Chapter 19 : Preparation

Putting down the phone, both Alexandra and Bert sneered, sincerity my ass!

Alexandra immediately started calling the others and need half of the Elixir. In your dream, she wouldn't even give others a fragment, after all, the Elixir represents the life of the Hand union!

Alexandra said: "Bakuto, Sowande, Murakami, it's time to reunite the five fingers!"

Bert didn't call anyone. He just used the Purple Man virus to control Yoshioka, and then asked him to leave here and return to Murakami's side.

Mercury looked at Yoshioka, who staggered away, and asked a little worriedly: "Blood God, after he leaves, will your control ability still be effective?"

"Effective, as long as it is not discovered, it will always be effective!"

Bert said: "The Hand Association should not be able to find out that Yoshioka is being controlled. After all, they are warriors, not magicians!"

"That's good, Blood God, this move is really powerful!"

Mercury said with envy, she had no doubts at all. Isn't it natural for the Blood God to control others with blood?

Bert laughed: "That's right, my blood shadow art is the best in the world!"

Madame Gao complained: "I said, that's not martial arts!"

Bert rolled his eyes and said to Mercury: "Pack up, let's go to the security company!"


"Are you saying that the people of the Hand Association know Qigong, and they have lived for hundreds of years, and can even be resurrected?"

Frank looked at Bert as if he were teasing him, and Snowman beside him also asked in confusion, "Blood God, isn't this a bit wrong? Ninjas are from Japan and Qigong is from China right? It's not the same system at all!"

"A transnational crime syndicate can't work?"

Bert said angrily, that is how Marvel set it up, what can he do?

"Although the main force of the Hand Union is the ninjas from Japan, their leaders are five traitors from Kun-Lun, China. In addition, they also believe in the evil demon 'Beast', and they have done many things that are devoid of conscience and indignant!"

Bert briefly introduced a sentence, and then said: "And our goal is to eliminate the Hand union!"

Frank said with some embarrassment: "Bert, the most important thing in war is to know the strength of both sides. In your Chinese art of warfare, If you know the enemy and know yourself, you will be victorious in every battle, but Qigong, ninja, etc. are beyond my imagination. It is impossible to accurately judge the strength of the Hand."

"It's simple, Madame Gao, you fight with Snowman!"

Bert smiled and said, "Snowman, be careful, your strength is roughly equivalent to the subordinates of the Hand, and Madame Gao is one of the five fingers!"

Snowman looked at Madame Gao, who seemed like she can be blown down by a gust of wind, and said in disbelief, "Blood God, are you sure I can't beat her?"

Frank has the same doubt. Westerners have a deep-rooted idea - the more muscles, the stronger, so their beauties always like men with muscles, and the bigger the muscles, the more they like.

"You'll know when you hit it!"

Bert didn't say much, and with mercury, Frank backed away, leaving the battlefield to Snowman and the expressionless Madame Gao.

Madam Gao turned to Bert and asked, "Can I be serious? I want to hit people right now!"

Bert smiled and said, "Whatever! A vampire can't be beaten to death anyway!"

"That's good."

Madame Gao nodded. she was shaking with anger in her eyes, but she was still under Bert's control. After all, the virus had invaded her brain.

"Old lady huh, be careful with your tongue."

Madame Gao's words made Snowman a little annoyed. He practiced free combat. He came to Madame Gao quickly and tried to punch Madame Gao in the face.

Madame Gao, who seemed to be extremely vulnerable, immediately stepped aside after Snowman attacked, and then pushed out her palm like a thunderbolt, and Snowman flew out like a kite with a broken string.

He slammed into the wall with a loud bang, denting the wall!

This was not over yet, Madam Gao was full of anger, she finally had a chance to vent, and immediately slapped Snowman on the wall with a palm, and with another bang, Snowman directly broke through the wall and flew out!

After a while, there was a thumping sound from outside, and Bert asked Mercury silently, "How many floors are here?"

Mercury answered expressionlessly: "Seven floors!"

"Take someone to rescue him! He didn't believe what I said, he deserves it!"

Bert said angrily, Mercury immediately went out and called someone, this is a high-level conference room, only a few of them were here!

Bert thought to himself: "He is really weak. Should I let Snowman learn Wing Chun? Donnie Yen learned Wing Chun so can he!"


Ip Man, also known as Yip Man, was a Hong Kong-based Cantonese martial artist and a grandmaster of the martial art Wing Chun.


The scene just now made Frank's eyes almost fall. A weak old lady beat someone through the wall. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never believe it!

"This is a Kun-Lun elite warrior who has lived for hundreds of years. In fact, this is not her strongest strength. If it was decades ago, she could blow up the tank with one palm!"

Bert smiled and said to Frank, Frank said with a wry smile: "I believe what you said now, are all Hands at this level?"

"No, only five fingers are at this level. The rest of the ninjas are divided into upper, middle, and lower-level ninjas. The upper ninja has Qi, and the level is about the same as that of Snowmen. As for mid and lower ninjas, although they have no Qi, they are not too bad, after all, they have lived for so many years!"

Bert said: "In addition, they can be resurrected, so they are not afraid of death, and often die with the enemy with bombs!"

Frank made an estimate and frowned: "This battle is not so easy to fight!"

"It's not that hard to fight, I can deal with the five fingers of the Hand!"

Bert smiled and said, "And we have Madame Gao, and the Hand Association doesn't know that she is under my control!"

"If that's the case, then the situation is completely different!"

Frank rejoiced: "But it requires strict arrangements. The Hand Society has done so many evil things and has not been eradicated. It is not so easy."

Bert laughed and said, "Then I will trouble our Instructor Castle!"

"The million-dollar annual salary is not so easy to earn!"

Frank said so, but his expression was quite excited. For a man of iron and blood like him, what he liked most was the battlefield.

For the sake of his family, he left the army to become an instructor, but that doesn't mean he doesn't want to relive the old gunpowder!

Frank said skillfully: "I need more information, the specific strength of the Hand Association, and the manpower they can bring."

Bert said: "Madame Gao, come and tell him the information he asked for!"

Madame Gao nodded expressionlessly, Frank glanced at her, and asked Bert, "Is your means of control firm?"

Bert said: "It is 100% firm, my blood is controlling her body!"

"That's good!"

Frank didn't doubt anything. It is the blood god who uses blood to control others, which couldn't be more reasonable!

When Frank asked Madame Gao for information, Mercury had already brought someone to rescue Snowman. Although Snowman was not seriously injured, he regained his mobility after drinking some blood!

Mercury asked coldly, "Do you know what you did wrong?"

"My mistake was to underestimate the enemy, I didn't expect that old lady to be so powerful!"

Snowman smiled bitterly while clutching his aching chest. Several of his ribs were broken, and he needed time to recover slowly!

"Your mistake is not in underestimating the enemy, but in not believing in the Blood God!"

Mercury shouted coldly: "The blood god said she is very strong, you dare not believe him? Who gave you everything you thought you had today?"


Snowman was stunned for a moment, and then he broke out in cold sweat. He hurriedly said: "I know I was wrong, I will immediately go to the Blood God to admit my mistake and ask for his forgiveness!"

Mercury said: "Don't make such a mistake again. No matter what the blood god says, you must believe it! Everything you have is given by the blood god!"

Snowman nodded very seriously, and then he asked hesitantly, "Why are you saying this to me? You are pureblood, and I am just a mixed-blood!"

"You are indeed mixed-blood, but mixed-blood is also a vampire."

Mercury said: "I don't want the security company to fall into the hands of humans! You must hold the position of the person in charge, and you must not let someone else rob it!"

Snowman knew who Mercury was talking about, he said: "Frank is very good and very capable. I admire him very much, but the position of the person in charge can only be mine!"

"That's good!"

Mercury nodded with satisfaction, and then she returned to the conference room with Snowman, Madame Gao was introducing the situation of Hand: "This time, the other four fingers of Hand will be all together in the meeting, and there are about two hundred ninjas they can use."

Bert saw Mercury and Snowman coming back, motioned them to listen, and then said to Madame Gao, "Two hundred ninjas? Your Hand union is quite powerful in New York!"

Two hundred ninjas don't sound like much, but the ninjas are all direct descendants, and there are a large number of sideline thugs in the Hand Association. If necessary, they can draw thousands of people in minutes.

Bert's vampire clan security company plus the guards under Mercury can only bring up to 150 or so good players who can be used in a short period - the main force of the vampire clan is in the vampire police station, busy every day like a dog, after all, a new order has to be established, Wang Bert's new order!

"This time the negotiation is related to the Elixir, and Hand will only use the direct line."

Madame Gao said: "The Hand Association still has a large number of people in Japan and other places. I suggest you negotiate with them as soon as possible so that they don't transfer people from other places!"

"Of course."

Bert nodded and continued to ask: "Besides, how many upper and middle-level ninjas can they bring, and where will they choose to negotiate?"

"The RAND Group has a dock in Hell's Kitchen, and they should choose to negotiate with you there because the RAND Group has been controlled by our Hands."

In the following time, Bert and Frank carefully inquired about all kinds of information, and it took more than an hour before they finished speaking. Madam Gao was very upset. These bastards did not even give the old lady a chair to sit on. Where have the manners of respecting the elders gone?

Snowman didn't know what Madame Gao was thinking, otherwise, he would complain: "You an old lady? My ribs are still broken!"

Frank drank some water and said to Bert: "We can win this battle!"

"Then it's up to you!"

Bert laughed loudly. Punisher's promise is quite reliable!

After listening to the information, Snowman finally had the opportunity to apologize to Bert. He bowed his head and said, "Blood God, I should have believed your words, please forgive me!"

Seeing that Snowman took the initiative to admit his mistake, Bert's anger subsided a little, and he said, "Mistakes can be corrected, so don't make the same mistakes again in the future."

"Yes, Blood God!"

Snowman nodded quickly, and at the same time gave Mercury a grateful glance, without her guidance, this should not be easy.

Mercury ignored Snowman because her phone was ringing, she walked to the side to answer the phone, came back a moment later, and said, "Blood God, Ms. Carter is over there in the cafe, she wants to see you!"

"I'm going to see her!"

Bert nodded to Frank, letting him concentrate on strategizing, and he took Mercury back to the cafe.

Seeing Bert, Carter, who looked exceptionally capable in a lady's suit, asked straight to the point, "Are you going to short the Stark Group?"

Bert sat down, nodded, and said, "Yes, is that wrong?"

Carter stared closely at Bert and said, "Tony was attacked in the Middle East, I don't know if he is alive or dead!"

Bert smiled and said: "It seems that my judgment is correct, Mercury, we can start the financial company!"

"Yes, Blood God!"

Mercury immediately went out to make a call. At this time, shorting the Stark Group would make a lot of money. The judgment of the Blood God was accurate.

Carter asked again, "You knew this would happen?"

Bert said: "I received some inside information, Ms. Carter, you don't have to stare at me like that. I didn't do this. I don't have such a big grudge against Tony. He helped me design a mask, few days ago."

Carter said: "Then do you know who did it? Tony is my nephew, I don't want him to have any accident!"

Bert didn't answer quickly and asked, "Ms. Carter, as we all know, the U.S. military likes to use Stark Group weapons the most, so do you know what weapons terrorists like to use the most?"

"What weapon?"

"It's also the weapon of the Stark Group! The weapon that attacked Tony may have been designed by him!"

Carter said loudly: "That is impossible, Stark Group will not sell weapons to terrorists!"

Bert said lightly: "Ms. Carter, the times are different! Tony's attack is the fault of the Stark Group itself. There's only so much I can tell you."

Carter was stunned for a moment, and asked thoughtfully: "You mean, the Stark group is behind this?"

Bert didn't say anything more. He changed the subject and asked, "Ms. Carter, is the formation of the Blood God Group going smoothly?"

When Carter heard the words, she could only put down her doubts and nodded: "It's good, and it has gone from chaos to the right track, but there is a problem with the blood department. If you want to study artificial blood, you must find a real expert, and such experts are already hired by other companies or looking down on us, as this is a new company.

I plan to go back to England in a few days, I have a lot of connections there and should be able to hire some good experts! "

"That's good!"

Bert thought for a while and asked, "Have you heard of the RAND Group?"

"I've heard that it is a large company with a market value of nearly 10 billion, mainly engaged in medicine, and also has various businesses such as real estate!"

Carter nodded, to be a good president, she did lots of research!

"The Rand Group has been controlled by the Hand Union. I will eliminate the Hand in a few days, and then we will be able to take over Rand Group!"

Bert said: "You prepare a plan to hollow out the RAND Group's medical department, and then use them to for our blood department!"

"Control the Rand Group?"

Carter was stunned for a moment, a large group with a market value of nearly 10 billion, what does it mean to control it?

"By the way, it looks like you can make a lot of money by getting the Hand union this time?"

Bert touched his chin and muttered to himself, "What can I do? I'm already so rich, but now I'm going to become even richer?"