldly: "So what? Call, what to say, I don't need to teach you?"

Madame Gao couldn't resist, she could only pick up the phone and dial. Pressing the speaker button. Soon, the call was connected. On the opposite side was the leader of the Hand Association, Alexandra!

After listening to what Madame Gao said, Alexandra smiled and said, "Blood God, the Elixir can be given to you, but I want to formally meet and negotiate with you!"

Bert said: "Okay, let's meet at a neutral place. By the way, before we meet, Madame Gao will stay with me as a guest!"

Alexandra said: "Okay, Madame Gao will stay with you, but you have to return Yoshioka to me. He isn't dead, right?"

"There is still some breath, I will give him back to you."

Bert glanced at Yoshioka, who was unconscious on the ground, and said, "Hand, don't disappoint my sincerity."

Alexandra said with a smile: "Don't worry, we are very sincere at the Hand Association!"


The author used the word 'Keel' for the Elixir or The Substance. "The Substance" is a mystical elixir synthesized from the bones of the Dragons of K'un-Lun like Shou-Lao the Undying. It is the very essence of eternal life and acts as the primary ingredient used during the resurrection ceremony. The Substance was first created by the original five members of The Hand.

So it may feel weird to read elixir fragments or something. Should I keep the original word keel for it instead, what do you guys prefer?

Also, if my commenting in between the story makes it difficult to read, lemme know. I'll add all comments to the end.


In the comics, the Hand is a Japanese ninja clan and secret society founded by Nobu Yoshioka in the Sengoku period which was eventually corrupted by the influence of the Beast and his cult of followers known as the Snakeroot. The leaders of each Hand faction were informally known as Daimyo, after the hereditary landholding nobles of feudal Japan.
